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Emilie Ngo Nguidjol <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
African Association of Madison <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:57:06 -0500
text/plain (88 lines)

                             10TH AFRICAN FEST ANNIVERSARY

                                SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 2008

                      RENEW YOUR AAM MEMBERSHIP FOR $25!!!!

          MAIL YOUR CHECK TO AAM, P. O. Box 1016, MADISON, WI 53701


> June 5, 2008
> An Historic Day
> Senator Obama has accomplished an incredible first for the
> African-American community, and for the United States.  Barack Obama
> is the first African American to be nominated for President on a major
> party ticket. 
>  This historic event shows just how far this country has come to
> healing the racial divides that have plagued our history as a nation.
> But along the way the campaign provided some painful reminders of just
> how much further we have to go to achieve true equality for all
> Americans.
>  This is a day that should make us all proud, and then it should make
> us redouble our efforts to protect those rights that many have given
> their lives to secure.  And for 100 years, that's exactly what the
> NAACP has done.
>  As a bipartisan, 501 C3 organization we don't get involved directly
> with candidates. What we do, I think better than any other
> organization, is organize the voting efforts of the African American
> community.  This year the NAACP is focused on four things: voter
> registration, voter education, election protection and getting out the
> vote.  We've been hard at work already, and over the summer you'll be
> hearing more from us as we roll out new phases of our program. But
> here are just a few updates.
> NAACP and its coalition partners have already registered hundreds of
> thousands of new voters, and we're expanding our efforts so that we
> can reach even more young people through technology and field efforts
> on college campuses.  Our goal is to register many thousands more new
> voters between now and November with an eye to increasing
> African-American voter turnout by 5%.
>  Earlier this year the NAACP's Washington Bureau published its annual
> Congressional Scorecard so that voters could see how their
> representatives in Congress have voted on civil rights issues. We also
> published the written responses to the NAACP's Presidential
> Questionnaire, distributed to all campaigns earlier this year. 
>  In July, when the NAACP holds its 99th Annual Convention in
> Cincinnati, John McCain and Barack Obama will participate in the
> NAACP's Presidential Forum. The Forum will give the candidates the
> opportunity to answer questions on issues that are critical to civil
> rights and to communities of color. The NAACP will distribute this
> information through its network so that every voter has access to
> unvarnished information about the candidates' positions.
>  Over the next several months, our work together will help define the
> future of civil rights in this great country.  I hope that we can
> count on you to stand with us in every way possible.
>  Sincerely,
>  Julian Bond
>  Chairman



> (c)2008 NAACP, 4805 Mt. Hope Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215.

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