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Jenifer Gilley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Aug 2006 20:29:08 -0400
text/plain (84 lines)
8shakes head.*  nostradamas said that the rapture... or wait... he called it 
the end of the world... was going to come june 20, 1999?  well... we all 
know that was a lie!  those christians that maxed out there credit cards 
deserve what they got!  don't they know how to read?
Jenifer gilley
check out my blog
AIM: jenibear1998
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vinny Samarco" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: There She Blows

> Phil,
>    A friend of mine once said, " want to see God move?  Just set a date". 
> Remember, he is coming as a thief in the night.  When was the last time 
> your local thief sent you a card or email telling you when to expect him.
> The problem with everyone setting a date, is that it will desensatize 
> everyone so people will say, "Where is the promise of his coming? or 
> they'll say, yeah, wolf wolf!!!!!"
> How many of us knew about 9-11 before it happened?
>    What about those guys in the late 80's who wrote this book who had 
> calculated the actual date of the rapture?  And those so-called Christians 
> who maxed out their credit cards so that when the raptured occured, they 
> wouldn't be here to  pay it?
>    I have also heard of Christians ina certain country, who, when great 
> persecution and tribulation came to their country said, "I thought the 
> rapture was supposed to take us away from all tribulation".  Was that 
> teaching in second Hezekiaih?  I can't quite remember where it was.
> Vinny
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:46 PM
> Subject: There She Blows
>> Kathy,
>> You have bigger problems than that military base.  First, as we all know 
>> and
>> believe, the polar caps are melting.  At the same time, so we are told by
>> scientists, we are not only causing global warming, hence, the polar caps
>> melting, but within 10 to 20 years, a Minnie ice age is supposed to drop
>> down as far south as England.  This will be due to the gulf stream going
>> haywire and no longer pulling warm waters up from the gulf into the 
>> Northern
>> Atlantic.  The melting of the ice caps, at the same time England is 
>> plunged
>> into an ice age, will cause the atlantic to rise at least 20 feet, so 
>> they
>> say, although I don't get that one at all.  Before then, you will have to
>> move west, of course.  Just in case you have forgotten, that volcano on 
>> the
>> western coast of the Canary Island could blow at any time.  When it does,
>> they say that the whole side of the mountain will crash into the Atlantic
>> which will create a tsunami from 200 feet to 600 feet high which will 
>> travel
>> up to 500 miles an hour across the Atlantic.  The first 50 miles of 
>> inland,
>> from Canada's Atlantic seaboard down to Miami, will be inundated by this
>> massive wall of water.  If you are still there when the tsunami comes
>> ashore, you can definitely forget about moving west by that point.  Me? 
>> I'm
>> moving to Yellowstone and camping out until the super volcano up there
>> blows.  I want to be right on top of that baby when it goes up.  You see, 
>> my
>> friend Keith, here in Denver, says there is no rapture.  Yes, Jesus 
>> returns
>> to earth but not until after the seven years of tribulation.  So, just in
>> case Keith is right, I want to be the first man on earth that arrives in
>> Heaven.  Sitting on top of a super volcano should guarantee me first 
>> arrival
>> just in case there is no Rapture.  And away she goes!
>> Phil.