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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:40:21 +0100
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
jawo abdoulie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
To: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (335 lines)
Mr Conteh,
  I am asking the following questions because I cannot see how someone can evaluate something, which is yet to happen, in the manner that you did. It is interesting to hear that there is someone who can evaluate the morrow. 
  Consequently, I must ask, are you offering such services of political future-seeing-and-telling to the various political parties in The Gambia in the imminent Kombo East elections? So that they do not have to waste their time and resources campaigning, since from what I can read from your “evaluation”, this is unlikely to change anything as the citizens of the various villages are already decided as to who they will vote for and based on what….
  I wonder how you arrived at the conclusions on the political decisions that the citizens of a whole number of villages will make and which candidates/parties will be voted for by which villages, which villages will split their votes for which candidates or parties, which villages will only vote for a party just because of sympathy and so on and so forth as you indicated in your evaluation". 
  How do you know that the “NADD candidate will only get sympathy votes in Berending/Perang?” as if the voters are so politically backward to the extend that they will only vote based on sentiments, and not based on which candidate/party will best address their needs and aspirations? 
  My last question is did you win the election that you contested? because if you did not, I see no reason why you contested in the first place since you interestingly have the extra ordinary future-telling-and-seeing capability as to which villages will vote for who and which villages will not? If you did not win then I must further ask why did you waste your time and your other resources and the resources of the party you represented (assuming that it provided some funding for your campaign)?? 
  In conclusion, please let me inform you that the answers to the questions above will do and nothing more.….
  Abdoulie Jawo

Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  Mr. Jatta:

This is really interesting. I appreciate your maturity and respect in debating
objectively. We may disagree but mutual respect is shown. I stated the 
following in our last debate:

In answering your question, when Daboe and Hamat left NADD and formed a UDP/NRP alliance,
it took NADD over two weeks to select a flagbearer. In keeping with my profession, I was
concerned about Halifa's objectivity during the nomination process. I thought the coordinator
should have been neutral in selecting a candidate. Please correct me if I am wrong with this
assessment. How could he ended up being the nominee?

The above statements were made and I indicated for you to correct me if I was wrong. Thus,
your assertions were different from what I had. Remember someone in NADD executive
leaked information to the public. Since we had different versions, do you think it is in
our best interest to be divided?

I will evaluate the up-coming by-elections in Kombo East. Though I grew
up with the NADD candidate (Lamin Touray) in Berending, his candidacy and UDP/NRP's Lamin 
Darbo of Faraba Banta will split the ticket to APRC's advantage. I want you to know that 
I tested the political waters in that district. If you have a candidate from Faraba Banta, 
and another from Berending/Perang, each village will tend to vote for the home candidate. 

I was encouraged by folks in Berending/Perang, Kafuta and Narang to run. I was given
rough time in Faraba Banta because of divisions between the NCP Chairman and our
late chief. I was summoned by him several times to drop out of the race, and I refused.
I remember telling the chief that he would vote for me if I became the candidate for 
the opposition. He neither said yes or no. But when they chose someone else,
he came to the Bank and expressed his happiness because my candidacy would have
created problems for him with the PPP. This was then and not now. 
The Gambia has taken a 360 interval change.

In continuing, APRC will name its candidate on Wednesday (tomorrow). 
It will either be Morio Jarju from Berending/Perang, or Fansu Conteh from Faraba Banta. 
If Morio is nominated, folks in Berending/Perang and will not vote for him. He will, however
get votes from Julakunda, and part of Berending/Perang Sanchaba. Those folks have 
not forgotten how Morio attacked them after the 2001 presidential election. Folks in 
Berending/Perang will split their votes for UDP/NRP candidate or NADD candidate. The
best candidate for UDP/NRP would have been Sheriffo Pengu Fofana. He declined 
to run after numerous pressures from Lamin Kitty Jabang. Jabang was afraid that
if UDP/NRP selected Mr. Fofana, Jammeh will rescind his nomination as Gambian
Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Remember, Mr. Jabang has not yet left for 
Saudi Arabia. 

If Mr. Fansu Conteh is nominated, folks in Kafuta will not vote for him. But folks in
Berending/Perang will vote for him. Now, Soam will vote
for any of the APRC candidates. Giboro and Faraba Manokang will vote for the UDP/NRP 
candidate, and Kuloro will split the vote between UDP and APRC. Mandinaring will do the same. 
Faraba Sutu will vote UDP/NRP. Tubakuta, Bonto, Umoroto, Hamdalai, and the rest of the villages
will vote APRC. 

The NADD candidate will only get sympathy votes in Berending/Perang. As much as I would
like my friend and former classmate (Lamin Touray) to win, I give edge to the 
APRC candidate because the opposition has two candidates against APRC. I know Mr.
Touray very well, because he used to campaigned for me. 

Maybe this will make us evaluate the importance of a unified opposition against the APRC.

This dabate continues.

Comrade Jassey-Conteh

-----Original Message-----
>From: Lamin Jatta 

>Sent: Apr 24, 2006 3:32 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Thank you Mr Conteh for your response. Your claim that Halifa was not objective during the nomination is a figment of your own imagination. As far as I am aware, the nomination was done in accordance with the MOU. Halifa even turned down his nomination in the preliminary face of the process because the man is honest and not power hungry. It was then between O.J and Darbo. When O.J. was nominated, Darbo distanced himself from NADD. He sent a team to O.J. to talked to him into allowing he Darbo be the presidential candidate. Then O.J. due to his love for the Gambia, rescind his nomination. Halifa was then elected from a nomination process that followed. So your claimed that Halifa was not neutral during the nomination is vexatious and misleading. Matter of fact, remember Halifa was the coordinator but he was as qualified as Darbo for the nomination as presidential candidate I don't know what you mean by Halifa's neutrality. 
> Mr. Camara, I am sorry to say but you sound like you have absolutely no idea why NADD was formed. 
> "Firmly convinced that an alliance transcending ideological and other differences in principle, policies and programmes could augur well for the country by ensuring the adherence to a common code of conduct and thus consolidate a culture of respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, democratic participation, tolerance of diversity that can serve as a launching pad for genuine multi-party electoral contest based on diverse principles, policies programmes and practices;" NADD, Memorandum of Understanding.
> NADD is not synonymous PDOIS get Mr. Conteh. I think with the behavior of people like you, it will be difficult to defeat Jammeh. We have to do away with politics of personality. Enlightened people, deal with issues and not who is involve. I was surprised that an educated man of your caliber could not explain why you decide to embrace Ousainou Darbo after he walked out of NADD for his selfish reasons.
> Over to you. Once again I appreciate you time.
>Lamin Jatta
>Jassey Conteh wrote: Mr. Jatta:
>In answering your question, when Daboe and Hamat left NADD and formed a UDP/NRP alliance, 
>it took NADD over two weeks to select a flagbearer. In keeping with my profession, I was 
>concerned about Halifa's objectivity during the nomination process. I thought the coordinator
>should have been neutral in selecting a candidate. Please correct me if I am wrong with this
>assessment. How could he ended up being the nominee?
>I believe I should remain neutral until mediation is entirely exhausted. 
>I believe also that UDP/NRP alliance supports capitalism, and I don't know whether
>Halifa still believes in Socialism. If he does, or any form of Socialism, I am afraid that will 
>be contrary to my economic doctrine. I hope this answers your question.
>Please continue this debate.
>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Lamin Jatta 
>>Sent: Apr 24, 2006 5:19 AM
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Mr. Conteh,
>> My question was not answered. My question was:
>> I assume you are a UDP supporter, and you were once a NADD supporter so I will ask you; why did you give your back to NADD just because Darbo walked out. What did Darbo offer to you and Gambians that is in not in NADD's program?
>> I think answering this question truthfully will help us in the so called mediation you are advocating. Matter of fact, to me, mediation occurs when two parties have a conflict or disagreement.
>> Jatta
>>Jassey Conteh wrote: Mr. Jatta:
>>At this critical moment in our struggle, I believe it is wise to call for
>>a mediation. Each side has a vital role to play, and thus, I believe in all
>>sincerity for both sides to meet, than calling on one side
>>to come and join. Diplomacy should be the trend.
>>I hope and pray the devil that divided us can be exterminated for 
>>best interest of the Gambia. If we have two candidate against Jammeh,
>>a vote for either will be a vote for Jammeh. I hope this does not 
>>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Lamin Jatta 
>>>Sent: Apr 23, 2006 3:57 AM
>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>Mr. Conteh
>>> I also appreciate your time and constructive debate. You asked:
>>>Do you really think it is in our best interest to have two opposition
>>> candidates against Jammeh? Is there a way for us to compromise?
>>> I think this question should be redirected to Ousainou Darbo because he was the one who created the two opposition parties. I do not know what you mean by the word "compromise." No body forced Ousainou Darbo out of NADD. NADD leaders have always insist that Osainou and co should see reason and come back on board to free the Gambian people. I assume you are a UDP supporter, and you were once a NADD supporter so I will now ask you why do you change your heart for NADD just becuause Darbo walked out. What did Darbo offer to you and Gambians that is in not in NADD's program. 
>>> Really I appreciate your mature debate sir.
>>> Naphio Mr. Conteh.
>>>Jassey Conteh wrote: Mr. Jatta:
>>>Do you really think it is in our best interest to have two opposition
>>>candidates against Jammeh? Is there a way for us to compromise?
>>>We cannot continue to be divided. Because if we do, we will 
>>>certainly fail.
>>>We do not want to wake up after the election and start blaming
>>>each other. This is the time for us to reach out and find a common
>>>I thank you for your continuous objective debate. This is what we
>>>need on Gambia L.
>>>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Lamin Jatta 
>>>>Sent: Apr 21, 2006 3:00 PM
>>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>Mr. Conteh, I have not seen any group failed because they shun opportunism and hypocrisy for honesty, decency and democracy.
>>>> I am not sure of what you mean by saying we need to objectively evaluate and exhaust the MOU. As far as I am concern all what NADD did in the selection process was done in accordance with the MOU. Osainou Darbo's himself did not put up any genuine reason for leaving NADD. He did not say the MOU was not followed. He said there was a lack of trust in the leadership. Which to me is a very flimsy reason for a man who want to lead Gambia. Osainou should have demonstrated courage and resilient when it is much needed and not give in because of a so called lack of trust.
>>>> I do not think NADD needs any outsider to lead them. Halifa is all they need to to defeat Jammeh and safely deliver our country into a democratic, progressive, and enlightened society. I do not understand why Osainou Darboe don't want to allow any body to lead him. To me really his hasty resignation from NADD simply demonstrated arrogance and lack of good judgment.
>>>> Good debate Mr. Conteh.
>>>>Jassey Conteh wrote: Mr. Jatta:
>>>>We will fail if we continue to exhibit such behavior. I believe we need to mediate
>>>>in resolving this confusion. We need to objectively evaluate and exhaust the MOU. 
>>>>I believe it contains a primary clause. 
>>>>But before we call for a primary, we need to mediate objectively. Is it possible 
>>>>to get a third candidate who does not have affliation with neither party? If that 
>>>>is not possible, I believe the opposition should hold a primary.
>>>>I also need to know where NADD and UDP/NRP stand in terms of fiscal and 
>>>>economic policies. I will not support a party that advocates socialism. 
>>>>This doctrine is dead and gone with.
>>>>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Lamin Jatta 
>>>>>Sent: Apr 21, 2006 4:41 AM
>>>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>> Mr. Conteh, our drive to replace the regime of president Jammeh should not be compromised by hypocrisy and opportunism. If that happen, we will replace this regime with even a worse one. To avoid that scenario, it will be prudent that we adhere to the principles of democracy, honesty and decency. This is the only way we can represent a higher ground in the struggle. Embracing individuals who put their name in disrepute after helping Jammeh to victimized innocent Gambians is not something we should be keen on doing.
>>>>> All we need to replace Jammeh at this crucial juncture is a united opposition under the umbrella of Nadd led by Hon Halifa Sallah. You guys can help by convincing Osainou Darbo and co to come back to Nadd. This is the only surest way to victory for us.
>>>>> Lamin Jatta
>>>>>Jassey Conteh wrote: Mr. Jatta:
>>>>>This is the type of debate we need on Gambia L. It is fruitful for
>>>>>us to debate constructively. I commend you for your stance.
>>>>>I disagree with your assertion. I do not think we can achieve 
>>>>>our objectives if we fail to embrace Jammeh's former friends
>>>>>whose rights are violated. 
>>>>>One question I have for you is: At the end of the day will 
>>>>>Jammeh still not be in power if we continue to shut the 
>>>>>door on his former friends?
>>>>>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Lamin Jatta 
>>>>>>Sent: Apr 18, 2006 2:19 PM
>>>>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>"No Gambian should dance and clap for Jammeh when he intimidates, 
>>>>>> tortures, and jails even their worst enemies." - 
>>>>>> Mr. Conteh not when they shared the bed with the devil incarnate. Yusu Ndure said, "WONN MA SA HARRIT MA WAX LA SA JIKKO" Translates: show me your friend and I describe your personalities. Mr. Conteh in life, God has given us the mental capability to deliberate among alternatives choices. Meaning he enable us to know good choices from bad ones. If you decide to go for an evil choice, you should be ready to accept the ultimate consequence. If These so call victims chose to work with the devil to empower him and thereby enabling him to unleash his atrocities on innocent people, don't you think it is just fair to say that their hand are as smear with innocent blood just as the ring leader. 
>>>>>> When the government of president Jammeh assassinated veteran journalist, Deida Hydara, all these hypocrite were like nothing happen. Even these hypocrites of religious leaders especially the Islamic leaders were quiet as if to approve this unholy act. As far as I can remember, only Bishop Clery and another christian leader openly condemned the act. When this so called coup plot surfaced, Sheriff Dibba was at the head of a parliamentary delegation to speak out their solidarity with the president. Imam Fatty, the Banding Drammehs and all the rest of the team who where in space when Deida was killed, came back to Gambia to condemn the coup and express their allegiance with the evil man. Where was Sheriff Dibba, and all the bunch of opportunists when Deida was killed, busy leaking the behind of the dictator. Daba Marenah, who is now presume killed, I guest was the then Director of the NIA that came with an outrageous so called confidential report on the
>>>>>> investigation in the murder of Mr. Hydara to vilify the unblemished character of this man and insult the dead man family. The people who work with president Jammeh do not fall his victim, they fall victim of their own evil creation Mr. Conteh and co. I do not feel sympathy for "Jammeh's victims" who chose to work with him to subjugate Gambians and I hope you will appreciate that Mr. Conteh. The cabals are just turning on one another. To me it is fund. Can you imagine Jammeh used Dibba's own NCP stalwart to replace him. Watch out he too is in the line of "victims."
>>>>>> "I refuse to subscribe to the notion that
>>>>>> an enemy is an enemy forever. I believe in forgiveness. If we 
>>>>>> want to bring sanity in the Gambia, we have to be forgiving."
>>>>>> You are by the posting sounding like you are going to be Jammeh's next potential so called victim. You sound like you can forgive Jammeh especially if he were to offer you some piece of his addictive cake. Remember,even Allah the almighty shall punish those who do evil. I bet some people will start dwelling in hell right here on earth. Naphio Mr. Conteh
>>>>>> Lamin Jatta
>>>>>>Jassey Conteh wrote: Mr. Barrow:
>>>>>>It is frightening that most Gambians refuse to compromise 
>>>>>>and forgive, even when their worst enemies are arrested, 
>>>>>>tortured, intimidated, and imprisoned by Yahya Jammeh.
>>>>>>Jammeh's enemies are my friends. I will continue to
>>>>>>defend their rights. An attach on any Gambian, is an
>>>>>>attach on me. 
>>>>>>Do we understand Jammeh's style of politics? No, I don't think 
>>>>>>some of us do. It is called divide and rule through intimidation, 
>>>>>>harassment, torture, and jail. The law in the Gambia, is 
>>>>>>according to Jammeh and Jammeh only.
>>>>>>Going back to Gambian politics since 1962, I conclude with
>>>>>>reasonableness that it was based on vindictiveness, tribalism, 
>>>>>>exclusiveness, and other negative assertions. Sir Dawda 
>>>>>>dropped Governor General, Alhagie Farimang Singhateh 
>>>>>>when the Gambia gained republic status. Mr. Singhateh 
>>>>>>was not even compensated for a high commissioner's post. 
>>>>>>Hon Sherriff Ceesay was Sir Dawda's shining star. What happened
>>>>>>between them? Politics of vindictiveness. But Mr. Ceesay later 
>>>>>>accepted the post of Governor of the Central Bank of the Gambia
>>>>>>He finally was resurrected with the PPP. 
>>>>>>Pierre S. Njie, the darling of Banju South and Gambian politics was 
>>>>>>betrayed byhis loyal supporters. Again the forces of political
>>>>>>vindictiveness and selfishness prevailed. I remember a very decent
>>>>>>Gambian in the name of Koro Sallah of Banjul South. The brother 
>>>>>>talked about objectivity and fairness. Do we have that anymore in 
>>>>>>the Gambia? I leave that with history to conclude. 
>>>>>>Sheriff Mustapha Dibba, a onetime Sir Dawda loyalist left the PPP. 
>>>>>>Mr Dibba formed the NCP. The NCP successfully won a seat in 
>>>>>>Banjul South when it allied with UP. But Mr. Taal betrayed the party 
>>>>>>and switched to the PPP. Sir Dawda offered Dibba the post of 
>>>>>>Prime Minister, and he agreed. But what happened? Again 
>>>>>>the forces of political vindictiveness, subjectivity and 
>>>>>>exclusiveness prevailed over Sir Dawda. The old man 
>>>>>>rescinded his offer. 
>>>>>>Assan Musa Camara also faced the same trend. Muhammad
>>>>>>Lamin Saho, nominated member and Attorney General of the 
>>>>>>Gambia for fifteen years accused Sir Dawda of tribalism
>>>>>>when he reassigned him to the local government 
>>>>>>portfolio. Fafa Mbye was accepted the post of Attorney
>>>>>>General of the Gambia. Mr. Saho left the PPP and joined forces with
>>>>>>Assan Musa Camara. We all know what subsequently 
>>>>>>happened to him.
>>>>>>Bakary Bunja Darboe and Saihou Sabally were onetime good
>>>>>>friends. These folks became bitter enemies. This division 
>>>>>>created a split in the PPP. Again politics of vindictiveness 
>>>>>>and selfishness prevailed. Mr. B.B. Darboe came back and 
>>>>>>served under dictator Jammeh, but only to run for his dear life.
>>>>>>I ran for the NCP nomination in my native Kombo East. Again the 
>>>>>>forces of political vindictiveness continuously harassed me. I was 
>>>>>>reported on numerous occasions to be fired from my job. 
>>>>>>On one occasion I was attacked by one Bakary Sarr, an 

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