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Helen Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:26:02 -0400
text/plain (56 lines)
Phil, this arrived in my mail after I sent the LOL about your clothes 
pins sales.  Yes, I will trust the Lord with you that He will bring 
to you the funds you need by tomorrow!  With prices going higher and 
higher every day, it is only by God's gracious provisions that all of 
us aren't in the same boat with you financially.  I have one foot in 
that boat, but pray and trust the Lord for the fulfillment of His 
promises to meet my every need.

God's blessings, and my love,

Earlier you wrote:
>I have never done this before, not exactly like this anyhow, on echurch but
>I am going to do it now.  We have been behind on some of our bills but it
>has happened before and we have always gotten caught up.  This time,
>however, I chickened out and asked my youngest son for a thousand dollars.
>The Lord had really blessed his business lately and he gave it to me.  I had
>made some poor financial decisions this week, Sandy's computer broke down a
>second time, the power supply burned out, and our friend still has it at his
>house.  She has been using mine to send messages to Dr. Cahill's pager for
>whom she answers the phone.  Until the end of the week, I thought I had
>everything covered but some checks bounced.  They were paid but I pay 35
>dollars for each check that bounces even if they pay it.  So, at the moment,
>we are 225 dollars overdrawn and tomorrow it will jump to 400 dollars
>because of another bill coming in that is related to our life insurance.  We
>have food but the 250 dollars Gretchen paid us Friday for two weeks of rent,
>we had to put into the back to cover as much as we could.  Thus, Sandy
>couldn't go grocery shopping this weekend like she normally does with that
>rent money.  So, I have not been asking people for money but been asking
>people to pray that 500 dollars comes in today, or right away Monday.  This
>week, as I was praying and telling the Lord, "Hey, we are a little broke
>down here, don't you think you could help out some?"  The Lord said, "Do not
>use the word broke.  I am not broke so you are not broke."  There is more to
>tell behind that statement but it would take an hour to explain.  He said it
>was ok to say, bills are passed due, and the like, but you are not broke.
>Some may ask, why don't you get a job.  Good question.  Sandy asks me that
>every day.  I have been looking for months.  Nothing has come up.  The truth
>is, I already have a job and I am working.  If I told you some of the
>miracles I have recently seen, you would not believe it.  If the Lord opens
>a door for me to work a securlar jobs, I will do it without hesitation but
>one problem is, He hasn't told me to do that yet.  He has told me to do what
>I am doing in ministry.  If Sandy's computer would not have broken down, and
>if I would have let a couple of utility bills go for another two weeks, we
>would be fine right now but when I made these payments, we had money to
>cover everything.  Somehow, Jesus is orchestrating this whole thing.  Sandy
>is suffering big time and that is the hardest for me to watch.  Yet, I know
>who Jesus is and He knows who I am.  So, please pray for Sandy and pray for
>the 500 dollars we need by tomorrow.  Please, please, please, do not
>interpret this as though I am asking anyone to do anything other than pray
>because, God as my witness, that is not what this is all about.  It is about
>Jesus and Jesus alone.

"My Life is not in what He gives me, but in Who He is."