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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 Jul 2006 19:34:26 -0700
text/plain (90 lines)
Hi Phil,
I haven't read most messages, but started aat the bottom of the list and saw 
yours.  How did you hear that about Art Bell?
    I have actually appreciated him at times, because  in spite of all the 
crazies he had on, I many times sensed a searching heart in the man, and a 
heart of compassion.  I have prayed for him on a number of occasions.
    bject: so You Want To Be A Medium?

>     Sandy gets off work about midnight.  Since her computer work
> station is in our bedroom, I normally don't go to bed before she
> does because all that keyboard clicking, and voice synthesizer
> chatter, wakes me up sometimes.  So, I sometimes watch TV for
> awhile but I almost always go listen to national news on the radio
> to see if the world has come to an end yet or to see if the
> rapture has occurred and somehow I missed it.  the station I catch
> the national network news on, also broadcasts Coast To coast A M
> which used to be run by Art Bell.  Anyhow, back in the very early
> nineties, I began listening to the show, from time to time, and
> discovered, they sometimes have Christians on.  They often don't
> realize it up front but later it turns out they are Christians who
> happen to be experts in different areas.  I do grow weary of all
> the UFO stuff, on the other hand, because I could care less if
> there is intelligent life on other planets or not.  Of course,
> they have quite a crop of psychics as guests on the show.  These
> are people who are never wrong and their predictions are 100
> percent on target every time.  Yeah, right.  No, I don't listen
> for very long because I go to bed normally as soon as Sandy
> finishes work between 11:30 and midnight.  Besides, you can only
> take so much of the UFO stuff and the psychic stuff before you
> start playing with your fingers and toes, if you know what I mean.
> So, last night, I checked the show out, as usual.  I like seeing
> what the rest of the world is doing and thinking.  Washington DC
> tops the list for luny tune entertainment but Coast To coast is in
> the top five at least.  So anyhow, I switch the program on.  I had
> been listening to the BBC broadcast on a local National Public
> Radio station, you know, NPR, that really conservative Christian
> news outfit?  they had been giving better coverage on the Middle
> East and I was way more interested in that than hearing about
> somebody picked up by a UFO or a psychic who once again got a
> prediction right.  I noticed they never mention when the psychic
> guest has missed a prediction.  speaking of which, remind me to
> tell you the time I caught Art Bell in an out and out lie on his
> show.  Of course, Art now lives in the Philippines because a few
> weeks after his wife passed away, he married a 22 year old
> Filipino lady so he left and move there.  Art is 60 years old.
> Lucky guy.  I might move to the P I if I could find a 22 year
> young woman to love me.  No, scratch that.  I'm in love with a 60
> year old woman so I got it backwards.  Well, she is almost sixty.
> Anyhow, I switched over to see what they were talking about.  A
> woman called the show  and told a story about how she was healed
> from seizures from one of these Brazilian psychic healers that
> waves his hands over your body and you are miraculously healed.
> I wonder if you have to take your clothes off first?  Anyhow, it
> is nothing new and I have read about them for more than 30 years
> from Brazil and the P I, the Philippine Islands, and many other
> places.  This healer told this lady, one reason why she wasn't
> being completely healed permanently was due to a couple of
> reasons.  First, her medication was keeping her sick.  There's
> good advice if I ever saw it.  secondly, he told her that she was
> not doing what she was called to do.  What was she called to do,
> you ask?  She is supposed to be a medium.  You know, a psychic,
> fortune teller, Tarot card reader, necromancer, that's somebody
> who can speak to the dead for you and some claim to be able to
> produce the dead so you can talk with them, and some modern
> mediums, the real hip ones, can even communicate with flying
> saucers and people millions of light years away.  Yeah, pretty
> cool.  Nope.  You are right.  Some of these people really do
> believe they have a gift from god.  Of course, it isn't the God we
> know and that's why I spelled it with a small g and not with a
> capital letter.  I almost laughed out loud when this lady told
> her story but then I felt sorry for her because she really
> believes what she experienced.  The great counterfeiter is still
> at work but it isn't anything new.  Just read the Bible and you'll
> read of people just like this.  Well, excluding the UFO bit.  Some
> people today, however, believe that's what Ezekiel was describing
> but all you have to do is read it once to know such is not the
> case.  Anyhow, somehow I thought that story was worth sharing.  I
> have heard of Christians who listen to this show at night just to
> be able to pray for everyone who calls in to find the truth.
> thank you Jesus for the faithful and give them strength.
> Phil.
> Has He Ever Crossed Your Mind?