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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 6 Jul 2006 09:54:30 +0100
text/plain (92 lines)
Hi there Sharon, and all,

Hmmm!  I have been thinking over the past hour or two, since seeing your 
message . . ..  (I've taken the liberty of changing the subject header here 
because some may find that "upgrading" thought a little tackey.

First, in full defence of the AV, I am very prepared to agree its 
outstanding accuracy and truthfulness and the need for this in the Church. 
I know and respect those who feel so passionately they wouldn't use anything 
else!  (I even know some on this list and I reckon they won't keep quiet for 
too long <SMILE>!)

For me, I grew up with the AV and learned and got to know its wording so 
well that, if I am imprisoned or without a Bible in later years, I know 
these are the words I will be crying out!  Therefore, there is something 
very special for me about the AV.

However, alongside this, I do find its archaic, old English language both a 
bit sweet and treakley and certainly it's something which I do not fully 
understand or identify with.  For example, I even find 1 Corinthians 13 
causes me to feel I'm being called (though not drawn) to the litergy of the 
church and not the real meaning of the passage on occasions, especially when 
this is delivered in a large church with a lot of echo, and for me there are 
far better, more modern, translations of that lovely passage.  It is for 
this reason that I still read the old but also more modern translations and 
allow God to speak with me and refresh me as I do so!

Your example in Luke 7 is so right, to my mind.  "Cry" and "weep" are words 
I understand and appreciate, and even think there is a difference between 
them, and that comment is based on my own experience.  Why say something 
more when these words are adequate!

I don't want to say too much about individual versions, but I do keep a copy 
of the NIV around on my BrailleNote because it sort of is the general 
version I can keep with me.  I love, love the Amplified, when I want to 
think some more about words!  There are some very refreshing things about 
The Message Bible also.  In some ways its language gets me a bit hot under 
the collar (perhaps it's a little over the top in some of its "American 
expression" for us Britts) but in others I find it refreshing.  It seems to 
move on a pace that cannot be conveyed to me as I read the AV.  I think you 
would like to read the Message and maybe you already have it.  (The Message 
also uses the word "cry" in that passage, by the way, Sharon.)

Finally, here's one further thought which I want to convey and it's meant by 
no means to take away any of the truth and reverence of the older versions 
of the Bible.  My thinking goes something like this:  "Well, Jesus expresses 
Himself to us in ways we can understand.  He meets us where we are.  He 
speaks words in the church which often are brought by younger, enthusiastic 
ones whose language understanding and presentation is more like the Message 
than the AV.  So be it!  God will still speak His truth into hungry hearts! 
God will still make His ways known!  I personally don't want to examine 
every word etc for its accuracy either, because I'm not that kind of 
scholar, but I do want to be blessed inside as I read His word!

Anyway, I'm off my soap box now.  Have been up many hours so guess it's 
brunchtime for me!

[log in to unmask]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sharon Hooley" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 7:27 AM
Subject: Upgrading Versions of the bible?

> Well Julie, of course the Bible doesn't change, but our understanding of 
> some things in the bible can change as we grow in the Lord, and maybe it's 
> possible to "upgrade" as far as contemporary language is concerned, not to 
> change the meaning of what the Bible says, but to speak our everyday 
> language.  Unfortunately, many of those who create a new translation tend 
> to try to make the bible say what they want it to say, instead of what 
> it's really saying.  Personally, I want my bible to speak the language I 
> use, not the ancient language of the KJV, as long as the modern 
> translation is accurate.  From the bible, I wish I could hear things like, 
> "Serving God is so much fun!  So cool!"  But I need to remind myself that, 
> even if I read it in an ancient language, it can be just as expressive as 
> we are today.  For example, there's the story about when Jesus approached 
> a funeral procession. His hart went out to the widow who had just lost her 
> son.  In the KJV, we read, "Weep not."  But in the NIV, (which may not be 
> a perfectly accurate translation), we hear Him simply saying, "Don't cry." 
> I would rather hear the latter, but maybe, just maybe, Jesus is depicted 
> just as strongly compassionate, affectionate and comforting, in the KJV. 
> What are your thoughts?
> Sharon