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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 00:16:24 +0000
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panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]>
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  The NADD leadership crisis is getting out of hand. It appears that the dust surrounding the leadership impasse is far from settling down. Recent news reports suggested that the coalition, will not go ahead with the much talked about Saturday, flag bearer naming political rally. These reports are  not only a cause for concern, but also a  betrayal of trust and confidence reposed on its leadership by The Gambian population.
  Our recent editorials and news reports on the NADD leadership, stalemate, was not well received by some strong NADD supporters, who went all out to call us names. We accepted the criticisms in good faith and will never deter us from doing  our job as required. It is wrong for anyone, to consider independent journalists, as supporters or sympathisers of the opposition. We support no political party and our independence as reporters will be jealously guarded. We shall remain objective and will report the news as we received it, irrespective of who is affected. 
  The criticisms heaped on this author, by opposition supporters for merely reporting about NADD private meetings, is a positive report card for Pa Nderry. While the ruling APRC, perceived me as an opposition journalist, the opposition supporters are today crying foul for my reportage of their party activities. Interesting times. Most of the critics at some point in time,  praised me for exposing the Jammeh dictatorship. But today, is a different story altogether. It is healthy to have dissenting opinions in any true democracy. But I must add that, journalists should refused to be used by any interest group to propagate its political objectives. We are not here  to please any particular political party, but to report the truth. NADD is not immune from scrutiny and as such we cannot understand why our story on the NADD flag bearer nomination and editorials were blown out proportion. We love The Gambia, and will ensure that we make our leaders accountable to Gambians.
  With this latest developments, one is compelled to ask what type of Gambia, are we trying to create after the fall of  Jammeh. If  NADD supporters  cannot withstand issues reported by the press on their leaders, what will happen if they come to power?  We should avoid the repeat of the APRC, style of governance. We should be tolerant and allow the private press to do its job, if  we are truly committed to the ideals of democracy, good governance, the rule of law and the freedom of the press. We should not be over carried by our emotions to make unsubstantiated statements. We are not the least move by such criticisms and will report about NADD if the need arises. 
  People, have all rights to disagree with the issues we report. We are not saying that we should not be criticised. What we are saying here is that people, should not be economical with the truth. They will "see the moon and say no, this is the sun." It is evident that there is power struggle within the NADD leadership. It is also evident that UDP leader Ousainou Darboe, could not readily give his blessing to the nomination of Omar Amadou Jallow (OJ) as flag bearer for NADD. There is a  problem at hand and our critics don't  want us to admit this fact. That they wanted us to stay away from  covering the NADD leadership selection process,  until a definitive decision is reached. Journalists who worth their salt will never wait for the news, but will rather pursue it. We are not under the pay roll of any interest group and as such it is a mockery for anyone to dictate to us how we should do our job. We don't mind to be called names, but the truth will be reported.
  We are glad that sanity is gradually returning, as some of our critics, had admittedly stated that, we never invented or manufactured NADD'S leadership struggle. We want to praise such critics, for being brave enough to vindicate us at this hour. NADD'S failure will not be in the interest of  Gambians and as such journalists are aware of the potential dangers of misinformation. We shall ensure that anything reported about NADD or the APRC will be in the best interest of the country and her people. Now is the time for Gambians, including the press to develop interest as to who will steer the affairs of NADD. People should air their opinions on those vying for the NADD flag bearer seat. Such opinions will help to guide NADD, in its flag bearer selection process.  We should not allow the NADD executive to steal the show. We all have a stake on the democratic process. Our readers should tell us how they feel about Ousainou Darboe, OJ, Halifa, Hamat and Waa. Our country should be
 entrusted to people with vision and not power greedy politicians. In that, we are not suggesting in any way that those mentioned above are not competent to run The Gambia.
  Coming back to the NADD leadership stand off,  we are calling  on Ousainou Darboe, to tell his supporters to be tolerant and accept the majority decision. If the NADD'S MOU is to go by, then NADD is a transitional government in the making. We still cannot figure out any sense on the said leadership tussle. Darboe, should have been the first person to champion the need for  coalition officials to accept whoever is selected as flag bearer.  He had tried on two consecutive terms and couldn't win the Presidency. True, those elections were stolen by Jammeh, but the reality is that Darboe, should not allow everybody to spit at him. The talk going around in town is that Darboe, want to be "Mansa" and as such will not hesitate to call it a day with anybody trying to block his Presidential aspiration. Unless Darboe, himself clears the air people will continue talk. 
  To do justice to his country and NADD, he should put aside his Presidential ambition for now and allow a fresh "Johnny just come" to lead NADD. Darboe, could be of  great help to NADD, in view of his wealth of political experience. He was one of those, who engaged the former junta led by Jammeh. Power is sweet, but we all cannot be leaders. I'm sure my statement will not be well received by Darboe's  fans, but I'm entitled to my political opinion as a Gambian. I have high respect for Darboe, but this statement is not  malicious in anyway. Darboe, can run for the Presidency, after the rectification process, initiated by the proposed NADD government. 
  While, NADD is engulfed by the leadership issue, we humbly suggested as a last resort, to nominate a non executive member,  as a flag bearer, in the event the UDP, refuses to recognise OJ. It  will not earn Darboe or any opposition leader to part with NADD at this hour. Greed should be set aside for now and rescue Gambians from Jammeh's tyranny. We rest our case.
  The author is the former Secretary General of The Gambia press Union and also a former Voice of America radio Banjul Correspondent. Mr. M'Bai who now resides in the US State of North Carolina Raleigh was a leading political and crime reporter with the Point and Daily Observer newspapers respectively. He can be reached by email at the following addresses: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] 

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