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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 27 Feb 2008 22:51:59 +0000
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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ABDOUKARIM SANNEH <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (83 lines)
  Stop it and stop it for a period! You will be class in the same boat and it is not Gambia we are looking. Earlier on the same issue my posulation is that we in United Kingdom, let us look around with New Labour Gordon Brown a Prime Minister, a scottish and a minority group but is the majority English people looking at him and his Scottish identity NO! It is about time to advocate for tolerant as elite and allow to be carried away or peddling divisive politic. My brother your legal mind and define sense of direction should allow to be strongly against illusive literal work mean to divide our people but you should stay away from that narrow mindedness. Gambia is for all Gambian and let us not be driven with sensation and emotion to sow the seed discontention among our people who have been for years living under politics of marginalisation.

yanks dabo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

"Ee-ning bara bakeh"! 

William Hazlitt stated in 1830; “Prejudice is the child of ignorance”. 

Those Manding haters express nothing more than their ignorance about our people!


Brethren Yanks 

> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:54:31 +0000
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [>- To: [log in to unmask]
> just a few words to mathew jallow.
> yusupha, your comments are reassuring. i was born in sierra Leon like some other Gambians. we can narrate endlessly how peaceful those people were in the early to late 80's. the sierra leonean even work their socks off for foreign investors and diamond dealers. they are peace loving and they love partying, the same can be said of the Liberians. no one party more than Liberians. but look what happens there. also the average Gambian love to party .we are little different. i feel our religiosity is a major factor in our low rate of violence. but looking at the world today ,one can see people doing the must honourable things in the name of religion and again the must dishonourable things in the name of god and religion. we need to stop pottiness before it trigger evil. look what happen after the advent of the crazy foday sankoh ,i suspect every human being. we all have the monster in us. not all sierra leoneans took part in the mascaras but the result affect every citizen of
> that country. when some Gambians are today calling tribal discussion intellectual ,they don't know what they are talking about. racism is the biggest reason many people where murdered without any remorse. what is the difference between racism and tribalism? human beings can do the must heinous crimes for flimsy reasons. that is why i think it is unhealhty to try to wind-up each other. yes ,all things being equal ,i too careless who talks about me or my tribe but is that how the majority will react? let us look far ahead then we will never be caught up in an unnecessary blood shed.
> thanks yusu and dave.
> Yusupha Jow wrote: Suntou:
> I don't think you should look too much into these pieces. They are simply the opinions of individuals; nothing more, nothing less. They do not reflect the majority view of Gambians which is why they are op-ed pieces that the Gambia Echo and Freedom Newspaper do not endorse. In this respect, I don't think there is anything wrong with the Freedom Newspaper or Gambia Echo carrying these pieces. If anything, it gives us insights, albeit sometimes disturbing to us, into some views about the issue of tribalism as it pertains to Gambia.
> You will never catch me wading into such debates simply because I really don't have much to contribute to them. While I lived in The Gambia like our so-called experts on this matter, I chose very early on to deal with human beings on the basis of their merits or demerits as human beings; not because of what language they happened to speak. I am sure many Gambians feel the same way.
> Rest assured that no amount of articles on The Gambia Echo or Freedom Newspaper will ever change this fact. Take a deep breath and relax brother.
> Thanks
> Yusupha
> On Feb 18, 2008 10:59 AM, SUNTOU TOURAY wrote:
> by now you must have probably read what saint Mathew have to say in defence of colonel sam. it is sad that still people are trying to get some glory out of an irrelevant topic like discussing tribalism. who will degrade his/her own race,tribe or language for another? throughout history ,it has never been the case among whites. it is mostly we non-whites who try to vilify our race or culture for another . the important thing here is ,men who are teir fifties or late forties are still trapped with infant brains. what was Mathew thinking or can i put it frankly what did he take before writing his piece? this is exposing some thing unpleasant among the Gambian family. time will tell. we need honest and season intellectuals to discuss issues of history and culture. but any one who trust his command of English taping on his computer sending inaccurate and misleading historical account is dangerous. Africa is fill with self-crown intellectual who need proper training on
> the field of intellectual discourse. we the young ones are left with no option to but take issues in our own hand .where are Gambia's honest intellectuals? i mean men of the calibre of Dr Sulayamn Nyang and some others with little exposure? the sam and mkj are not what we need going round in nonsensical circles ,writing about issues they don't have any glue about. what benefit do we gain from discussing this irrelevant topic? i suggest we start discussing the reasons that lead the west to rule over us even though collectively our population is far more than they are. what are the key reasons behind our disorganisation and lack of proper institutions that can cater for every John ,aplha, sainey or malang? from Nigeria to Zimbabwe. form Dakar to ivory coast. why are we still languishing in the past? this are some serious issues African or Gambian need discussing. with a proper governance ,issues or Tribe is completely irrelevant. on a second thought ,what ever is
> happening in other African countries can happen in the Gambia ,why ,disgruntle colonels and unstable journalist can lead us to a path which will be completely misguided and dangerous. we need to watch out and learn from others mistakes.
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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