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Laura Bollman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 16:39:18 -0400
text/plain (30 lines)
In a message dated 4/12/97 11:38:27 AM, you wrote:

<<has anyone else experienced memory problems so severe that you literally
forget to take your medicine?>>

Hi Kerry!

I too am new to this list and have had my eyes open to much since reading the
posts. I can't believe that there are others out there that have similar
problems as I do with getting their MDs to understand the level readings
don't necessarily mean "normal" for me because they are in the "normal"
range. Anyway...

You asked about memory problems--I had them! I was beginning college at the
time of the onset of my problems. I had taken radioactive iodine for a goiter
but the new doctor I was seeing at the college didn't feel that my levels
were progressing fast enough so he gave me a second medication
(proprythro---something or other--it's been quite a while since I took it).
Well, it took effect very quickly and I crashed. I went from very high levels
to .0something-or-other. My memory failed terribly. I had been in classes for
a few months by that time, so I knew my schedule. Suddenly I found myself
forgetting to go to class or forgetting to do routine tasks. I couldn't
remember names of my friends sometimes even! I was beside myself, but the dr.
kept saying that I was just homesick and that was what was causing the memory
problems! That was CRAP! Now I know it, but I was young and scared at that
time, so I didn't fight it. All I can say to you, Kerry, is FIGHT IT! Tell
them it isn't you. Don't believe that it is you. Hope this helps!
