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"Anita H. Makuluni" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:13:15 -0500
text/plain (133 lines)
** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **

Forwarded message from
Aili Tripp, Director, Women's Studies Research Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Marie-Béatrice Umutesi will be in Madison from November 15-17.  If you would
like to meet with her during that time please 
contact me at [log in to unmask]

Ms. Umutesi will be discussing her book Surviving 
the Slaughter: The Ordeal of a Rwandan Refugee in 
Zaire (2004) at the November 17 brownbag at noon 
(cosponsored by the African Studies Program and 
the Women's Studies Research Center). An English 
version of the book was recently published by the 
University of Wisconsin Press. The book is 
launching a new series on Women in Africa and the 
Diaspora that is co-edited by Stanlie James and 
Aili Tripp.

This is the link to the University of Wisconsin Press ad for the book:

About Surviving the Slaughter: The Ordeal of a Rwandan Refugee in Zaire

In this firsthand account of inexplicable 
brutality, day-to-day suffering, and survival, 
Marie-Béatrice Umutesi sheds light on a genocide 
that targeted the Hutu refugees of Rwanda after 
the victory of the Rwandan Patriotic Front in 
1994. Umutesi's documentation of these years 
provides the world a history that is still widely 
unknown. This poignant autobiography is more than 
a testimony to the lives and humanity lost; it is 
a call for those responsible for the atrocious 
crimes-and the devastating silence-to be held 

About 300,000 were killed in these massacres. 
Marie-Beatrice Umutesi was a university-trained 
woman who was working with women's associations 
in Byumba, Rwanda, before she was forced to flee 
to Congo in desperation along with hundreds of 
thousands of other refugees.  Today she works in 
rural development projects in Cameroon.

In 1993 Umutesi was forced to flee from Byumba to 
Kigali and then in 1994 she fled to Congo/Zaire 
with members of her family and several other 
children.  Two years later they were forced to 
flee from one refugee camp to another while being 
pursued by the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front 
(RPF) soldiers that had taken over Rwanda in 
1994.  She and other refugees walked, sometimes 
ran, 2,000 kilometers from Bukavu to Mbandaka, 
through the rainforests of Zaire.  They were 
hunted down not only by Rwandan soldiers but also 
by other marauding armies.  They died by the 
thousands in gruesome attacks by Rwandese forces, 
but also from hunger, disease, and exhaustion. 
They were ignored by the international community 
and betrayed by humanitarian associations, 
especially the United Nations High Commission on 
Refugees, that hunted them down to deliver them 
into the hands of their murderers as part of a 
repatriation effort.

As renowned historian of Africa  Jan Vansina 
eloquently put it in a review of the manuscript: 
"She tells in unadorned, honest, and 
straightforward language what happened to her and 
to her companions: what they saw, what they felt, 
what rumours they heard during their flights or 
in the camps, their fears, their hopes, their 
disappointments, their illnesses, deaths, and the 
horror of it all. This account testifies above 
all to what humanity itself consists of in its 
greatness, depravity, and resilience. There are 
no enemy groups in this book; members of all of 
them were equally stricken. . . [ the testimony 
is] "so powerful and moving that it reaches an 
unintended literary greatness."

At the ASA meeting Umutesi will be participating in a panel:

Friday, 10:45 am - 12:45 pm

(IV-O3) Roundtable to discuss book, Surviving the 
Slaughter: The Ordeal of a Rwandan Refugee in 
Zaire (Fuir ou mourir au Zaire) by Marie-Béatrice 
Chair: Aili Tripp, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Marie-Béatrice Umutesi
Alison Des Forges, Human Rights Watch
Catharine Newbury, Smith College
Danielle de Lame, Royal Museum for Central Africa
Aliko Songolo, U of Wisconsin-Madison
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.


Aili Tripp, Director
Women's Studies Research Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
108 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Dr.
Madison, Wisconsin
USA  53706

Office: (608) 263-2053
Fax:    (608)  265-2409
Email:  [log in to unmask]
Web:    http://www.womenstudies.wisc.edu/WSRC/index.htm

<  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  >
Anita H. Makuluni * Madison WI * [log in to unmask]

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