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Sat, 2 Sep 2006 03:21:46 +0200
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Fye samateh <[log in to unmask]>
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Below is the text of the lecture I gave last Saturday in Lagos on the
theme of the race war. It contains the lecture itself, plus several
appendices that support some key points made in the lecture. May I
draw your attention especially to the sections on AIDS and the AIDSbombing
of Africa on pp. 13-14, 40-51. And to the sections on GM
crops on pp. 12-13, 55-56.

Please fwd to as many Africans as you can.
Lugardism, UN Imperialism and the prospect of African power
By Chinweizu
[A public lecture delivered at the Agip Recital Hall, Muson Centre, Onikan,
Lagos on
18 February, 2006.]

In a nutshell, my presentation today argues that:

1] The 20th century has been the most disastrous century, so far, for Black
Africa. It was the century in which, unde r colonialism, Black Africa was
subjected to culturecide at the hands of White Power. That culturecide
destroyed our ability to resist the genocide that is now taking place. As a
result, this 21st century is likely to see the physical extermination of
Africans, unless those now under 30 organize and defeat the
extermination campaign that white power has already unleashed on Black
Africa. Therefore,

2] The problem of the 21st century is the problem of African Power – how
to build it, and enough of it, to end the long era of our defeats and
disasters in the race war, to prevent our extermination, and to ensure our

3] We should particularly note that Lugardism is a false framework, and
these Lugardist states, Nigeria included, are the wrong foundation for
building African Power

I just want to get us started on an examination of the awful situation in
which we find
ourselves in Nigeria, and in Africa, at the start of the 21st century, after

some 50 years
of fake independence, and more than 500 years of race war. We, Nigerians and

Africans as a whole, have been in a race war for 500years or more, and we
have no
chance of surviving it if we refuse to recognize that fact and act on it.
Since 1960, many attempts have been made to diagnose the trouble with
Nigeria. Chief among the usual suspects have been, "tribalism," corruption,
and bad
leadership. May I submit that these are symptoms, not the underlying causes;

fevers, not the malaria or typhoid parasites. Our problems are much more
serious than
corruption & co. They include identity crises of various kinds, a lunatic
elite, cultural
schizophrenia, Eurotoxification and the fact that Nigeria is not a nation
but a noyau—
i.e., a society of inward antagonism, one held together by mutual internal
antagonism, one
which could not carry on if its members had no fellow members to hate. And
if we want to
end the troubles of the Nigerians, we must dig deeper to find the
fundamental causes.
And I would like, today, to draw your attention to some of the systemic
causes that do
not usually appear on our radar.

1] First of all is Nigeria itself: The fundamental trouble with Nigeria is
itself—the Nigerian state. This Lugardist state, by which Nigeria was
invented and is
maintained, has been a disaster for the Nigerian peoples/nationalities and

2] Second, is the refusal by Nigerians to recognize the race war in which
Lugardism is
a key weapon that white power is using against Black Africans.
3] Third is our failure, in Nigeria and in Black Africa as a whole, to study

the Haitian
experience and learn from it.

I, now, invite you to examine the following theses:
1] The Lugardist state is an enemy to the Nigerian population;
2] Black Africans, including Nigerians, are in the semi- final phase of a
race war with
the European and the Arab branches of White Power.

3] Nigeria has been Haitified--Turning Nigeria into a Haiti has been a way
to totally
defeat its people and all of Black Africa in this semi- final phase of the
race war. For,
just as Haiti in 1804 was the hope of the Black race, even so, in 1960, was
Nigeria the
hope of Black Africa. And, for your information, the Haitification of
Nigeria is almost
completed by now.

4] The key enemy weapons in the race war today include the AU, NEPAD, and
organs of the New World Order, especially the UN and its agencies.

5] If Africans do not build African Power now, and use it to prevent their
final defeat
in the race war, Africans will be exterminated in this 21st century. This,
therefore, is
the do-or-die century for Africans.
Recognition of these facts is the first step on the road to liberation and
survival for
the Nigerian peoples/nationalities. I shall say a little to introduce each
thesis, and we
can then together explore and illuminate them through questions and answers
that, I
hope, will continue long after we leave this hall.

Thesis #1: Lugardism and the Lugardist state
In a broadcast on January 15, 1970, General Yakubu Gowon, the then Head of
Lugardist state of Nigeria, proclaimed the Lugardist doctrine that justifies

continued existence of the Nigerian state. He said:
"Our objectives in fighting the war to crush Ojukwu's rebellion were always
clear. We desired to preserve the territorial integrity and unity of
Nigeria. For,
as one country, we would be able to maintain lasting peace amongst our
various communities; achieve rapid economic development to improve the lot
of our people; guarantee a dignified future and respect in the world, for
posterity and contribute to African unity and modernization. On the other
hand, the small successor states in a disintegrated Nigeria would be victims

perpetual war and misery and neocolonialism. Our duty was clear, and we are
today vindicated."
--Gen. Yakubu Gowon. Excerpt from his speech on Jan. 15, 1970 formally
accepting the declared Biafran surrender and the end of the civil war.
Source: Insider Weekly, August 8, 2005
This doctrine states the reasons for the continued existence and public
toleration of
this Lugardist contraption called the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I think
we are all
living witnesses to the fact, which our newspapers daily confirm, that none
of these
claims is true and that none has been vindicated. Has the Lugardist state
the territorial integrity and unity of Nigeria? No! Just think of Bakassi.
Has it
maintained lasting peace amongst our various communities? No! Just think of
inter-communal clashes reported periodically from Plateau, Kano, Taraba,
Delta states and elsewhere. Has it achieved economic development, let alone
economic development' or improved the lot of our people? No! Just think of
daily deterioration in the condition of life of our people, and recall the
rhetoric we heard regularly for the past 40 years, denouncing each ousted
regime for
its failures in this regard. Has it guaranteed a dignified future and
respect in the
world for our posterity? No! Unless it counts as earning the respect of the
Nigeria's appearing, year after year, on the list of the poorest and most
countries in the world? Have we escaped neo-colonialism? If so, why are we
still in
the debt trap where we are being robbed by the Paris Club and the
corporations? And what are the agents of the IMF, the World Bank and other
imperialist organs doing in the offices and corridors of power in Nigeria?
What has the Lugardist state actually accomplished in its century of
It has destroyed our sense of community and atomized us into the Hobbesian
condition of a 'war of everyone against everyone' in the ruthless struggle
for money
to buy what it has brainwashed us to consider 'the good life'; a condition
of chronic
insecurity, of 'continual fear and danger of violent death'—as from
discharge' from the guns of its policemen; or from its rampaging soldiers,
like at Odi,
or Zaki- Biam and other places, or from assassin's bullets targeted even at
such big
winners in its system as Kudirat Abiola, Alfred Rewane, Alex Ibru, Bola Ige,

Marshall, A.K. Dikibo, etc in the last decade; a condition where life has
'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short' for everyone—even for Generals
like Bisalla,
Vatsa, Shehu Musa Yar Adua, and Chief MKO Abiola, let alone for the APO Six
countless ordinary victims of the police and armed robbers. Thus, even
Nigeria's disintegration, we have been victims of misery, neocolonialism and
perpetual war inflicted on us by the Lugardist state itself.
From the foregoing, we can see that each and every one of the itemized
of Lugardist doctrine is demonstrably false. The Nigerian state has failed
to satisfy
any of its own advertised justifications for its continued existence. This
goes to show
that Lugardism is a hoax, and Nigeria is a failed state even by its own
In 45 years, under local comprador management, this Lugardist state has
Nigeria to a shanty country, a refugee camp where there is no order or
where social anarchy reigns, since government has abdicated its
responsibilities and
anyone can, with impunity, disturb the peace and, with noisy loudspeakers
songs and drums and prayers all night long, keep others from sleeping.
"Development" has been so successful that we now have industries
everywhere: the 419 industry; the 'wetin-you-carry' industry that recently
N70billion to its Chairman of the Board; the lootocrat or Authority-stealing

that has piled up billions of dollars in the foreign bank accounts of high
state officials;
and the gospel and miracles industry on every street; the thugs and ethnic
industry that provide "jobs" for the tens of millions of the unemployed and
lets them
extort their livelihood from people on the roads. We have all these strange
but no iron-and-steel or machine tools or aerospace industries. It seems
that the
comprador managers of the Nigerian state overheard that a STEEL industry was

for development and have built a STEAL industry instead. That's probably
their best
understanding of what a steel industry means!
This Lugardist state has, within a century, destroyed every society and
every culture it trapped in its prison, and has reduced its traumatized
captives to a 100
million mob of Hobbesian idiots who have lost all sense of community and
with one another. Nigeria is now a place where the unspeakable is routine
news. With
the decay of both the state and social authority structures for arbitrating
neighbours resort to do- it- yourself justice using privatized
violence—hence the spate
of acid and machete attacks by people on their neighbours. Nigeria has been
to an amoral land where greedy people think nothing of kidnapping their
children and selling them to be killed for fresh body parts to be sold
abroad for organ
transplants. That's the racket being covered up by the epidemic of so-called

murder we read about these days. It used to be that, in Lagos, if you were
attacked by
robbers and you shouted Ole! Ole! ( i.e. 'Thief! Thief!') your neighbours
assemble and lynch the thief in solidarity with you. Not anymore! Now, the
around will run away and leave you to the mercy of your attackers. Fear,
individualism and deep insecurity have killed the community spirit.
In the 35 years since Gowon propounded his doctrine, this Lugardist state
been unable to do those things that, it claimed it exists to do; and it has
done terrible
things that it ought not to do to the society. It has inflicted cultural
schizophrenia and
social decay; it has fostered an ethos of greedy incompetence; it has
replaced the work
ethic with a criminal instant-riches mentality, and it has turned governance

brazen gangsterism and enthroned Al Capone on Aso Rock [the Presidential
palace in
Abuja]. It has thereby been an instrument of large scale culturecide.
How did this Lugardist state achieve this feat of social destruction and
culturecide? The chief instruments were economic: principally, [1] the
commoditization of land and the introduction of individualist land tenure a
ago, which slowly dissolved the communal holdings; [2] the emergence, with
discovery of oil, of a rentier state which dominates the economy with its
huge rent
revenues derived from foreign concessionaries-- this has turned the economy
down, and made everyone dependent on state favours instead of keeping the
dependent on taxing the economically active population for its revenues; [3]

the Land
Thief Decree, a.k.a. Land Use Decree, which robbed communities of their
land, thereby quietly turning the population into a vast rootless
proletariat with no
landed communal interest to sustain their local structure and cohesion; [4]
the ravages
of SAP and other economic policies which have impoverished most people and
them without financial stamina; [5] a culturally alienating, white
education system that inculcates possessive individualism and trains people
for nonexistent
bureaucratic jobs, which makes its products unfit for self-employment in
productive activities. By such measures, imposed in the course of a century,

Lugardist state destroyed the communitarian foundations of the African
societies it
trapped in its cage.
This Lugardist state nowadays parades itself as a federal republic and a
democracy. But it is neither federal nor republic. And its democracy is all
fake. So,
what is Nigeria actually?
Nigeria is a prison camp into which British soldiers, merchants,
and political agents herded the peoples of the assorted villages, towns,
kingdoms and empires they had, between 1850 and 1914, conquered by force or
fraudulently dispossessed of sovereignty. The herding process was begun by
George Goldie, and was finalized by Sir Frederick Lugard in 1914 when he set

up this
Lugardist state apparatus to control the prisoner-of-war camp which he named

Area, or Nigeria. What Lugard, the founding father of Nigeria, set up was a
to serve British interests, an instrument of the British monarch, for the
exploitation and control by terrorism of the captive population, for the
profit of the
British. This despotism of the British monarch was handed over, in 1960, to
comprador agents recruited from among the black inmates of the prison camp.
original state imposed by Lugard has never been disbanded and reconstituted
by the
population. It lives on under black management, and has continued to behave
despotically towards the population it got into its absolute power long
After all,
none of its so-called constitutions has been submitted to the population for

As John Locke stated in his "Second Treatise of Government" (1690):
He who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put
himself into a state of war with him: it being to be understood as a
of a design upon his life.
We can, therefore, see that this Lugardist state contraption has been making

war on
us, the victim population which it got into its absolute power a century
It should not, therefore, surprise us that, since its agents see us as
prisoners of
war, they extort from us and plunder us at every opportunity. And they kill
us with
impunity whenever they feel the itch to shoot. And to keep us cowed and
rebellion they go on pacification sprees in which they massacre whole towns
villages. So, you see, there is a method to the madness of the 'mad dogs' at

Odi and
Zaki-Biam, and to the accidental discharges at Apo and countless
checkpoints. These
are random acts of state terrorism that are calculated to instil fear in the

and keep us insecure and passive.
This despotic, Lugardist state apparatus has never been reconstituted as a
republic by the people. The Nigerian state is not an instrument or agent of
Nigerian people. It is not under their control, or answerable to them, and
never has
been. For the first half of its existence, i.e, 1914-1960, that was clearly
the case. Since
then, it has remained the case, the so-called independence notwithstanding.
the Nigerian people have tried to actualise their nominal sovereign control,

tried to
become the masters of what claims to be their state, the state has rebuffed
them. It has
been a case of a novice horseman trying to mount his new and wild horse, and

thrown off each time. The coups of 1966 aborted the initial attempts by the
elected representatives to sit securely in the saddle into which the
departing British
had lifted them. The coup of 1983 ended the second attempt. The June 12
in 1993 aborted the third attempt. The emasculation of the National Assembly

by the
executive branch since 1999, together with the flagrant rigging of the 2003
has killed off the fourth attempt. The claim that Nigeria is now a
democracy, or, as
some prefer, a "nascent democracy," is false. Nigeria is no democracy at
all! Never
has been. And is not likely ever to be. The Lugardist state will not permit
it. It
continues to do as it pleases, regardless of what the people say or wish.
And the
Nigerian people have yet to find enough courage and skill to make and
demands on the untameable state apparatus.
Nigerians have not awoken to the fact that, as Frederick Douglass said
concedes nothing without a demand." We resignedly think that some day God--
imaginary big-man- in-the-sky who is part Santa Claus and part Ojuju
Calabar-- will
intervene and solve our socio-economic problems and rescue us from the
despotism of
the VIPs—the Vampires In Power. We forget or haven't heard Martin Luther
King's remark that, "To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate
with that
system." "Shuffering and shmiling", we wait and hope that things cannot get
yet they get worse with each regime. We forget or haven't heard that there
is no limit
to which tyranny will not go if unopposed. We haven't heard what Frederick
Douglass said: "If you want to know how much a tyrant will impose on a
people, find
out how much they will take."
And the Lugardists keep proclaiming that we should accept this
camp as a blessing, as a gift from those British who said they came to
civilize us
by enslaving, terrorizing and robbing us. Well, that's like the guards at
the Nazi
concentration camps claiming that the camps were a blessing and should be
at whatever cost; that remaining obediently in it is the duty of the
prisoners. But the
guards would say that, wouldn't they? But do the inmates have to accept the
doctrine? Nigerians have not awoken to the fact that Nigeria is going
because, Nigeria is like an elephant with two heads, one in front and one
behind, with
each head pulling in the opposite direction from the other. Clearly, for any

elephant to move properly, one of its two heads must vanish. In Nigeria's
one head is incorrigibly nostalgic for the ways of seventh-century Arabia;
the other
head lusts for the conspicuous capitalist consumerism of the European
that I have not accused it of lusting after capitalist producerism -- which
passionately abhors. Now, since neither of these two heads on the Nigerian
elephant is
appropriate for national survival, there is a need to chop off, not one, but

both heads,
and to graft on a new head -- a single head that is passionate for
production, that is
indoctrinated with producer values and nationalism.
By the way, I must stress that Lugardism is not peculiar to Nigeria. All the
states now in Africa are Lugardist. They were founded by white imperialist
from Europe for the exploitation of Africans to the benefit of Europe; every

one of
them in the AU is Lugardist. Lugardism is the doctrine that they are
sacrosanct and
should be preserved, that they should continue to exist even if they destroy

societies they hold prisoner.
Thesis #2: Race War
Mention race war to Africans and they react as if it is some future danger
that must be
avoided at any price, even at the price of voluntary enslavement. They
refuse to
realize that we already are in it, and have been in it for at least five
centuries. I shall
try to show, as briefly as possible, that such is, indeed, our situation.
Two initial points of clarification: first of all, just because bullets are
flying about and swords are not flashing around us does not mean there is no

going on; there are other modes of warfare, including economic, political,
psychological and intellectual warfare. For example, the Cold War, in the
century, between the capitalist and communist power blocs was mostly a non-
affair. It was mostly a propaganda and economic war, with occasional
flashpoints. Secondly, when the aggressor identifies the target of its
attack on the
basis of skin colour, the war is a race war. Black Africa is in the throes
of two
simultaneous race wars. It is being attacked from two fronts: The European
front and
the Arab front. Lets consider them one by one. First ,

The Euro-African Race War
When did it start and why?
Europe's race war on sub-Sahara Africans may be said to have begun when
The captains of two of Prince Henry [of Portugal's] exploring caravels
brought back with them to Lisbon in 1442 a dozen Africans, whom they had
captured on the West Coast in the course of a wholly unprovoked attack
upon an African village. Further exploits of a similar kind followed.1
Not long after that, Pope Nicholas V (1447-55) spelt out and blessed a war,
in the
name of Christ, on the world's non-Christian peoples:
We, after scrupulous reflection, are granting by our Bull full and entire
freedom to King Alphonso [of Spain] to conque r, to besiege, to fight,
and to submit all the Saracens, Pagans, and other enemies of Christ,
wherever they may be; and to seize the kingdoms, the dukedoms, the
princedoms, the lordships, personal properties, landed properties, and
all the wealth they withhold and possess; and to submit these persons
to a perpetual slavery; to appropriate these kingdoms, duchies,
principalities, counties, lordships, properties and wealth; to transmit
them to their successors; to take advantage and make use of them
personally and with their offspring.
--quoted in Jordan K. Ngubane, Conflict of Minds: Changing Power
Dispositions in South Africa, Books in Focus, Inc. 1979
As Jordan Ngubane pointed out "The Pope thus authorized the commitment of
crimes and sins against all and linked the division of the world into
Portuguese and
Spanish spheres with slavery, colonialism, racism and apartheid…."
1 E. D. Morel, The Black Man's Burden, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969,

p. 15.
Pope Alexander's Bull Inter Caetera of 1493 divided all the "heathens" of
world with their resources between Portugal and Spain. And then, Pope
Clement VI in
Intra Arcana, the Bull he issued on May 8, 1529, and addressed to Charles V
Spain] urged him on to the war:
We trust that, as long as you are on earth, you will compel and with all
zeal cause the barbarian nations to come to the knowledge of God, the
maker and founder of all things, not only by edicts and admonitions,
but also by force and arms, if needful, in order that their souls may
partake of the heavenly kingdom.
--quoted in Jordan K. Ngubane, Conflict of Minds: Changing Power
Dispositions in South Africa, Books in Focus, Inc. 1979
That global war, declared by Europe in the 15th century in religious terms,
still going on, in different transformations. The most prominent version
today is
Bush's "War on Terror", which was initially announced as a Christian
against the Jihadeers of Islamic Fundamentalism. Another version is
imperialism. We
particularly must note that imperialism is war, and the imperialism of
whites over
blacks is race war.

What have been the signs of this Euro-African race war?
The branch of this European war upon the world that most concerns us, has
been waged on the African race mainly in the guises of what Europeans call
the Slave
Trade, The Scramble for Africa, Colonialism, Neo-colonialism and Racism. If
examine each of them, we will uncover its race war character.
1. Slave Trade When the era of the so-called Slave Trade is examined, what
do we find? Its
main features were interminable wars, forced labour and terrorism; and the
targets of all were
the Black/African Race; and the entire thing was organized by Whites of
European stock, and
they were its prime beneficiaries. It was a system of war and violence on
four continents and
on their interconnecting seas. This war system operated in three zones:
(1) Zone A: Africa, the war front, the zone of daily battles, skirmishes,
kidnappings and ambushes, which yielded war prisoners for carrying off into
(2) Zone B: the Diaspora zone, the rear area of the Europeans, made up of
the transit
waters (the Atlantic and Indian Oceans), together with the territories of
the Americas
as well as the plantation islands in the Indian Ocean, off shore from East
(Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion, Zanzibar, etc). For the Black war captives,

this was
the zone of permanent martial law and terrorism (especially on the
plantations, mines
and slave-holding towns); the zone of deadly forced labour (the super-Gulags

Siberias of their time. For example, "In French Saint Domingue, now calle d
slaves were literally worked to death. The average life span after being
sold into
slavery was about seven years"—The Irritated Genie, p. 24); This was the
zone of
daily resistance by the captives, and of their periodic escapes, mutinies
and revolts,
and of the brutal suppression thereof (there were some 250 recorded revolts
in the
USA alone, an average of one a year for the era before Emancipation); This
was the
zone of guerrilla wars between the Maroon communities (hundreds of which
at any one time all over the Americas) and the slave-owner communities
around them
which sought to re-enslave them; and the zone of full-scale wars between the

states and the liberation movements, as between France and its slaves in
or between the USA and the Black Seminoles. And then there was
Zone C: Europe, the headquarters from where the entire far-flung system of
warfare was masterminded, stimulated, coordinated, armed and financed, and
which the bulk of the resulting riches was taken.
Seen in its totality, this was a vast war on the Black/African Race that was

cunning in its grand strategy. In Africa, the first zone, Europeans made war

on Blacks by
inducing Blacks to make war on one another. It was "divide and conquer" at
its devilish
worst, applied to an entire Black race on the vast African continent, by a
well-disguised white
European hand manipulating from afar. For the kidnap victims and the war
prisoners who
were carried off into captivity, there was a second zone, a zone of total
war -- military,
cultural, economic, psychological, ideological; a total war waged against
them by whites,
clearly and visibly by whites, and designed to break each of them into an
obedient workhorse
for the rest of life. When taken altogether, this was the most devious and
satanic of war
systems ever contrived: Europe was the headquarters, Africa was the war
front, the Americas
were the prisoners-of-war camp, chattel-slavery was the kind of forced
labour to which the
prisoners-of-war were subjected in that camp, the produce and profits which
went to Europe
were the peculiar booty from this most peculiar of wars. As for all the
Blacks caught up in it,
the overwhelming majority, probably as much as 99.9%, were victims of
different kinds and
to different degrees: the war captives shipped abroad, the war dead and the
war survivors left
back in Africa, all those who resisted the pressure to collaborate, and even

those among the
Black procurers, far from the coast, who never made contact with the Whites
but unwittingly
served the interest of the European war fomenters. All were caught in the
toils of a devilish
system whose totality they were in no position to see or guess; all were
driven by
overpowering forces beamed and controlled from outside their societies,
forces which crushed
all resistance, even those put up by African kings and queens, such as
Affonso of the
BaKongo and Nzinga of the N'gola. They were, one and all, victims of a
satanic European
bourgeoisie, which devised the entire thing and kept it going for its own
Conquest and colonialism
That centuries-long slaving phase of this race war was followed by the phase

of undisguised
military conquest and colonization, i.e. a phase of conquest of black
Africans by white
Europeans and of foreign white rule over blacks. The conquest phase,
principally between
1884 and 1914, is Eurocentrically called "The scramble for Africa". In this
phase, Blacks
would now be conquered, Christianized (See Appendix 8 at pp.57-60) and
prepared for
civilization [i.e. Europeanization] in Africa itself, and the job of doing
that was dubbed the
"White Man's Burden".
In furtherance of the project of Christianizing and Europeanizing Africans,
(i.e. of
treating them to culturecide), Black Africans were subjected to genocide,
terrorism, land
expropriation, property confiscation, forced labour, and taxation by the
implanted Lugardist
states. The starkest and best-documented varieties of this were in King
Leopold's Congo Free
State (formerly Zaire and now the Democratic Republic of Congo), France's
Congo (now
Congo-Brazzaville), Portugal's Angola, Germany's South-West Africa (now
Britain's Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and the British-Boer Republic of
South Africa.
In the Belgian example, a "System" was devised to terrorize and exploit the
Blacks to the
point of utter ruin. (The book to read is The Black Man's Burden by E.D.
Colonialism, thereby, was the worst disaster to have ever struck Black
Africa thus far. The
culturecide it accomplished has left Africa so demented that it still can't
get its act together
even today.

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