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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 26 Aug 2006 16:01:10 -0600
text/plain (54 lines)
Note.  You will be reading briefly about demons.  If you don't
feel comfortable about that, please don't read further.  I am
changing the lady's name for the purpose of this writing.

     Rose and I prayed together last Friday.  Two years ago, she
experienced what used to be called, a break down, but which they
call all types of things now.  Bottom line?  She was suicidal and
thought she was crazy.  She made the mistake of saying to the
psychologist, "Could this be spiritual or demonic?"  They called a
crisis team and she was immediately admitted to the psych
hospital.  She was basically diagnosed as mentally ill, put on
drugs, and sent home.

     Fast forward to last Friday.  During our prayer session, she
went very deep into some areas where the root problems were.
Regardless if this offends somebody, Rose was raised a Mormon and
her father was an elder in the LDS church and baptized his
daughter himself in the temple before she turned 8 years of age.

     Rose became very suicidal last Friday.  Her boyfriend of 7
years, not getting her to answer her phone, drove over and found
a very scary scene.  Rose had taken lipstick and written on her
arms and on mirrors of the house.  The words were not
recognizable by him but he wrote them down.  He took her to his
apartment, took two days off work, and tried to help her.  He is
not a Christian but I led Rose to Christ last week.  Her parents
divorced when she was 8 years old and she never went to church

     She was very suicidal but her boyfriend, with the help of
Rose, contacted me, and in turn, I contacted one of her best
friends.  The words she was writing were written in three lines.
The friend of Rose thought it looked as if it could be Hebrew so
she was able to log on to a Hebrew scholar's mailing list.  They
offered to look at the words.  Several of them got together,
including a couple of rabbis, and although some of what they were
looking at was garbled, there was a clear spoken message.  I won't
repeat in detail what was said because it was evil and demonic in
nature.  Frankly, you don't want to know what it said but it
wasn't surprising to me at all.  Rose told me herself this very
day that she does not know Hebrew of any kind.  So, yes, it was a
demonic spirit speaking the words.

     Rose has rescheduled prayer session to begin Monday.  I'd
appreciate your prayers for me to pray God's way with her and for
Rose that she might receive and experience more renewing of the


He's ready when you are.