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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Andrew Van Olst <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:34:27 -0500
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Andrew Van Olst <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

BlankI also was diagnosed while overweight. About 2 years ago I went to a conference through Columbus, Ohio, Children's Hospital. The first thing the main speaker said was, "most people with Celiac Disease are overweight." It was true of most people attending the conference. My daughter attending with me and everyone asked her how she could be so thin. My daughter's body is not reacting as others have. How lucky she is.
It took 3 years to get diagnosed because I am obese.  I told my dr. over and over to test me, and they finally did.  3 years of being really seriously ill. 
I was very overweight when diagnosed (~190 at 5'4"). 
I have been overweight all my life.  Currently I am over 300 lbs.  I was diagnosed about 3 years ago as were several members of my family.  I find that the calorie density of gf baked goods doesn't help.
Hi--I was neither over- or underweight, but right where I 
should be for my height.  Sure wish I had had the classic 
symptoms and was "wasting away" cuz it took appro. 15 
years to figure out why I was feeling so unwell.  Thanks 
for summarizing. 
My older brother was diagnosed with celiac in 1973, he was the classic celiac, over 6'4" tall, and about 105 pounds when he was in the hospital for 6 months and almost died before we got it figured out.  For myself, I had always known, at least since I was a teenager, that I couldn't eat a pasta meal or a sandwich without "doing time in the library" so I made a point of not eating such items, especially if I were on a date, or whatever.  At other times, when I ate those foods, and then got diarrhea, I figured it was then "out of my system", and so I kept on eating them, albeit in smaller quantities than most folks.  And I still don't seem to have any dramatic reaction to a little gluten exposure, just a noticeable one if I ate a lot of it.  But I had diarrhea, to varying degrees, almost every day of my life, and when I mentioned it to doctors, they didn't seem to think there was any reason to discuss it further.  

Over the years, we always made GF food for my brother, and while we are on opposite sides of the country, I had prepared and eaten a fair amount of GF foods when my family was together.  My brother always said to me, "you have this, too!" and I basically agreed with him.  In my thirties I had a lot of acid reflux, and when the diarrhea got particularly bad, I tried to get tested for celiac, and had two different doctors who laughed at me, saying that I could not possibly have celiac, I was obese.  I fought weight problems pretty much constantly since I was about 18, with some of the usual cyclical ups and downs that most women do.  The only time that I didn't fight weight issues, and that my health
was also the best it has been in my entire life, was when I was living in Latin America.  I used to think it was living under less stress there, but I now believe it had to do with eating less wheat (and probably also more fresh fruit and veggies.)  But issues that I had with weight, acne, eczema, reflux, diarrhea, all went away, until I returned to the US.  

About 4 years ago, I had 2 surgeries, for the first time in my life.
After the second one, I could not seem to get well.  I was severely anemic, low on calcium and iron, dizzy all the time, and weak.  The second operation was to repair a broken foot (possibly osteoporosis related?), so while I was still relearning how to walk, I went in search of another doctor to figure out what was wrong with me.  I ended up with someone who had me do the blood test for food allergies, and was diagnosed as gluten intolerant, as well as having allergic or intolerant reactions to dairy, soy, eggs, yeast, etc.  Once I eliminated those foods from my diet, I began to get better, and my calcium and iron levels went back up.  I also took vitamin shots (mostly a range of B vitamins) and they discovered I was achlorhydric (no stomach acid.) When I followed a strict regimen, though, avoiding the allergic foods, I
had so much more energy, and felt great, and also lost weight and had my skin issues resolve themselves.  I have come to believe that dairy and soy provoke almost as severe reactions in me as does gluten.  

But there are days when I wish I could go back to those doctors I saw over a number of years and tell them how wrong they were.  I also know of another woman out here in Seattle who had a very similar experience.
I was overweight. Trouble absorbing nutrients but not calories! Gained 10 pounds after going on GF diet. GF baked goods only taste good because they are loaded with fat and sugar! Weight Watchers is the answer....
Since CD is a genetic disease I don't see the connection with weight. I'm 6' and 238 lbs. Obviously overweight, but if the gene weren't there, as far as I know I wouldn't have CD. I've been this height and weight since the 7th grade. Go figure.
My son was very overweight before he was diagnosed.  That definitely made it harder to get the doctors to believe he should be tested.  (He was five.) On the other hand, my weight has never fluctuated before or after diagnosis.

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