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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
"Donald Michael, Md" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Dec 2003 23:09:32 EST
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
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In a message dated 12/8/2003 12:00:37 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

Writing from nothing more than my training and experience over the last 30
years or so<<<

> Total T3  1.3 (0.6-1.8 ng/ml) >>>

I usually ignore this. A free T3 is a much better index of what is around to
help you. <<<

> Free T3   3.2 (2.3-4.2 pg/ml)  >>>

Like all lab work, not very useful unless taken in the context of the whole
patient, this is a respectable number. While the lab "norms" go lower, the
average healthy person is about 3.3 or so. <<<

> T4      8.2 (6.5-10.5 mcg/dl)
> Free T4   1.0 (0.8-1.8 ng/dl)>>

Looking at the free T4, this is lower than what I usually see in folks who
are healthy. Again, "One lab value does not a diagnosis make." <<<

> TSH     6.852 (0.35-5.5 mciu/ml) >>>>

Interesting. Most would call you hypothyroid. I would just want to get the
History-the other 85% of the Diagnosis. <<

> Anti-Thyroglobulin AB  <20  (<40 iu/ml)
> Antithyroid peroxidase 496 (<35 iu/ml) >>>

For what its worth, you have autoimmune Thyroiditis: Inflammation of the
thyroid gland the leads to the production of antibodies. Turtleneck sweaters
probably drive you crazy. People with Thyroiditis tend to be hypothyroid. The used
to say that the Thyroiditis was the cause of the Hypothyroidism. I have read
things that suggest that if you whip the heck out of the gland with a lot of
TSH, most people will get the antibodies. <<<<

> Reverse T3 (triiodothyronine)  202 (90-350 pg/ml)  >>>>

While this is within the lab's "normal range" of people who get that test
done (the middle 95.5%) these are usually people who we suspect of or know have
Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome (WTS). I never used to believe in it until Skipper
asked me to take a closer look because of a relative who he felt had WTS. He
then added the frosting to the cake by saying, "You know she's part Irish and
part Native American." I felt a migraine coming on when he said that, but I read
about it. D*mn, it sure explained a lot of patients who I had seen over the
years and never understood. I been treating it ever since.

What to look for?
1. National origin of folks who survived lots of famines: Irish, Scottish,
Welsh, Native American, Russian/Slovic.

2. A history of thyroid kinds of problems being brought on or made a lot
worse by major stress: death of a loved one, home or work stress, accidents,
surgery, divorce, having a baby, or just starvation type dieting.

3. An initial good response to thyroid meds that rapidly diminishes after a
while, and needing another increase.

4. A low daytime body temperature (unless running a "fever," using thyroid
meds, or being exposed to things that raise anyone's body temperature-like
sauna, hot tub etc.

5. Labs that are "in the normal range."

6. Having at least one doc try to put you on antidepressants or get mad
because you  brought Internet downloads into his/her office.  <<<

> thyroid stimulating immunoglob 75  (0-129%)
> testosterone 750 (241-827 ng/dl) >>>
> Very respectable level, but meaningless unless you know the patient.  <<<

> DHEA sulfate  198 (80-560 mcg/dl) >>>

More numbers, may be the least of your problems, but should be addressed
after you get a good diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Remember the measure of Medicine is the Health of the patient, NOT pretty
labs. You really need someone to take a good history, and shape the evaluation to
you, not the lab work. Good treatment is almost impossible without a good

A prayer that you get what you need to get well, (If you are not well
already).I can easily imagine someone who had the same labs and was in fairly good


Doc Don


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