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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 May 2007 15:54:43 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

You need to go dairy free & get a bite guard for the  TMJ

What do you do for TMJ?  Do you massage your jaw and  muscles around  your 
ears and up and down your neck?  You can do  it yourself or get a  massage 
and ask 
that person to spend more effort  in this area.

You can  get rid of the pain and tightness, however,  it won't go away by 
itself.   Also, one needs to relax.  Be  aware of what makes those muscles 
and  massage them right  away.  Eventually, you will get to the point where  
either you  massage them as the begin to tighten and you can figure out how 
keep your body from tensing up. 

I've not seen celiac  associated with TMJ.  Your symptoms could  indicate a
possible  allergy/sinus/middle ear situation.  In allergy, (or   sinus
infection) your tissues swell causing pressure (blocked ears,   maybe
dizziness).  A middle ear infection could cause   dizziness.

Once diagnosed with celiac, it is easy to try to pin  many  symptoms on the
disease, but we are still open to other  diseases.

Your symptoms probably are what some  neurologists who know (not many of  
them) call Gluten  Ataxia.

There are two neurologists who have done a  lot of research  on Celiac and 
nerves. If you google Celiac  Latov    and    also    Celiac Hadjivasseliou   
you may  find some things that you don't know from some  articles on their  

Maybe a TMJ specialist, if you have not seen one? 
Sorry  you are having  issues

Do you know your B vitamin  levels?  I was just reading about B12 and  B1 and 
B5, it was one  of those which can create dizziness/balance  difficulties.  I 
wanted my dad, who frequently falls, to get checked  for that and  celiac.  
went to doc who asked if he had diarrhea (no)   and said he didn't have 
I didn't have diarrhea and I'm  blood  and biopsy positive.  It's really hard 
out of  state when your  folks are old and require care.  He doesn't speak  
English well.   Sigh.)

I also had TMJ/bruxism - was fitted  for a night guard from an  orthodontist 
worked for.  It  helped.  But after 8 months I  discontinued use and don't 
myself needing it (I moved away, was dx  celiac, and he doesn't know  I'm not 
using it anymore - he'd probably be  displeased.  But he  also doesn't know 
much about celiac despite my  phone calls - I had to  stop bugging him cause 
thought he'd think I was  nuts!)

And,  actually, my B12 is only "slightly" higher than prediagnosis  and it's  
low.  I should take shots, but don't regularly, if at   all.  It's in the low 
Hmm, I guess a compilation of  other  nutrients helped with the bruxism?  
Sometimes I still feel  disoriented  too ... not vertigo or anything, so I 
forward to  your reply (maybe it's  the B12 deficiency?!)

I thought you might be  interested in Excerpt: Could  it Be B12?. You can 
it at,   http://www.quilldriverbooks.com/b12/excerpt_b12.htm 

I look forward  to  your summary from other replies.

This is an  allergy.  I have had this problem with extreme  dizziness.  My  
doctor put me on NASONEX nasel spray.  The problem is   gone!

would love to hear what you find...the dizziness has been  affecting me  for
3 years.  All the test show  nothing.

Also sounds like sinus problems, not uncommon w/  celiacs, along w/ fluid in  
the ears.  I have problems whenever a  low pressure front comes in & the  
'high" is caught trying to  escape.  

Guiafenisen syrup (aka  "expectorant") thins the  mucous/add water to it so 
can drain. You also need  to drink enough  of water.  I'm found that taking 
timed-release vitamin C  has also  helped me sinuses a lot.  (I get the 
VitaSource 500 Time-Release   from K-Mart).. (Antihistamines can dry mucous 
up so things 
have more  trouble  draining.)

You could also have some allergies to milk  protein, soy, ???  that's causing 
the reaction.   Pre-celiac,  your immune system might  have been to 
ooverwhelmed to react to a  specific food.  With less stress on  g.f., immune 
system can 
be  more specific. Sounds like it isn't new so it's  probably not something 
& g.f. you've added recently.

You might need to get  braces.  I had TMJ at 40 & had a lot of  dental work 
done  including 3 years in braces - best money I ever spent.   For a bite  
mine is a plastic piece that fits in the top of my mouth over   all my top 
teeth, I wear the thing every night, or else I grind my  teeth  etc.  I think 
the guard has to cover all your teeth,  so that they do  not touch each 
when your teeth touch, the  muscles go where the teeth  "tell them"
Yes, 100% on dairy is hard but  worth the results.  I hope it works for  you.
wishing you the  best

Hi.  I would look into magnesium deficiency.   The best book that  I know of 
is The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn  Dean.  If you're  considering 
tested, the EXAtest  (www.exatest.com) is the way to go as  standard blood 
are worth  very  little.

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