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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
"Pa.Saikou Kujabi" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Apr 2006 14:58:55 -0700
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (110 lines)
I was not surprised like many Gambians about the
arrest of Mariam Denton, Sheriff.M. Dibba, Speaker of
the House of Representatives and others in the early
hours of Thursday April 6th, 2006.

Folks, belief it or not, Yaya Jammeh and his thugs are
presently busy fabricating evidence that are intended
to  link some of his opponents to the alleged coup.  
There are still more arrests to be made in the days
and perhaps weeks to come. The tyran Jammeh wants to
use this situation to silence his opponents by either
confining them in the courts or eleminating them
completely.  But when did TIT FOR TAT SEIZE TO BE A
FAIR GAME?  When Yaya Jammeh succeeded in overthrowing
the PPP regime?  or because he was elected in a
seemingly democratic atmosphere? certainly none of the

This was one of the reasons why most Gambians did not
want a military regime beyond the two-year-transition
period. It was evident that Yaya Jammeh was only
interested in consolidating his grip on power than
catering for the basic needs of the poor Gambians. He
acquired more ARMS during the trasition period
(1994-1996)than one can imagine.  After twelve
terrible years, Yaya Jammeh has still not learned
anything about the fact that DICTATORS never
relinguished power honorably, and Yaya Jammeh is
certainly no exception.  This and past alleged coup
attempts, if infact they did occour, cleary indicates
that Yaya Jammeh is not popular within the GNA, and
further strengthened the argument that The Gambia need
in his tailor made constitution.  

I am not convinced however, that Sheriff. M. Dibba and
some Parliamentarians had any plans to impeachment
Yaya Jammeh, as repoted by Pa. Nderry.  This would
simply be a none starter, because in addition to such
move being innimical to our democratic system, the
votes will also not be there to support such a motion
in an APRC Majority House.  

May I just make an important correction before I
conclude.  Mariam Denton is not the third in command
in the UDP hierarchy.  Mariam is the Secretary
responsible for Women and Human Rights Affairs, which
is one Secretariat position under the Senior
Administrative Secretary, Ebraima Manneh. Contrary to
Pa. Nderry's claim.

I would suggest that all Gambians in the United
States, United Kingdom, Dakar, France and else where 
quickly organize MASS DEMONSTRATIONS across our
various capitals to draw the attention of the world on
the events unfolding in The Gambia.  We in the United
States must not relax and watch or wait for the State
Department to invite us to demonstrate in front of
their doors.  The State Department will always use
diplomatic language on The Gambian government through
their Ambassador on the ground.  I personally will be
more than willing to join other patriots to mobilize
Gambians in New York and the metropolitan area for any
demonstration.  In this regard, I think we should show
up at both the State Department and the United Nations
Headquarters in New York.  We should also involve the
politicians in our respective constituencies.

 A common WARNING to Yaya Jammeh!!  If you insist on
furhter ruling The Gambian people  by the SWORD much
against their will, be rest assured that no matter how
long you hang on power, you will die by the same
SWORD.  It is an undeniable fact that no human life
was lost on the day of the 1994 coup.  However, you
have shortly thereafter been directly or indirectly
responsible for uncountable lives that were
mysteriously as a result of direction action by your
agents.  You are creating more and more enemies for
yourself within your own camp.  The opposition
politicians and their militants are not out to
overthrow you by the barrel.  We will overthrow you by
the BALLOT BOX, and you know that better.  Most
Gambians families cannot afford a bag of rice, cannot
go to our local markets to buy our own home
vegetables, our own fish, meat-- which is now for
families that are financially strong, no quality
education, your schools are all under equiped, no
basic health care for Gambians, no market for farmers'
products, the list goes on and on.  How do you measure
your success? 

Pa. Saikou Kujabi.


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