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Kathleen Connolly <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 May 1997 06:40:39 -0400
text/plain (40 lines)
In a message dated 97-05-05 18:35:22 EDT, Esther writes:

<< <<I've recently switched from Synthroid (.1mg) to Armour (60 mg). One
 I've noticed, even after 3-4 days, is a major rise in body temp.  >>

And Cindy writes:
<<I switched from .05 Synthroid to 90 mg. of Armour a month ago, and I
the warm feeling right away, too.>>

Hi Cindy, Esther and all,
I experienced the same phenomonen when my Internist started adding Cytomel
50mcgs to the 150mcg of Synthroid I was already on.  She increased me only
25mcgs (Cytomel) at first and similar to your experience, I was very warm
within days of starting the additional T3... then the warmness leveled off
(all but the night sweats).  When she increased it again, the warmth came and
stayed.  My friends tell me you can hang meat in my house and the cat seeks
all manner of covers to climb under.  I, however, feel much better.  For the
first time in 8-10 years, my hair, nails and skin are back to normal...the
energy is still somewhat diminished, but much improved.  I also have
Fibromyalgia, an energy zapper also, so I suspect the remainder of the
fatigue is from that.  One night of poor sleep sends me back into low energy

I also have had an interesting thing happen in the last week...I ran out of
synthroid  a week ago and have just been lazy about getting it
refilled...(that and money has been really tight lately...).  I have really
bad headaches, 2-5 days/week, and have since my thyroid died.  Well, this
week while off synthroid, I have only had one headache that required
Cafergot.  That's a record for me...almost a week with no headache!!  Does
anyone else have any similar experience?  Could I be allergic to the filler
in the Synthroid?  I refilled the synthroid last night and will begin taking
again today...If the headaches return as before, I am planning to try Armour.
 If anyone on the board has had a similar experience, I would greatly
appreciate your comments.

Many thanks,
Kathleen in Carolina