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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
JULIE MELTON <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:26:42 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (105 lines)

What a dream!  I think you answered your own question as to meaning.  God's 
reminding you of the importance of faithfulness and witnessing.  He's also 
saying that what you do counts, whether or not the person comes to Christ.  
The results are left to God, and the choice is that other person's.

Thanks for sharing.

visit me at
Keep smiling!

>From: Jenifer Gilley <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: my dream last night.
>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:09:49 -0400
>Hi all.
>I had such a vivid dream i had to share it wieh you.  Maybe you can help me 
>with it?
>I dreamt I was at my moms house for some reason.  Jeremy wasn't with me 
>that weekend.  i went to my old church to watch this video that was made... 
>and it was DVS.  It was about a war that had happened at some point.  A 
>friend... who is a missionary had come to watch this video also.  **let me 
>stop now to appologize for the thoughts as i write them.. doesn't sound 
>lkie good english but I'm writing them as they come to me.***
>Anyway, me and my friend had come to my church to watch this movie... and 
>instead of driving to the chrch my shole family and both of us... were in 
>this vehicle... not a car... but some kind of vehicle.  This vehicle was 
>taking us to Heaven.  We were in this long line of vehicles.  As it turned 
>out everyone on earth was going the same ay.  I had wondered to myself if i 
>would find my husband... once i figured out what must have been going on.
>As we got out of the vehicle... it was like a sea of people.  My two 
>nephews, my neece and i and my friend... who shortly went somewhere else 
>once leaving the vehicle... weren't afraid at all... but the rest of my 
>family didn't know what was going on.
>Then we were in some kind of waiting area.  My family was afraid to let my 
>nephews and enece and i venture off because they thought we'd plumit to 
>earth if we got off the vehicle.  Well we got out and started walking in 
>heaven. **promise it gets better**
>My mom and i were shortly given a summons to appear before god.  I was 
>excited!  we walked into this gymnaisum-looking room where we passed 
>Jesus... and i remember like i the image is burnt into my mind... i 
>remember thinking that I didn't want to leave him!  It was like he spoke to 
>my heart and said that he was going with me.  I was shown this video where 
>i had given a speech.  I must've been nervous in the speech because i said 
>something that wasn't true... something about working for someone for 15 
>years.  God asked me why i lied... and i just started crying.  I told him 
>that i was sorry... that i was nervous... and i didn't mean to.  Jesus 
>looked at His father and satan who was with him and told God to please 
>forgive me.  He said that I was one of his and he said i had asked for 
>forgiveness.  Then once i had been forgiven and sent away I was shown this 
>cavern.  It had fire and smoke coming out of it and i was terrified of it. 
>I pleaded with Jesus to please not let me go into that.  He smiled at me 
>and told me not to worry.
>Throughout the dream people i knew were called into God's throneroom.  Some 
>of them didn't come bac,.  It was like we were called in only for one thing 
>at a time.  I remember walking around looking for Jeremy because i knew 
>we'd be asked to go into see God together.  I found him and that's when i 
>woke up.
>All throughout my dream i kept wanting just to get back to Jesus.  I missed 
>him so much... his eyes were so kind, his voice so soft and i was drawn 
>like a magnet to him.
>What does this dream mean?  It was so real.  *sigh*  I had been rewarded 
>for things i didn't even think i should be rewarded for.  like even though 
>some of my family didn't do so good and didn't come back to me later on in 
>the dream, God still rewarded me row witnessing.  Why?  Will they ever come 
>to Christ?  That pit was so real!  *shivver*  All i could do was shrink 
>away and thank God i wasn't going to go there.  I was still afraid of it 
>even though i knew i wouldn't be in it.  I hurt for those that were not 
>even given a chance to explain... God knew there hearts.
>Lord, i just want to thank you for life.  I want to thank you for letting 
>me be your daughter.  I want to thank you for renewing my faith.  Help me 
>to live for you... help me to love you... help me to serve you more!  Your 
>love is so real to me!  Thank you for that insight... or whatever it was. 
>Forgive me for any sins or impurities of my heart and help me to live for 
>you continually!
>Jenifer gilley
>"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble 
>remembering how to fly."
>Author unknown
>AIM: jenibear1998
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