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Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Feb 2006 19:23:46 -0700
text/plain (187 lines)
Dear Sharon,

Hamas has been responsible for a multitude of terror attacks against Israel. 
With the recent elections in the Palestinian Authority, the world is about
to see that there is such a thing as a democratic dictatorship.headed by 
none other than "Hamas-istan." The "democratically elected" HAMAS terror 
is set to dictate terms, not only to the Palestinian people, but to the 
Israelis and their American ally.

Khaled Mashaal, the Damascus-based head of the political bureau of Hamas, 
wrote: "We shall never recognize the legitimacy of a Zionist state created 
our soil in order to atone for somebody else's sins or solve somebody else's 
problem. But if you are willing to accept the principle of a long-term 
we are prepared to negotiate the terms."

Hamas has claimed sole or joint responsibility for many of the terrorist 
attacks in Israel. The truth is this: As long as terrorists receive dollars 
abroad, there will be terror in Israel.

That is why it is imperative that we petition President Bush today and ask 
him to introduce a law that will stop money from being transferred from 
to Hamas through any and all channels and especially through the U.S. mail.

We must also ask the President to put pressure on the European Union to stop 
funding Hamas, and to prevent the millions of Muslims living in Europe from
sending money to support that terrorist organization.

Please sign the "Stop Funding Hamas Terror" petition today.

Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar told Al-Manar TV on Jan. 25: "Palestine means 
Palestine in its entirety - from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] 
cannot give up a single inch of it. Therefore, we will not recognize the 
Israeli enemy's [right] to a single inch. That is one thing. The second 
is that if the right of return is an individual right, neither Mahmoud 
Al-Zahar nor Abbas Zaki can relinquish it, because all these concessions 
will constitute
a national catastrophe. The third point is that we can found a state on any 
piece of the land, and this will not mean we give up on any other part of 
land." Has the Road Map to peace simply reached a detour in the road, or had 
it reached a dead end?

Be sure Hamas will come out and say the magic words to get money. "I 
denounce terrorism," while looking for ingenuous ways around their 
declaration. I witnessed
Arafat's silver-tongued avowal in 1988, and confronted him. His terrorist 
"diplomats" threatened to kill me for confronting Arafat.

Although it is unlawful for the United States to send money to a terrorist 
organization, former President Jimmy Carter suggests that we give funds to 
U.N., and have the U.N. transfer the funds to Hamas. According to Mr. 
Carter, "Hamas deserves to be recognized by the international community 
despite its
'militant past,' and its leaders may well abandon violence."

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is asking the international 
community to intervene and persuade Hamas to lay down their weapons. Said 
"Hamas is asked to disarm and abandon its pledge to destroy Israel." 
According to Olmert, Israel would not negotiate with Hamas unless or until 
the terrorist
organization agreed to recognize Israel and her right to exist. The Hamas 
Charter specifically calls for the annihilation of Israel. (
Read the Hamas Charter)
Sign the "Stop Funding Hamas Terror" petition today. Ask President Bush to 
initiate a law that would stop the flow of American money to Hamas, 
through the U.S. mail, and stiffly penalize American companies that do 
business with the oil-rich Arab countries supporting Hamas.

No longer must we divert American tax payer dollars to support the 
terrorist-led Palestinian authority. There are six million Muslims living in 
in addition to a great number of Jew-hating liberals who wish to see Israel 
destroyed. The pipeline of funds that flows into the pockets of Hamas must
be interrupted.

Below are just a few of the terrorist attacks for which Hamas has claimed 
sole or joint responsibility. I have visited some of the victims of these 
attacks in the hospitals.

January 13, 2005: Six Israelis were killed and five other civilians were 
wounded in a double suicide bombing at the Karni crossing between Israel and 
Gaza Strip. The two suicide bombers used a very large explosive device to 
blast through a defensive wall that separates the Israeli and Palestinian 
at the crossing. Following the blast, the bombers crossed into the Israeli 
side, carrying explosives on their bodies, which they detonated. Hamas and 
Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed joint responsibility for the attack.

August 31, 2004: Sixteen people, including a 3 year old, were killed and 
about 100 injured when two buses in Beersheba were attacked within minutes 
of each
other by suicide bombers. Hamas claimed responsibility.

June 11, 2003: Sixteen people were killed and more than 80 wounded when a 
suicide bomber blew up a Jerusalem city bus during the afternoon rush hour. 
bomber was disguised as an ultra-Orthodox Jew. Hamas claimed responsibility 
for the attack.

March 9, 2002: Eleven people were killed and 54 injured, 10 of them 
seriously, when a suicide bomber exploded at in a crowded cafe at the corner 
of Aza
and Ben-Maimon streets in the Rehavia neighborhood in the center of 
Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Please sign the petition today
asking President Bush not to allow funds raised in the U.S. to be 
transferred to the Palestinian Authority or to any country from which it 
could be transferred
to Hamas.

Please forward this to everyone on your list.

Israel needs our prayers and support now more than ever. America's ally in 
the Middle East is in grave danger; we must stand in the gap for the Jewish 

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

Mike Evans

Join the Jerusalem Prayer Team Now!

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Dr. Tim LaHaye, Mrs. Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Pat Robertson, Mr. Pat Boone, Dr. 
John Hagee, Mr. Bill McCartney, Ms. Kay Arthur, Rev. Tommy Tenney, Dr. A.R.
Bernard, and Dr. Jay Sekulow are just a few of the more than 300 Christian 
Leaders who are part of the Jerusalem Prayer Team.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a non-profit organization with 501c3 tax exempt 
status. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a prayer movement of people around the
world. It is a non-denominational organization. It receives no support from 
the Nation of Israel. Donations are tax deductible.

The mission of the Jerusalem Prayer Team: To guard, defend and protect the 
Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael until Israel is secure, and until the 
comes to Zion.

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