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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Debra Berke <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:35:51 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here is a summary of responses.
Bring along a Triumph Dining Card in Thai. (_www.triumphdining.com_ 
(http://www.triumphdining.com/) )
Just an aside and in case you're interested, Taste of Thai and Thai Kitchen  
(brands of Thai
noodes/sauces/mixes you can find at the store) both have GF  varieties of Pad 
Thai mixes/ingredients so you can make it at home.  Also,  Taste of Thai's 
red, green and yellow curry pastes (just add coconut  milk/veggies/protein) are 
easy to cook with, GF and make it very easy to prepare  authentic dishes at 

The more  authentic Thai places make their soy sauce from soy, not wheat. You 
can ask  about that. Some use GF soy sauce in their cooking in the kitchen, 
but put  commercial non GF on the tables. You can often just ask them to cook a 
dish  without the soy sauce. In the more authentic places you can't find a 
drop of  gluten to save yourself. They don't use it. 
I too love  Thai Food. The place I frequent has told me that only their Egg 
Rolls and Wonton  Soup have gluten in it. I have eaten there with much success! 
Ask for MSG free  oyster and fish sauce. My restaurant says the peanut sauce 
is GF that they use.  I am very sensitive and have never had a reaction from 
it. They cook with native  Thai soy sauce but put Kikkoman (sp?) on the table 
for extra seasoning if you  want it. Kikkoman has wheat listed in the 
ingredients so I just do not use it. :  Enjoy! 
I'd say it  depends on the restaurant, but as a general rule I make sure my 
dish doesn't  contain soy sauce, fish sauce or oyster sauce. Some places even 
the chili sauce  unfortunately.... I LOVE Thai food--- I've found lots of 
hidden gluten, but  commonly from soy sauce. The local Thai places here do use lots 
of soy sauces...  but... if I bring in my own Tamari  (wheat-free soy sauce 
commonly found in health food stores) they are always  happy to use my GF 
ingredients :) I also use restaurant cards for them to look  over; they'll 
substitute where necessary. Also, most oyster sauces that I've  bought myself have 
been GF--- but ask your restaurant what they use. 
End result: I order  whatever I want, they modify-- I usually order Phad See 
Iew,  Phad Kee Mao or curry dishes. I've never  gotten sick so long as I 
explained my wishes and handed the server a card to  show the chef  
I called the  company called Epicurean International Inc. of P.O. Box 13242, 
Berkeley, CA  94712-4242   1-800-967-THAI.  The line of  food is called THAI 
KITCHEN, and they supposedly have a GF listing even  on their website which is  
_www.thaikitchen.com_ (http://www.thaikitchen.com/)  they can be emailed at 
[log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask]) , and their customer 
service  said if there was any difficulty in identifying GF products to please call 
The rest of this  delicious line is gluten free except what is listed below. 
This is according to  their Gluten Free statement that they sent to me. 
Lemongrass &  Chili Rice Noodle Soup, 5.3oz box 
Savory Garlic  Stir-Fry Rice Noodles, 5.3 oz box 
The waiter spoke perfect English  and looked out for me with many 
recommendations. I ended up with a Thai Stir Fry  and I put fish sauce on it. There soy 
sauce comes in a larger bottle and then  broken down into smaller bottles with 
no labels. Their pad thai was already  pre-marinated (that surprised me). 
Thank you to the many that responded, I felt  much more comfortable with the 
knowledge that I went in with and Yes I would do  it again. 
Ask for rice noodles or ask if  the food has wheat flour in it. 
You have to know that each and  every ingredient, including each spice, is 
gluten free...not in a general sense  by specific to that restaurant and location
What to watch out for is if you  are allergic to coconut, or peanuts.
Thai food is largely not made with  gluten products
Ask them to rinse the pan before cooking
Take your own  gluten/wheat free soy sauce
Curries do not usually contain gluten. They use  rice noodles and will fix a 
GF sauce for them
Fish sauce which is GF is a  good substitute for soy sauce
Peanut sauce is GF
Do not eat oyster  sauce.
Everything is usually thickened with cornstarch.
Check to see what  kind of rice noodles they use--dry are GF but 'fresh' ones 
are  not
(may have flour sprinkled on them to keep from  sticking together).
Golden Mountain Soy Sauce is not made with wheat
They  do not grow wheat in Thailand

Good dishes that were  recommended
rice noodle dishes like phad ke mao or phad thai.
Order  the lemon grass coconut soup!!! It's beyond good.
Pad Thai is the national  dish of  Thailand
chicken  sartay (or satay)
Tom Ka Gai--Thai galanga soup--is ok.

I ordered the  spring rolls, made with rice wrappers. They were filled 
w/chicken, rice noodles,  cucumber, and bean sprouts. Delicious with the chili 
sauce. I also ordered a  stir-fry veggie dish - cashews w chicken and veggies, a 
clear sauce and steam  rice. 
Here's a link to a website that  explains the gf diet in Thai (in case 
they're not too good at English):
(http://members.aol.com/zoeliak/spr_info.htm) . 
The  only items my Thai restaurant needs to omit for me are soy sauce & 
imitation  crab meat.
Its best to give them a copy of this page:


* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *
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