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Don Hogan <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:00:20 -0700
text/plain (42 lines)
Greg Davis wrote:
> Howdy,
> I was just reviewing a series of slides Art De Vany used in a 
> presentation for UCI Forum Fitness, and noticed a point under 
> Nutrition Hints written "Less food mixing", and I've also heard from 
> others (admittedly less credible) that combining certain foods at a 
> meal is a bad idea.  Was hoping to hear some other paleo people's 
> thoughts on the subject.
> I've written here before that since going paleo my meals are very 
> similar in makeup in that they almost always consist of a serving of 
> meat/seafood, green veggies, piece of fruit, handful of nuts, and some 
> sort of oil (olive/coconut etc.).  I try to get in as many calories as 
> possible at a meal because I'm very active and also don't like to eat 
> much in the evenings.  So I tend to grab everything at mealtimes and 
> fill myself as much as possible.  But when I think of this in a true 
> paleo context, it may not be a natural eating pattern, since it is 
> unlikely to have everything available at one time.  I'm thinking it 
> may be better instead of having say 3 meals with everything listed 
> above, to for example split it up and eat fruit at one meal without 
> nuts, and then nuts at the next meal without fruit...  has anyone 
> experimented with food combinations that has noticed any effects?  I 
> often feel quite bloated after meals and thought this might have 
> something to do with it.
> Its hard to search for reliable info on the subject, I end up coming 
> across Kevin Trudeau type junk science that I can't rely on.
> -Greg Davis
Yes, I have a healthy respect for food combining. I don't adhere to it 
strictly but for the most part try to accommodate the fact that most 
vegetable and fruit  take less then a half hour to digest whereas dense 
protein sources like meat take much longer. When I get up in the morning 
I like to eat fruit first. My favorite is a mixed bowl of dark 
blackberries, blueberries or raspberries in coconut milk. When eating 
lunch or dinner I tend to eat all my veggies first followed by the meat 
or fish.  Since eating in  this manner I very seldom feel bloated and 
never , well hardly ever fa.... or burp!

Don Hogan