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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 22:56:30 -0600
text/plain (87 lines)
Dear Phil,

I remember this story very well. It does remind me of our $75.00 Christmas.
We only had $75.00 in our checking account that year. Vernon didn't spend
that much money on me, but what I got was precious to me, and still is. I
got a medium sized roaster for Christmas, and a pair of kitchen sheers.
That was all I got, but you know what, those two items are dear to my
heart, and I'll never forget that Christmas.

God Bless everyone.

Pat Ferguson

At 05:23 PM 12/13/03 -0700, you wrote:
>Here is an article I wrote and have posted here before but this story is
>very precious to me because of the lesson God taught me.
>My 250 Dollar Christmas
>                          By Phil Scovell
>      Several years ago, when our children were very small and we
>didn't have much money for Christmas, I was feeling quite sorry
>for myself.  I couldn't say the Lord hadn't blessed us, because He
>certainly had.  However,  it was Christmas and we were sort of
>broke.  We had been able to get toys for our children but there
>wasn't anything left and I wanted to get other things such as food
>for the holidays because my wife loves to cook and bake.
>      I remember walking into the living room of our home and being
>at the front door.  I cannot recall what I was doing at the door
>but I remember I was closing and locking it.  I think my wife and
>children had left for the evening to go shopping because I
>remember being alone.  As I closed the door, I prayed a silent
>prayer and asked the Lord to give us 250 dollars for Christmas and
>before Christmas, too, so we could get the things I wanted.
>Normally when I would think such thoughts, I would run down a list
>of people, in my mind, who had money and could give if they
>wanted.  this time I did not go down my list of people I thought
>could afford to give us money; I just asked the Lord to bless me
>with 250 dollars as I felt the sadness in my heart.
>      A couple of days went by and I called a friend and asked if
>he would be in my area that week to pick up a watch I had in the
>shop for cleaning.  He said yes and told me what day he would come
>by with the watch.
>      I heard his knock and let him in.  He handed me my watch and
>I said, "here, let me get my checkbook to write you a check for
>the repairs."  It was, by the way 45 dollars.  He said, "No, here,
>I have something for you."  I turned around and he handed me 205
>dollars cash.  He said, "It was originally 250 dollars cash but I
>used 45 dollars to pay for your watch because I forgot to bring
>some other money to pay for your watch in the first place."  I
>tried to protest but this man had given us money as a gift many
>times over the years and I knew, once the Lord told him what to
>do, he would do it when it came to money.  I thanked him and when
>he left, tears came to my eyes.  I had never once thought of this
>man when I had asked the Lord to give me exactly 250 dollars for
>Christmas.  Now my watch was paid for, a Christmas present itself,
>and I had 205 dollars extra cash for Christmas and my family.
>      I stood in the living room, after my friend left, thinking
>about what had just happened and realized the power of God in
>prayer.  More than that, I realized God really cared for me and
>that was why He answered my prayer.  I could have easily lived
>without the 250 dollars but I knew I couldn't live without the
>Lord in my life.
>      this Christmas, make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life.  All
>you need to do to become born again is pray to the Lord, confess
>you are a sinner and cannot save yourself, and ask Jesus Christ to
>be the Lord of your life.  Yes, it is that simple.  I did it when
>I was just five years of age and it works.
>      If you are already born again, be reminded that He is in fact
>the Lord of your life and every situation you face.  He hasn't
>forgotten you.  Recognizing Him as Lord is the best Christmas gift
>you can give him.  Besides, what else can you give the Creator of
>all things who already has everything other than your love for
>Him.  That's all He really wants for Christmas.