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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Kathleen Estes <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Mar 2007 19:02:44 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 No, no, go to the health food store and buy Twin Labs "Tri Boron".  MUCH
cheaper and safer, and VERY effective.  One woman said her bone density
improved so much her dr switched all his pts from Fosamax to Triboron.  And
a friend got her aunt to use it after a tumor on the parathyroid caused
severe osteoporosis.  Her bone density was back to normal in 9 months.
 I have taken it for several years. I now take it once a week.  I understand 
that there is something like Fosamax that you take once a month but I am not 
sure that I would remember to take it while I do know that every week I take 
the Fosamax on the same day.
 I have never had any signs of any stomach problems during the five years 
that I have been taking it.
 Yes -  I've been taking Fosamax for four years now.  I also take Calcium
with Vit. D.  My t-score has improved to the point that I'm now classified
as osteopenic rather than osteoporotic.


Kathleen I took fosomax for over a year with great success.  I did stop it
this year as it seem to cause a little throat constriction but it took care
of my osteoporosis.  I now take 1 once a month Boniva.  My bones are now in
within normal limits which is a huge surprise as I had osteoporosis quite
 I took it for 2 and 1/2 years for osteoporosis and am now off of it and my 
bone scans are fine every year.  Make sure your gut is well healed before you 
start it or you won't absorb it properly. 
 I did use foxomax for a couple of years but it led to acid reflux.  I'd
suggest the once-a-week bone builder instead of daily.  (Good news was it
did build bone!)

 I took fosamax for 5-6 months before I found out I had celiac.  My bone scan 
was at -4 at that time.
I went off fosamax because it is a "toxic" drug, in my view. It does a number 
on one's liver. Needless to say, to the surprise of my Dr., my bone density 
18 months later was -3. 

My belief is that my bones deteriorated because of celiac.  Since I now am 
eating correctly, my bones are improving.  I don't need a drug.  I also try to 
follow a acid/alkaline balanced diet (pH) that encourages bone health.  Bones 
don't like an overabundance of caffeine, sugar, red meat, dairy, etc.

 I took fosamax for 5-6 months before I found out I had celiac.  My bone scan 
was at -4 at that time.
I went off fosamax because it is a "toxic" drug, in my view. It does a number 
on one's liver. Needless to say, to the surprise of my Dr., my bone density 
18 months later was -3. 

My belief is that my bones deteriorated because of celiac.  Since I now am 
eating correctly, my bones are improving.  I don't need a drug.  I also try to 
follow a acid/alkaline balanced diet (pH) that encourages bone health.  Bones 
don't like an overabundance of caffeine, sugar, red meat, dairy, etc.

----- you don't need fosomax which kills your stomach.  Two md's suggested 
that I
take Twin Lab's TRI BORON PLUS when I broke my shoulder, tore my rotator
cuff and had to spend a year in bed...I was terrified that my bone density
which was a plus 1.75 would go and turn my bones to mush.  When I finally
healed I went for another bone density test and my density went UP to plus
2!  I've told 2 other md's and now they tell their patients about Tri Boron
Plus and do not prescribe fosomax....you can get it at any health food store

Fosomax is gluten free.  I was on it for one month.  I researched it and 
found several law suits due to the fact that fosomax can cause/causes severe 
problems/deformaties with the jaw.  But I still took it.  When my dentist heard I 
was on it he asked me to investigate it further before continuing the 
medication. Apparently fosomax affects most people who have extensive dental work, I am 
due for 2 crowns.  I am now taking vitamins/calcium  until I meet with me 
doctor on Wed.  Ill let you know what the choices can be. I know my aunt with 
celiac takes some form of injections every quarter of the year.   I know Boniva 
(the sally field commercial) does have gluten.  
 I took it briefly, but had terrible reflux from it.  I was switched to 
calcitonin nasal spray and got really good results with that.  You spray it in your 
nostril and switch nostrils every day.  It has less side effects.  For me, I 
got better bone building from it, maybe because it is not digested but is 
absorbed directly into the blood vessels in the nose.  

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