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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 1 Aug 2006 15:43:53 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's WhatEver! Flatbread  
new from Madwoman Foods.  (Okay so I like Superman)  Who made the  
rules that bread had to be "loafatized"?   Madwoman Foods has a new  
crazy bread called the WhatEver! Flatbread because you can use it for  
pizza, sandwiches, dipping in dippy stuff, or whatever.  I love it  
spread with cream cheese and cucumbers for a great summer lunch or  
dripping with peanut butter and fresh preserves when I want to feel  
like a kid again or spread with pesto and topped with scrambled eggs  
when I want to pretend I'm one of those gourmet eaters.

Check our website... www.madwomanfoods.com    I have new pictures of  
our products.  The photographer did such a great job it makes me want  
to eat my computer screen because they are so yummy looking.

If you know anyone who is diabetic or insulin resistant or trying to  
loss weight (okay, I've just covered over 65% of the population),  
tell them about eating low glycemic.  The glycemic load is a  
measurement of how quickly blood sugar rises in the body.  Madwoman  
Foods specializes in gluten-free, low glycemic food.  Our tea cakes  
have a glycemic load of 2 to 3 and our pizza has a glycemic load of  
zero and our new WhatEver! Flatbread has a glycemic load of zero.   
All products are made with high mineral, high antioxidant almond meal.


Our food is "Real Food" with no additives, no preservatives, no MSG,  
no aspartame, nothing that has long unpronounceable names that are  
not even in the dictionary and take too long to type and take up too  
much room on our labels.  If I can't type it with one hand, it's not  
on our labels and definitely does not end up in our mouth!!  Eat  
"Real Food" for health!  All that other junk just makes your body  
work harder trying to figure out what in tarnation you are putting  
down your throat.  If your body can't figure it out... your body  
stores this toxic non-food stuff as fat or attaches it to your  
liver... yum.  Why do you think beef liver is no longer safe to eat  
unless it is organic?  All the toxins and chemicals are in the  
liver.  Just say NO to those really big words on the ingredient  
list.  Remember... anything with "hydrolyzed" or "autolyzed" and many  
"natural flavorings" are MSG in disguise.


I hear a lot about people who say organic and "Real Food" is too  
expensive but I don't see those folks driving a Yugo!  It appears  
people think more of taking care of their cars than they do their  
bodies.  If you eat "Real Food", you can avoid expensive health  
problems later and you can work and play three times harder because  
you will have more energy.  MSG is used to make your taste buds open  
up so that cheap ingredients taste better.  All this does is make the  
food industry giants more money.  MSG affects ones neurological  
system and may be linked to the increase in MS, Parkinson's,  
Huntington's, migraines, and ton of other health problems.  Respect  
your body and feed it good honest Real Food!  You owe it to yourself  
and your family.

I'll be at Whole Foods in St Paul on Aug 14, 17, and 19th for the  
allergen-free week.  Come taste some Real Food from Madwoman Foods.

New retail partners:

Pass Health Foods, 7228 W College Dr, Palos Heights, IL
North Central Medical Supply, 312 5th St NW, Branerd, MN
Mississippi Market Co-op, 1810 Randolph Ave, St Paul, MN

New Distributor:

Natural Farms, Madison, WI

Have a wonderful August!!

Madwoman Foods

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