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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:56:10 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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By the way, I have confirmed this story with my sister Ruth.  She has had at
least three angelic experiences that I know of but I'll have to ask her if
she has had more.


His Name Was Angel

     A couple of years ago, my brother in law's father was dying
of cancer.  He was at home, on oxygen, and was failing steadily
each day.  My sister Ruth, and her husband Steven, were going on a
trip to the Pacific islands and stopped at Steven's home to visit
his dad.  they lived almost on the ocean.  You can stand in the
front yard and see the ocean and the beach down below so it is a
beautiful place to live.  Steve, my brother in law, grew up in
this house.  they stayed a day or two with his parents and then,
because his dad encouraged him to, left to board the airplane for
the Pacific.

     Ruth and Steve were seated on the airplane and the door was
swinging closed when it stopped and the stewardess began speaking
to someone at the door.  She turned and walked down the rows and
stopped at their seats and said, "You have an emergency phone
call."  Steve and Ruth walked to the door and into the jetwalk
that was still attached to the airplane.  A black man, who was an
employee of that airline was standing there and told them that
they had an emergency phone call.  Steven acknowledged that he was
expecting the call because his father was dying.  Steven said, "I
don't have my cell phone."  The black man said, "You can use my
cell phone, sir, but the plane is taking off and we need to step
into the building so they can remove the jetwalk.  the cell phone
reception will be better inside anyway."  Ruth and Steven and the
airline employee walked down the jetwalk and into the building.
The jetwalk was removed and the plane moved away and prepared for
take off.

     When they reached the building, the black man handed Steven
his cell phone and told him to call.  Steven stepped a few feet
away and dialed.  My sister Ruth stayed next to the man and
explained it was about her husband's father and that he most
likely had died.  The black man said he understood and they made
small talk as Steven talked to his mother.

     When Steven finished his call, he motioned for Ruth, my
sister, to come to where he was standing just a few feet away.
Ruth excused herself and stepped to her husband's side.  Steven
was saying, "Look at him, Ruth.  Look at him."  Ruth looked back
at the black man but saw nothing.  He was wearing the emblem of
that airline on his shirt.  Ruth said, "Steven, I don't see
anything.  What are you talking about.  Her husband said, "Look.
Look at what he is wearing."  She looked again but could see
nothing out of the ordinary.  finally her husband said, "Look at
his name tag."  My sister looked and saw that the single word
"Angel" was clearly printed on his name tag.  Steven, my brother
in law, has not yet surrendered his life to the Lord as Savior but
my sister is born again.  My sister had absolutely no doubt the
man she saw, and had been talking with, and whose cell phone her
husband had just used, was a messenger sent from God in human
form but she said nothing to Steven at the moment about it.

     the black man began speaking to them and said, let me get
your carry on bags because they took them off the plane but your
luggage went with the plane so it will be returned on another
flight.  He said he would get them a cab and he stayed with them
until they left in the cab.

     when they arrived at Steven's home where he was raised, and
the cab left, Ruth said they began walking up to the house and
suddenly she stopped and said, "Steven, I can feel angels all
around us and around this house."  Steven admitted he felt some
presence as well.  the entered the house and his mother, who was
calm and at peace with everything that had just happened, let them
in.  His father had died in his wife's arms speaking of how much
he loved her.

     Before they left the city to return to their home here in
Denver, Steven asked my sister what she thought about the black
man in the airport with the name tag which said his name was
Angel.  Ruth said that she believed that he was in fact an angel
sent from God to help them.  She asked Steven what he thought and
he confessed that he just really did not know.

     Steven decided to call the airport.  He got a lady on the
phone and explained he wanted to speak to Mr. Angel.  He described
him to her and confirmed he was an employee of that airline.  She
did a database search and came up with no such name on file.
Steven suggested it may have been Angelo or some similar name.
The woman searched again but there was no similar name.  She even
did a nationwide database search throughout the entire company
records in case it was a steward from another city but there was
absolutely no such name in the database.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have
entertained angels unawares.  Hebrews 13:2

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