· traher [trah-/tract-] v to draw, pull; to drag
Hence: traha; traction; tractor; tracto; tractar &; abstraher &; attraher &; contraher &; detraher &; distraher &: extraher &; retraher &; subtraher &
o traha n drag, dray, road sledge; also: sled, sleigh
o traction n traction (= pulling, draft)
o tractor n tractor (= automotive vehicle used for hauling, etc.)
o tracto n I. (action of) drawing, pulling; II. tract (1. stretch of territory; 2. period of time; 3. [Liturgy]); III. trait (1. lineament of the face, feature; 2. distinctive characteristic); IV. stroke (= short line drawn with a pen, paintbrush, etc.)
§ tractar v to treat (1. to deal with, handle, subject to a treatment; 2. to entertain);
tractar de (un thema, etc.) to treat (of) (a topic, etc.);
tractar de (le pace, etc.) to treat for (peace, etc.)
Hence: tractamento; tractabile-tractabilitate, intractabile-intractabilitate; tractato; retractar; maltractar etc.
§ tractamento n treatment
§ tractabile adj tractable (= easy to deal with or to control)
§ tractabilitate n tractability
§ intractabile adj intractable
§ intractabilitate n intractability
§ tractato n 1. treatise; 2. treaty, agreement
§ retractar v to treat again
§ maltractar v to maltreat
Hence: maltractamento
§ maltractamento n maltreatment
o abstraher [-trah-/-tract-] v [Logic] to abstract
Hence: abstraction; abstracte
§ abstraction n abstraction (1. [Logic]; 2. state of being lost in thought);
facer abstraction de to disregard, leave out of consideration
§ abstracte adj abstract
o attraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to attract (1. to draw to oneself; 2. to allure)
Hence: attrahente; attraction; attractive-attractivitate
§ attrahente 1. ppr of attraher; 2. adj attractive, attracting
§ attraction n attraction; also: [Phys.];
attractiones attractions (= things that delight or attract people)
§ attractive adj attractive (1. [Phys.]; 2. alluring)
§ attractivitate n 1. [Phys.] (force of) attraction; 2. attractiveness
o contraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to contract (1. to draw together, make smaller or narrower; 2. to enter into with mutual obligations; 3. to incur, acquire);
contraher matrimonio to contract marriage or matrimony;
contraher se to contract, shrink
Hence: contrahente; contractile-contractilitate; contraction; contractive; contractura; contracto-contractual, contractar-contractante, quasi-contracto etc.
§ contrahente n contracting party
§ contractile adj contractile
§ contractilitate n contractility
§ contraction n contraction (1. shortening; shrinkage; 2. as in "contraction of marriage"; 3. as in "contraction of a debt or disease")
§ contractive adj contractive
§ contractura n [Med.] contracture
§ contracto n contract
§ contractual adj contractual
§ contractar v to contract (= to enter into a contract)
§ contractante adj/n contracting (party)
§ quasi-contracto n [Law] quasi contract
o detraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to detract, detract from
Hence: detraction, detractor
§ detraction n detraction
§ detractor n detractor
o distraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to divert (1. to distract; 2. to entertain, amuse)
Hence: distraction; distractive; distracte
§ distraction n 1. absent-mindedness; 2. distraction, amusement
§ distractive adj distractive
§ distracte adj absent-minded
o extraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to extract
Hence: extraction; extractor; extracto
§ extraction n extraction (1. act of extracting; 2. descent, origin);
de basse extraction of low extraction
§ extractor n extractor; specif.: [Surg., Gun.]
§ extracto n extract (1. extracted substance; 2. excerpt)
o retraher [-trah-/-tract-] v to withdraw (1. to draw or take back; 2. to retract);
retraher se to withdraw, retire
Hence: retractile-retractilitate; retraction; retractive
§ retractile adj retractile
§ retractilitate n retractility
§ retraction n retraction (1. act of drawing back; 2. retractation, recantation)
§ retractive adj retractive
o subtraher [-trah-/-tract-] v 1. to withdraw, take away; 2. [Math.] to subtract;
subtraher se a to elude, escape from
Hence: subtraction
§ subtraction n 1. withdrawal, removal; 2. [Math.] subtraction
Josu Lavin
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