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Wed, 20 Jun 2007 19:47:18 -0400
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Essau Gambia <[log in to unmask]>
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GPU USA is a joke!!

.....Moral Conscience ought to have Dictated To Jow and co to Resign!!

The Gambia Press Union USA branch, under the leadership Pa Samba Jow is a
total failure. It's membership and Executive are in total disarray. No line
of immediate communication amongst its members,  no conference call, no
offices, no serious leadership to steer the affairs of the organization. One
is compelled to reason, if  GPU USA is not another one "man show" surely and
wholly hijacked by coach Jow. Yes,  GPU USA is all about Jow and nothing
else. Period. Coach issued alerts, press releases without consulting his
Executive Colleagues. If this is what we call GPU USA, then it is about time
it leadership consider steeping down. Moral conscience ought to have
dictated to its leadership to call it quits, since they are not living up to
expectations. It's totally wrong for its Chairman Pa Samba Jow to blame his
colleagues for the woes of Gambian journalists at home.

Read these few lines of Jow "What is however perplexing is the passive and
carefree attitude of the Gambian journalists in the Diaspora towards the
plight of our colleagues back home. Both the GPU-UK and USA branches are
rendered impotent by the lack of participation of members and the deliberate
decision by some former prominent journalists to shy away from joining or
supporting these two groups. It is a shame that the embattled and browbeaten
media houses in The Gambia had to scramble to pay the fine for Mr. Fatty."

Come on… Is Pa Samba Jow serious for real? Is  Coach playing with the
gallery by making such cheap and unsubstanted allegations? No, No, Coach got
it all wrong once again!!  No one is stopping Mr. Jow from resigning if he
feels that he doesn't have the support of his colleagues. If I were in Jow's
shoes today, I would have called it  a day with GPU USA. It makes no sense
to claim representation of an organization, when its general membership are
not committed to support your cause. It also makes no sense for Jow to
continue to hang out  there, as the so called GPU President, when there is
no serious union in the first place. We call this a blackmail.

Let call a spade, a spade, GPU USA is a joke. A true and committed Press
Union should have been  able to mobilize its membership under one umbrella
to extend helping hands to its suffering colleagues in the Gambia. But there
is nothing like that. What we witnessed off late, is one person trying to
run the affairs of Gambian journalists abroad in the person of Pa Samba Jow.
The time has come for Gambians- most importantly journalists to  address the
issues and stop blaming people for our own blunder.

GPU USA'S, shortcomings or non function if you like,  can be attributable
to "weak and uncommitted" leadership. As rightly alluded to by Jow, Gambian
journalists abroad are not united. But that's no excuse for lack of
delivery. A properly constituted GPU USA, would have reconciled whatever
differences that might have transpired amongst its membership. Good
leadership matters in any organization. It's unfortunate that GPU USA lacked
good leadership. Shifting blames to its membership, is not a solution to the
problem. It would rather aggravate it. We should honestly investigate the
"poor leadership" problem  and find solutions to these pressing matters.

For the records and the sake of posterity, we deem it imperative to dispute
Pa Samba's "wild and unfounded" allegations against our press men and women.
Such allegations cannot go unchallenged, as we owe it to history to defend
any "misinformation" or erroneous report peddled against the private press.
We as former GPU Executive Members and practicing journalists in the Gambia,
believe that Mr.Jow should admit his leadership shortcomings rather than
apportioning blames at this hour. We know what it takes to run a union. It's
far from being easy. It requires total commitment and dedication. It's not
all about the "glory" of being a leader, but one should be able to mobilize
journalists from time to time discuss pressing issues.

The Secretary General of GPU UK Alieu Badara Sowe, won our respect and
admiration. When Sowe felt that he could no longer meet the needs and
aspiration of that organization's membership for reasons best known to him,
he humbly tendered his resignation letter and move on. We are not suggesting
by any means that Sowe failed in his responsibilities towards the
Organization, what he did was to give others chance to lead. He has his own
reasons to quit and we praised him for taking such a bold move.

We expect our dormant GPU USA branch, to draw leaf from Alieu Badara Sowe.
This to some extent would help to preserve their integrity. These folks are
guilty of "doing disservice" to Gambian journalists. The best thing they can
do now is to resign and call for a fresh elections. Mr. Jowe and his
hibernating team should read this editorial with an open mind. It's not
malicious at all.

We feel insulted when an organization claiming to be representing Gambian
journalists to be on its dead ebb. The organization is either rejected by
its membership or is suffering from leadership crisis. Jow alone cannot move
the Union, despite his fruitless struggle to meet its Mission Statement. The
load is too heavy for Pa Samba Jow alone. He needs help from Gambian

On a final note, we call on Mr. to refrain from blaming his colleagues for
the woes and tribulations of Gambian journalists at home. He should  first
put his own house in order before firing shuts. We are not gullible to be
taken for a ride. Shame on GPU USA. It's a total failure!!! Coach and  his
Executive got to go. They are failures big time!!

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Posted on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 (Archive on Sunday, July 22, 2007)
Posted by PNMBAI  Contributed by PNMBAI
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