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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:39:49 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

11) I had similar symptoms to you (as well as dreadful flatulence).  when  I  
had my last endoscopy my GI doc took a biopsy to culture  as he  suspected 
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). My  culture  turned out 
positive so 
now he  is treating me for it. He  generally does  not do a biopsy to test 
SIBO but  since he was  checking something  else he cultured for SIBO.   

One way of testing for it is through a breathe test but he  says they are 
not that reliable. He tends to do work ups based on  symptoms and  then  
it. If the symptoms go away he believes  his diagnosis was  correct.  

His protocol is 200mg of Xifaxan  4 times a day for 2  weeks  followed by 2-4 
weeks of 4 sachets a  day of VSL#3 plus in my  case daily  Moltillium (I get 
it from a  compounding pharmacy). this  protocol uses the  antibiotic to kill 
the flora (good and bad) and  then repopulates the gut  using a  very strong 
probiotic. the Motillium  (domperidone) is to  increase  gastric motility as 
one of the causes of  SIBO, other  than celiac disease that  is, is thought 
to be 
poor  motility. A  barium swallow indicated that my motility  is poor so we  
hoping that if I take Motillium daily that we can avoid a    recurrence of 

I will probably take a sachet of VSL#3  daily   for the rest of my life just 
to make sure. LOL. I would  dearly love to just  be  able to drink kefir but 
I am 
allergic to  milk and soy so that one  is out.  

12) May be dairy products  in general (whey...) Get   food allergy  testing 
(blood  test). This will help greatly.  Probiotics made me feel   worse.

13) It sounds like you are  lactose intolerant.   Have  you given up all 
dairy, including  butter?  I can't  handle high fat foods,  either, like 
chuck roast  
or hot  dogs.  There is a specific IBS diet you  might want to look   into.

14) I sometimes have trouble with bloating too after I eat. I   wondered if  
it wasn't sugar. I love to eat a little chocolate  after  some meals and I've 
heard that sugar can ferment and cause  gas to  build. I don't think mine is 
as severe as yours sounds,  but I've  wondered about this too. I'd love to 
what other  posters say if  you will summarize. Thanks!

15) You could have an  allergy to soy and soy  products. This is  what I 
and I have  the same reaction to soy  that I do to gluten.
Many  celiacs have  this allergy to soy; so I have  to check everything that 
eat  for:  gluten and soy.
I have had  diagnosed celiac disease for 16  years and it  doesn't get any 
better,  in fact, I am more  sensitive to gluten and soy.
You  might check your  meds, too. Some  generic meds have, in the fillers, 
gluten.  There is a  web site  you can go to and check your meds out.
_www.glutenfreedrugs.com_   (http://www.glutenfreedrugs.com/) 

16)  yes, i've had this  problem  and so have my children. under the 
of a   naturopath we began  several things to aid with digestion:  Probiotic  
(HMF -  Genestra  Brand), Digestive Enzymes (Digest by Enzymedica  - through 
VPNutrion),   Betain HCl w/ Pepsin (Hydrochloric  Acid...can only get through 
a health practicioner's scrip).  We also  take 2 tsp. of L-Glutamine every 
day  and  
Quercetin to reduce our  allergic response. So far, so good. We  don't seem 
need it as much  anymore. The acid is what REALLY helps  the most, I think.   
My daughter doesn't like to take pills so if  she's feeling that way  she 
takes 3 T apple cider vinegar in water  and that helps  with digesting (she 
takes it with a meal, after, or if  she gets  an allergic response to a food).

17) Yes. A probiotic may help.  The  one I get is Mega-zyme (Enzymatic  
Therapy) and contains  potassium  bicarbonate. I use it when I go 
out--sometimes.  At  home often I  sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on 
an offending food.  If the  bloat happens with legumes, and even lettuce, 
broccoli, cabbage and  
other vegetables, use bean-zyme (bean-zyme.com), which you can order  online. 
contains wheat. 

18) I have been gluten free for  the past  6 years. I continue to have a lot  
of heartburn,  burping, stomach pain.  It got so bad in February that I ended 
up go to  emergency and having  an EKG done on my heart because I was have  
pains so bad along  with the heartburn and burping. I also  had a stomach 
scope done which  showed a lot of damage from eating  gluten all those years 
healed.   They now have me on Previcid  once a day and sulcralfate one hour 
before each  meal and at  bedtime. It has really helped to calm down my  
stomach. I 
no  longer  have the stomach pains, bloating, heartburn, etc.  I tried  
eliminating foods and  discovered it didn't matter what I ate.   Everything 
gluten free 
had the same  effect. When I first started   taking probiotics I had a real 
improvement for  about 2-3 weeks,  then  everything went back to the normal 
for me of heartburn,   burping,  bloating and stomach pain. The doctor can 
not tell me 
what or  why this   is happening. Good luck to you. 

19) I have been  taking probiotics  along with digestive enzymes. I've been  
GF for  five years and was  still having problems with eating as you are. The 
ignorance of the  medical proffession never stops amazing me on this.  Maybe 
they are  just so overwhelmed and they just don't have time to  deal with us 
or the 
desease. Theirs no prescriptions they can write, so  they ignore out  
complaints.  I don't know about you but I let  them know every visit and  got 
the same thing  "see you in six  months". Off my pedistal. We tend  to have 
problems with 
other   food allergies and intolerances. I'm  thinking much is do to leaky 
and messed  up microflora that creates  yeast problems. This  causes foods to 
ferment in our  intestines. Thus  the bloating and  cramps and nausea and 
The  leaky gut  allows the   protiens to enter our systems when our systems 
tolerate these   in  the system. They're not supose to be there and our 
develop  antibodies.  Intolerances are an IGG response. True  allergy is an 
IGE response. Celiac is an  IGA response. Celiacs  tend to have all of these  
some form or another. Trying  to  find doctors to help you connect  those 
dots is really 
hard. No one has  the  time. I've also heard the  "just eliminate things 
you  find the ones  causeing the problems  and leave those out of your  
Our diet is already  inbalanced and  limited. We are  generaly deficient of 
things already. I feel  this  is really  bad advice. Then insurance dosn't 
for dieticians for  celiacs   to help either. I've found this helps but have 
another  appointment  with another  allergist who deals with the entire 
immoune  system  Tuesday. He says he can test  for all this stuff, including  
foods,  additives 
and chemicles. I get probiotics  and my digestive   enzymes from Custom 
probiotics 1-800-219-8405. They havn't   helped  right up front like the L 
Glutamine powder I get from GNC. I  take 1/2   teas. and mix it in water or 
juice before 
each meal and  at bed time. It  helped  within 24 hours and even after months 
taking it I can tell  if I missed it  before a meal or bed. This  is an amino 
acid that helps  heal the gut. It will  help heal your  villa and leaky gut. 
digestive enzymes will help you digest   your food better so it's not  just 
sitting in your gut fermenting. The  probiotics  are good bacteria  that will 
kill off 
the yeast that  is causing the fermentation  in the  first place giving you 
gut a  better chance to heal. Here's the great   thing! I'm an Electrical  
who my doctors admit knows more then they  do  about this  stuff at this 
point. No office visit charge though.  Wishing you  the  best. 

20) Both pro-biotics and digestive enzymes  have  helped me.  You also might 
want to pursue the food sensitivities   angle... Here is a link  that about 
food allergies and the easy  blood  test that can point you in the  right 
direction. (Much  easier than  those elimination diets, and very accurate.)  
The website  
also has a  nice section on bloating and gas and what can  cause   it.

21) I've had that  problem.   Corn and any corn product (corn syrup) is  a 
problem for me.   Any refined grain carb really.  I  think  probiotics and 
digestive  aides have helped but mostly I  avoid baked goods and  soda.

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