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Wed, 28 Jun 1995 18:31:17 -0400
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<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Wow !  I think we are all seeing the power of this new medium.. More
information exchanged about our hitherto little known disease than I have
been able to find in print over the last ten years !  Great ! But let's
remember the guidelines established for this list, not to be restrictive, but
to be productive !

I have chaired aa few public forums in my career where people just came to
vent their spleen and sometimes there is a useful purpose to do that.  Maybe
even in this case.  But now it's a time for learning and appreciating.  The
only was we can really learn from each other is to recognize that we are all
on the same side and have the same goal....to spread the word aboout celiac
disease !!!

We must not put any one person or group on the defensiive so that they will
not be willing to participate in our information exchange.

We "lay" people have been given lots of wrong information about our disease
and some of us are unwittingly continuing to do so, even 'tho our intent is
pure.  We simply are NOT medical professionals.

So let's hear it for the "pros" and while we are learning from them, let's
take the opportunity to indeed teach them about our difficulties with
diagnosis, diet, doctors, etc.   but with RESPECT  and understanding for all
our points of view.

Yes, some of the doctors are spending considerable time on this list,
exchanging ideas and offering advise.  I appreciate it and I' sure all of us

Let's lower the tone a little, remember as we were warned, this form of
communication lends itself to vastly different emotional interpretation than
 "face to face".  Thanks to all.  I hope I haven't sounded too much like a
mr. goody-goody.  :>O)