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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 14 May 2006 23:04:52 -0500
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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I will pray for sure. What concerns for such a little one compared to most 
her age.


on 11:50 AM 5/13/2006, Phil Scovell said:

This came today from my nephew who, along with his wife and family, are
missionaries in Kazakhstan which is north of China.  they have two girls,
Ruth and Amber.  amber is the youngest.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave & Wendy Adamson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:28 AM
Subject: Requests for Amber

     Since last summer, about once a month, Amber would wake up from a nap
time or sleeping at night with what we thought was a night terror.  These
times included her physically shaking and choking.  At the time we thought
she was choking on her blanket.  We also thought that this was just a 
and she would grow out of it.
     During the past week Amber has had small episodes in the daytime ( 
seconds with just her tongue falling asleep or her hands shaking) every
other day.  So there's still something going on.  She is doing well.  Her
spirits are high.  You couldn't tell anything was wrong with her.  Her
biggest concern is " What will the kids think if if happens at school?"
Well it did happen at school and the kids all handled it well.  No one has
been unkind.  In fact her teacher talked with the kids and prayed for her
and they are being so kind and helpful.
     Yesterday we got the EEG results and the MRI results but they need to 
translated into English and sent to doctors in America to have them looked
at.  Basically we are getting closer to a diagnosis but don't know 
much yet.  They said the EEG was normal and when we looked at the MRI the
technician said that there was a cyst.  The doctor does not know if this
related to the episodes Amber is having or not.
      We have been working with a Western pediatrician in Almaty, but he
cannot diagnose neurological issues.  We are now trying to get in contact
with either a western trained neurologist or an American neurologist who 
read these test results and give us an accurate diagnosis.
     Yesterday before Amber was heading into the MRI I asked her, "Who 
be in there with you?" and she said "Jesus".  I told her what an awesome 
we have that he can be so big but that he can also be so little that he 
fit in there with her.  Amber had to hold her whole body still inside the
cave looking MRI machine for 26 minutes!  We talked about how long 26
minutes is what she could think about in order to help her stay still for
that long.  Dave was able to hold her foot and hand during the whole
procedure so that helped to comfort her.  She did great!  Afterward I 
her how it went. She said," I thought about what you said about God being
able to be small and imagined him about 2 inches high sitting on my 
and that made me feel better."  I was so blessed by the way the Lord met 
and drew her close.
     Wednesday was especailly difficult for me emotionally.  As I was 
out to God I asked him what He thought of Amber.  I felt him say, " I
created her. I love the way I made her. She's delightful."  There was such 
relief in experiencing a touch of his love for Amber that helped to quiet 
soul.  I find myslef thinking of Job and how He had an audience with God 
in the end Job's response was to worship God.  It's been good to give 
to the doubt and find the Lover of my soul near by to comfort me.
     So we wait and entrust ourselves to Him.

1. We have access to an MRI for Amber in Almaty.
2. Amber held still for 26 minutes inside a noisy drill like sounding MRI
3. Amber is still happy and active 99.9% of the time.

1. Ask the Lordto lead us to an American or Western trained neurologist 
can give us an accurate diagnosis.
2. Wisdom about the next steps.

Wendy and Dave


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