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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 18 Apr 1995 22:24:54 -0500
Connie O'Brien <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I joined this list recently and I can hardly wait to check my mail.  So many
people have questions that I can identify with, and have not been able to
get answers from doctors or dietitions.  I have received lots of good
information from all of you.  I was diagnosed with CD in 1992, after being
sick for about 12 years.  I almost died the last 2 yrs. before diagnosis.
Was admitted to the hospital on 4 or 5 occasions in need of I.V.'s because I
was so dehydrated from the "trots".  I know where every ladies room is in
the department stores and parking ramps  of downtown Minneapolis.  The
dietition put me on a "gluten free" diet.which meant NO BREAD.  Wow was I in
for a rude awakening when I attended a "Gluten Free" Cruise sponsered by the
Florida Group.  I met many wonderful people and learned how to make my own
bread, along with several lists of mail order suppliers of gluten free
products.  I too, have had to find certain lipsticks, makeup, shampoo, (
that earthy wheat germ stuff really made my scalp and eyelids itch.) ,
lotions, toothpaste, and on and on.   I have read quite a few messages
regarding depression.  Also, Chronic Fatigue.  I experience both.  Does the
Chronic Fatigue occur because of the malabsorption of vitamins?  On days
when I have lots of energy I do as much as I possibly can, because I never
know what I will feel like the next day.  I work full time and must write
many reports with many interruptions.  Some days I can not concentrate.  I
have changed from a do it now person to a real procrastinator.  Some days I
feel like I have toxic poisoning.  Also Chemical odors and smells from the
janitorial staff make me feel like my brain is going to explode, itchy eyes
and skin. It is very frustating not to be able to have a list of what  one
must or  must not wear or ingest.  I know many of you have worked very hard
contacting food suppliers and pharmacies.  Each region of our country has
different name brands in the stores so some of the things that sound good
are not availabe here.  I get worn out calling  and looking.  Thanks for the
children's lunch ideas.  I will use them for myself, as I live in a small
suburb and none of the 6 restaurants have food that is "safe".  I feel it
would be valuable to have one large group, if nothing else, at least a list
of names to present for the sake of lobbying for accurate labeling.  We are
a group of people with a disability and should be recognized and accomodated
in the same manner as other groups.  I feel that because my illness does not
show, the only way people know I am sick is to tell them, and we all know no
one wants to be around a whiner.  It is easier just to go to work, do my
job, someone asks how I feel , I say I am fine.  Thank you. How are you.? I
would appreciate any numbers or addresses of food suppliers in the U.S.
Health Food chain stores, Medial Experts in the  Mpls -St.Paul Minnesota
area.  Thank you again for all the helpful information.  Connie O.