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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 May 2006 18:42:16 -0400
text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1; reply-type=response
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Praise the Lord! This is truly a miracle!  I know he has a long way to go 
but this is wonderful news.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  I am praying!
Virgie and Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "BD" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 11:53 PM
Subject: Andy update Sunday

>I called Andy's mom. Here is the latest update. They took him for a walk 
>down the long hallway, and he did very good. Leaned a little to one side 
>but overall very good. They have him sitting up a lot. His head wrap is 
>off. They have him strapped in the chair when he is up so he doesn't hurt 
>himself somehow. He is very loopy yet from the meds and it is uncertain yet 
>if he recognizes people or not. His fiance brought in  his one year old son 
>but he didn't  respond much. Andy does talk although  not always making 
>sense. He knows his mom but that might be because she has referred herself 
>to him as mom so often. He knows his name and birth date but can't remember 
>why he is in the hospital. He gets agitated some and will say stuff like... 
>"Mom I need to sit down"  when he is sitting down but then puts his pillow 
>on the bed. They think his reference to sitting down is him meaning he 
>wants to put his feet on the bed while sitting in the chair. They said he 
>has a lot of bruising of the brain in the frontal area, which controls 
>behavior. Bruising is not repairable in the brain and we can only hope  it 
>isn't too severe. I guess the nurses well know he remembers how to toss out 
>expletives, but they say this is common in head injuries. His mom said he 
>will sit and he is a bit anxious  trying to lean forward and reposition 
>himself and etc. The nurses said when he goes for a walk he is very content 
>afterwards so the exercise and just getting out of bed or the chair 
>probably helps. We just continue to pray his brain isn't damaged to a point 
>of not being able to function but in all our wishing, we have to remember 
>it hasn't even been two weeks since his accident and he is doing great in 
>recovery. They are getting him ready to go to another floor, the floor  to 
>begin rehabilitation. Andy has a pretty big hole in one elbow they need to 
>do surgery on, as well a couple cracked collar bones they need to fix up. 
>Then they figured about 3 to 4 surgeries on his head which they'll do last. 
>I am going to head over there Wednesday night and get in late and hopefully 
>Thursday go see him if not on the weekend. I plan to go in and not tell him 
>who I am to see if he recognizes me. Then I'm going to grab his hand and 
>pray with, or for, him, perhaps silently as to not cause him distress if he 
>can't understand what  I'm saying, we'll see. I appreciate your continued 
>prayer for him for a full recovery. They indicated there will be a time 
>when he will have need  for assisted living facility as he'll be too 
>healthy for the hospital but not well enough to care for himself without 
>supervision. Oh and they took the feeding tube off and he is eating well 
>with a good appetite, I believe they are feeding him and he is not yet 
>feeding himself. So that is the update for now. I was thinking of bringing 
>him a new fishing  rod and reel because Andy loves fishing, but  I'm not 
>sure that would be good yet. If I knew he was understanding everything, I 
>thought it would be a neat thing for him to look on leaning in the corner 
>of his room as incentive to bust out one day, but he's got a way to go yet.
> Brad