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JULIE MELTON <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Sep 2006 15:39:52 -0600
text/plain (77 lines)
Wow!  they're dealing with a lot, with health problems for each family 
member as well as financial stuff.  Will be praying.

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Keep smiling!

>From: B Dunse <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: brad?
>Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 12:14:53 -0500
>Jen and everyone,
>I don't want to get "to posty", or would that be "going postal"? I don't 
>know but I'll keep me posts to a minimum here. I haven't talked to Andy in 
>a week or so and will be calling him later today. My mom talked to his 
>fiance, nice girl, and this is the general situation with their family.
>I'll try to make this abridged but there is quite a bit going on.
>First Andy is coming home today in fact and he is jazzed about that one. 
>They are meeting with a surgeon in a week or so to work out what happens 
>from here with his surgical needs and etc. So that is good. The bad thing 
>is they are in severe financial issues. They are being evicted from their 
>apartment because Heather, his fiance, isn't able to hold a job with the 
>trips to the hospital and her own health issues, plus their sons issue 
>which  I'll tell you about. They had a benefit for him which was put on, 
>how shall I say here in open internet, ill prepared and questionable end 
>results, let's put it that way. I expected that they would raise thousands 
>towards even just the Flight For Life bill of $5000 which general 
>assistance will not pay, but I understand they received $1200 or so. Now I 
>believe they are plenty grateful, but my heart just tore in shreds when he 
>told me that last week. There was a young man in our area who had a benefit 
>done for him and they raised $37,000 for his medical bills. So you see my 
>disappointment. I wish I knew of a way to help, but I don't live in the 
>area there and trying to do something here  in my area would not work in a 
>big way cause no one knows him from Adam. He has had some pretty good pain 
>in the shoulder due to arthritis setting in, but I think will be doing 
>better mentally now that he is out of the facility. They were not working 
>with him as much as they said they were or would. They doubt he'll be ever 
>be able to drive again due to part of the brain that was damaged was in the 
>back of the head which deals with judgements, his long term and short term 
>memory as well maybe affected. Of course this is barring any touch from 
>god. They have some family dynamics going on dealing with... well they were 
>suppose to receive $200 for travel expenses, it was given to a member of 
>their family and they never passed it on and kept it. That is infuriating 
>to me, and the person who kept it is the one person  you ought be able to 
>rely on in life if you read me. so that too has to potentially do with a 
>low benefit result, no one knows. It was handled very poorly. I tried to 
>give last minute advice/wisdom to Heather but she has got too much on her 
>plate. She herself has been pretty much diagnosed with Krons Disease, an 
>intestinal disease for which there is no supposed cure. Although I have a 
>book for her by a Christian dietitian who beat that wrap through faith and 
>diet. The Maker's Diet, you may have heard me say something about it 
>before. On top of that their son who had a surgical op to  correct  a lack 
>of a soft spot as an infant, needs to go in again as they nicked a nerve 
>which controls the eye movement and has a lazy eye. Probably not a super 
>high risk surgery but an op nonetheless and I'm not sure the overall risk 
>really. I'll find out more hopefully today. So they need prayer for health, 
>finances, direction how to handle all the challenges they have before them. 
>Thanks for your continued prayer. I'll update yawl as  things progress. 
>Overall though Andy sounds pretty good although I know he was having some 
>depression but hopefully he is patient and looks at things positively.