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Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:45:41 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

     Hi, I'm Marge, a 47 yr. old, biopsy, blood test, D-xylose and fecal fat
(passed--flunked?? them all) diagonosed Celiac since the end of July.  I had
had no previous G-I symptoms except life-long constipation and huge stools
which I always assumed were normal for me, was slightly overweight, and
chronically anemic since college, maybe before.  I also had the immune system
from hell (no ability to fight off infections of any kind from cuts to
"flus"), was chronically tired, and had aches and pains, especially hips and
knees, which sent me to my family doctor who guessed lupus, fibromyalgia,
CFS, arthritis, bursitis, depression, stress, you name it, and sent me to
rheumatologists etc. with no diagnosis.  I felt crazy and emotionally weak,
was sure I was a hypochondriac, and blamed all my problems on my inability to
cope with "normal" amounts of stress; however, to my family practice doctor's
credit, (whatever he might have felt) he always took my complaints seriously.

     Needless to say, when my referral to an astute G-I doctor to investigate
the cause of my worsening anemia finally led to a conclusive diagnosis of CD
(on a Friday afternoon after 5:00), I was eager to find out as much as I
could.  My husband found this list on a search of Celiac Sprue, and I have
been a daily "lurker" ever since.  It has literally been my daily lesson, and
I am so grateful to all of you and especially to the listowners and experts
who give so much time.  For some reason, however, I have been reluctant to
post--maybe it's a sort of denial that I will have this disease for the rest
of my life and that I really do belong in this group.  Also, because I had
had no G-I symptoms, I'm sorry to say that I tended to brand as fanatical the
posters who claimed to get sick from one little crumb or vitamin pill or

     When I went G-F, the difference in how I felt was incredible, and
apparent within a week.  Although I felt angry at the restrictions of the
diet and really sad sometimes, I was determined to take it a day at a time,
and be grateful that I finally felt well for the first time in my whole life.
 I was also convinced, however, that I obviously didn't have such a "serious
case" as many others since I had no reactions to dairy, felt great, and
wouldn't know a gluten attack if one occurred.  I therefore decided to be as
"good" as I could be, but didn't see the point of chasing every little
"natural flavoring," getting my own cutting board, etc.

     Now--after almost 5 months of being GF (at least I thought so), I am
beginning to get attacks that feel like I've been poisoned, gurgly gut,
diarrhea, chills, headache, and incredible fatigue.  I have it now as I sit
here, and this is the fourth or fifth time in the last month--one or more a
week.  It isn't cool at all, and I feel VERY sorry for myself.  The last time
I accidently had some non-dairy coffee creamer after church whose ingredients
I didn't check and attributed the attack to that.  This time I only at at
home--but had folks in for a Christmas party.  The only things that I can
think of that could possibly have been sources of gluten were paparika in an
otherwise GF homemade Brunswick stew (the worcestshire sauce was Lea &
Perrins--OK according to the Lyles', et. al.'s wonderful shopping guide) and
garlic cream cheese which I dipped my rice crackers into along with guests'
wheat crackers.  Could I possibly have become this sensitive in this short
time?  I'm beginning to feel crazy again.  My Gastro said that it's possible
that I might become more sensitive to gluten, but I guess I didn't expect 1-2
sick days per week here all of a sudden.  Should I just become ever more
fastidious (and "abnormal") about my food, or is something else going on
here?  I really need some words of wisdom and comfort.

     In closing, I want to thank you all for being out there in cyberspace or
whatever.  I know that this was a long message and I'll try to write a
subject line which will enable those of you who are too busy to skip it.  I
think that writing it has been a step for me in really thinking of myself as
a Celiac and being willing to become part of this list.  To those of you who
read it, and maybe identify in some way, thank you so very much.  I'd love to
hear from you.  It's been snowing for about 3 days here in Maine, "...it
doesn't show signs of stopping and I've got some CORN for popping.."