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Wed, 10 Jan 1996 10:16:01 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I guess I am the Celiac/Cynic.
I subscribe and receive Nutrition/health Letters monthly from:
Harvard University(two-publications-Health and Heart); Tufts University,
The University of Texas, Mayo Clinic and the Center For Science in the
Public Interest.(I have myriad subscriptions on Computers and Finance.)
All these articles are well-written and researched. In five years, I
have never seen a glimmer of intelligent interest in the one disease
that could be helped by proper laws and information--OUR Celiac Disease.
I think we are going to have to be less appreciative of the little that
has been done-and become more vocal and insistent on some action.
Of course, Celiacs should observe the general findings that all people
should be aware of. Lo-fat cooking, exercise, are good for Celiacs, as
well as the general population. Mystery foods in restaurants and poor
labeling of ingredients that can make us sicker than the general
population-should not be tolerated!! FDA-listen up!
The world should not expect us to just quietly watch out for ourselves,
carry foods to meetings and restaurants-or stay home and cook from
scratch or depend upon mail order- and lead a quiet, obiesant existence.
Don't have your kids apologetic for being different. Different from whom?
Let them complain that foods served in public should be o.k. for celiacs.
Celiac foods can be eaten by the general public. Most school menus cannot
be tolerated by Celiacs. Those foods can contribute towards Cancer and
peripheral neuropathy. Make the public aware!
If we eat right, we can, probably or possibly, be healthier than most
people. We have to stop acting like 'freaks" and stand up for ourselves.
Maybe the world won't wear ribbons in recogniton,but, we are due some
respect and recognition. Let's change "reality'-not accept it with bowed
head and hands folded! Celiacs are not inferior beings.
I haven't bought one mail-order article, or eaten one particle of food
that isn't in "public domain", since being diagnosed. People may think I
am a little strange, at first. When they get used to me, they accomodate
me and encourage my participation in activities. I don't apologise for
being me. I have more to offer the world than just a sensitive alimentary
system. I am a complete human being. No defense necessary.
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