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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 23 Feb 2007 18:56:25 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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 The dishonesty of Jammeh and his cronies is just amazing but what is even more amazing is that these people are so dumb they think they can play games with this process.
 I am sure Dr Mbowe and any other medical professional around Jammeh who are complacent in this scandal understand very well that:
 You cannot claim to have tested people and achieved certain results and then send blood samples to another lab that had nothing to do with the original testing or test results or evidence of the original diagnosis and who have no proof of who the blood samples they received belong to, or that the owners were infact clinically diagnosed with AIDs(other than what someone else told them) and then claim that the results from the new samples belong to the same people who were originally diagnosed with AIDs. There is nothing to confirm to the lab in senegal that the blood samples belong to the people indicated and there is nothing that the Senegal lab has to confirm that the blood they tested belong to the same people who were originally diagnosed as having the AIDs virus, or that these people were even diagnosed as having the AIDs virus in the first place. If Mbowe does not know that, then we need to make sure no other Gambians are sent to study medicine where he studied.
 If Yaya Jammeh can cure AIDS, he stands to make lots of money and I am sure he and his cronies would not hesitate to capitalize on such a valuable discovery if it was indeed true.
 I think the argument about whether Jammeh can cure AIDs or not can be put to rest with a few simple steps. I have a proposal for them. Let us outline a simple scientific process for them because it appears they do not know how to really establish once and for all, through the use of a simple scientific process if this claim of a cure for AIDS is true or not, and that hype and game playing is not going to help them sell this scam. However, I think they do know this and that is precisely why they have refused to have their claims put to the test once and for all.
 1. Let Jammeh and those who support the claim that he can cure AIDS bring forward a new batch of patients who have been diagnosed as being infected with the AIDS virus.
 2. Have these people re-tested to establish that they are indeed infected with the AIDs virus. Have the drawing of the blood samples and the labelling and subsequent testing witnessed by medical experts from Gambia as well as from the WHO and other medical representatives from around the World. This can take place in The Gambia or in Senegal or anywhere they choose. Have some controls who will also be tested and disgnosed but who will not receive the treatment
 3. Have "Dr" Jammeh apply his treatment to these patients
 4 Repeat the blood drawing and requisite testing and re-testing scenario as in #2 above to see if these people are free of the AIDS virus.
 Simple process and if he has found a cure for AIDS, then I am sure the World will applaud Jammeh and the sky will be the limit for his fame and fortune.
 Any other arguments and attempts to frame other medical professionals, countries, pharmaceutical companies etc with some hocus pocus twisted logic will not hold water, and the more Yaya Jammeh and those who support him in this fiasco try to discredit those who challenge their false claims, the more infamous and ridiculous they will appear to the rest of the World and the more embarassing this will be for our country. 
 All they have to do is agree to have this claim put to the test as described.
 However, I bet the Daily Observer editor will never advocate such a thing in the pages of that paper because Jammeh will have his head. Instead, he continues to exemplify all that is worse in any human being.
 Another very grave consequence is that Yaya Jammeh is tarnishing the name of Islam and the holy Qur'an by associating this holy book with his so-called cure and the Muslim leaders in The Gambia who are not speaking out against this blasphemy should know that their silence is contributing to the curse that is already upon our nation, namely having Yaya Jammeh as our head os state.
 Jabou Joh
 -----Original Message-----
 From: [log in to unmask]
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 Sent: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 9:06 AM
 Subject: Are the Witches gone "jaffur"?
  Is this some "Buwa jaffur"/ "Doma bu jaffur" (confession of a witch) or some sinister ploy to run Jammeh government and the Gambia into self-distruct? Whatever it is, its not good for the Gambia. The world has nothing to gain by going against anyone with a cure for a killer disease like AIDS and Gambians cannot allow whoever wrote this piece to turn the them against us. I sincerely ask Mr. Jammeh's friends to rescue him from whoever has gotten the better part of him and his government. 
 Malanding Jaiteh 
 Lab test proves HIV cure: Dr. Coumba Touré-Kane guilty of professional dishonesty 
 Written by DO 
 Friday, 23 February 2007 
 Dr Coumba Toure Kane is guilty of professional dishonesty. The discovery of the cure for Aids by President Jammeh through herbal medicine and spiritual power has indeed thrown the international community into a quandary: 
 a practical dilemma, as the evidence continue to mount in support of President Jammeh’s discoveries. As we stated earlier, this discovery has startled those who have vested interest in the international drug cartels and their collaborators in the various medical professions. 
 The evidence gathered and verified by laboratory tests in Dakar, Senegal, were certified by Dr. Coumba Toure Kane. Below we reproduce the full text of the fascimile of the medical report. These reports were rightly interpreted by the medical authorities in The Gambia according to the data supplied by the laboratory. The prerogative to interpret the data lies with the medical authorities in The Gambia and not Dr Kane. Therefore, it is dishonest for Dr Kane to state that the data cannot be interpreted to prove that the patients tested have been cured of Aids. Let us recall that the patients who were subjected to the treatment were first diagnosed with Aids by the RVTH, and this diagnosis included the use of blood test samples and other associated Hiv tests. These patients also were registered Hiv positive sufferers, and had belonged to Hiv positive support groups, namely: the Santayalla and Nganiyakiling. 
 Having been identified as Hiv positive, these patients declared themselves publicly, to undergo the treatment offered by President Jammeh. After the prescribed period of the treatment, the blood samples of these patients were sent to Senegal, including the samples of other patients. So instead of nine, the lab authorities received sixteen, not fully knowing which one was which. After the tests were conducted, the tests confirmed that those who were subjected to the treatment showed undetectable viral levels, in contrast to the other six samples which unbeknowing to the laboratory served as control for the tests. When the results were announced, the lab authorities were shocked by the discovery that those who had undergone the treatment confirmed the efficacy of President Jammeh’s herbal medicine. For Dr Kane to now claim that there was no baseline is false and dishonest, as the baseline was already established during the selection of the patients who had already confirmed that they were Hiv positive. So what other baseline is Dr Kane asking for? 
 The results of the lab tests signed and certified by Dr Kane do not contain just one data point. The six unknown control group served as another data point, so that the results could be compared. The fact is that the control group who did not undergo the treatment showed no signs of progress, whereas those who were subjected to treatment showed positive results. 
 The problem with Dr Kane is that she appears to be throwing away her professional integrity and meekly echoing the voice of the international interest, who are threatened by this discovery. 
 Of course if this discovery was done by a Senegalese, the Gambia would have given its full support, but because the discovery was done in the Gambia, and for matter by the President of The Gambia, Senegalese jealousy has again raised its ugly face over the fence of the border! If these tests were conducted in another country other than Senegal, you can bet that they would have played the discovery down. This is nothing but a reflection of national jealousy. 
 The Gambia however is now getting used to such negative attitudes across the border. But this will not deter President Jammeh from striving to make the Gambia number one, and the discovery of the Aids cure by President Jammeh has put the Gambia on the number one spot in the race to find a cure for Hiv/Aids. This discovery will not endear President Jammeh to the protagonists of Western medical science, who have interest in the peddling of ineffective Western drugs that have dangerous side effects, in contrast to President Jammeh’s natural herbal medication that has no side effects. We conclude by reminding all Africans, and for that matter all reasoning people around the world, that President Jammeh’s discovery is God sent and intended for the poor, in the service of humanity. The existing cost of anti retroviral drugs(ARVs), some $400 per tablet, is definitely not within the reach of the poor, not to mention that out of the five existing ARVS existing today, the three most ineffective are sent to Africa and Asia and the two most effective are reserved for Hiv sufferers in the West. 
 President Jammeh’s discovery should be supported by all progressive Africans and indeed by World Health Organisation. We must remember that millions are dying of Aids in Africa and if the WHO really cares about this epidemic, they should support all efforts to conquer the disease. President Jammeh has shown the way and in the years to come history will vindicate him. 
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