> I have an easier time avoiding that kind of food. I never liked rice at> all. Can we eat sweet potatoes and still remain true to paleo?> > Trish> Word of warning, Trish.There is not a good definition of "true Paleo." Ray Audettes book Neaderthin seems to be the operative definition . However, there is a pretty wide variety of compliance and tolerance on this list. The term Paleo seems to mean different things to different people. It seems that some go after paleo eating ideologically to mean literally what you could eat, where you live, during the present season, if all you had was a stick. The other extreme seems to be mimicking the macronutrients of a paleolithic diet with modern foods. Everybody on the list falls some place on this continuum but in the end you have to eat your own lunch. For me, I don't particularly care for yam etc, so I only occasionally nibble at a sweet potato. They have too many carbs to eat in any quantity without making me feel jittery. Wayne
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