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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:21:01 -0800
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
"MORRO K. CEESAY" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (422 lines)
Unfortunately, your questions are irrelevant to my position.  To borrow your
phrase, we ARE missing the forest for the trees. So let's cut through the
chase.  It is painfully clear to me that, like me, people know very little
about what truly is going here. It is equally clear to me we may never know
the true story.  But we need not know the minutia of this controversy to
arrive at the right conclusions.  Focus on expectations.   

What ARE our expectations here?  In a democratic process, what should one
expect here?  I expected Mr. Darboe to secure ANY position he sought within
NADD, including the presidential candidacy.  He obviously did not.  It would
seem, we have a flawed process on our hands.  This is my simple and only
position.  My questions were designed to drive us to this conclusion. 

Something is really wrong when the 2 largest opposition parties break off to
form an alliance of their own (as it would appear here).  


-----Original Message-----
From: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Joe Sambou
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 12:43 PM
To: [log in to unmask]

Morro, NADD did not alienate Ousainou.  The answer to your question lies in 
the questions I asked you about what Ousainou rejected in the MOU.  
Otherwise we would just be going in circles.  I am not assuming and I was 
specific in waht I said.  The bases of NADD was not the Bigger or Better 
(Party Led), the bases was a program as described by the MOU.  Please favor 
me and answer to the questions I posed, so we can exhaust everything.

Chi Jaama


>From: "MORRO K. CEESAY" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:54:34 -0800
>This confuses the discussion even more. There  are a great deal of 
>unsubstantiated assertions here.  But again, let's apply a little 
>common sense.  I am making a few assumptions here.  A coalition  of the 
>opposition has a better chance of defeating Jammeh than individual 
>parties.  Darboe as a leader of coalition  has a better chance of 
>defeating Jammeh than as leader of UDP. Darboe as leader of the largest 
>opposition party did not emerge as leader of a coalition.  it is 
>natural to assume he should have. Since he did not, one of two 
>explanations has to prevail. Either he has lost support of his party 
>(UDP), or an undemocratic process was adopted by NADD. Either way, we 
>are entitled to know the story.  I am less interested in who the leader 
>of NADD is than whether or not we are developing truly democratic
>processes in The Gambia.  Yes Jammeh is horrible. I want him out as much as
>the next guy.  I have been wailing against him for 12 years.  However, NADD
>has to be a better alternative.  One can only be certain of that not just 
>the leaders selected but also by the processes used to select them.  When
>the devil extends a hand to one resident in hell, do not grab it as a
>staircase to heaven.  Why? Because the devil cannot deliver you to heaven.
>NADD has to be the right kind of party.  We judge NADD by what it does not
>what it says? Not by what we want it to be, but what it actually is.  So
>what did NADD do? If Darboe was alienated as the leader of the largest
>opposition group, how in the world did NADD manage to do that?  Darboe is
>the leader of the largest opposition party for a reason - it is the will of
>the people.  How did NADD manage to alienate him, if in fact that is what
>has happened?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list 
>[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Joe Sambou
>Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:09 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Yes indeed, no question should be side stepped and let us apply that 
>quest accross the board.  Was Halifa selected as the flagbearer while 
>or before Ousainou left NADD and formed an Alliance with NRP?  No, 
>Ousainou left NADD,
>formed an Alliance with NRP, and weeks later NADD named a flagbearer
>Ousainou left, it was Ousainou, Halifa and OJ that were nominated.  
>Halifa declined his nomination, leaving OJ and Ousainou.  Then Halifa 
>got renominated again when Hamat suggested for the comittee to be 
>selected to come up with their recommendations.  Before the committee 
>can recommend, Ousainou left, leaving Halifa and OJ.  Then OJ withdrew, 
>and Waa who nominated OJ put his hat in the ring.  A committee of the 
>remaining executive members, excluding Waa and Halifa was formed and 
>they came up with
>their flagbearer.)  If Ousainou had not left NADD, we would not be 
>talking about what we are talking about today.  That is my beef with 
>Ousainou.  As long as he was at the table, he was a player.  Why leave 
>when you know you can veto anything you do not agree with?  Why leave 
>when he knew that all he
>needed to do was to embrace the MOU and we all would have been talking
>a unified NADD, today.  While folks focus on the battle for the 
>flagbearership, they missed the forest for the tree.  The contention 
>was really adoption of the MOU.  Had Ousainou agreed with the terms of 
>the MOU, trust me, you would have heard Gambians howl to the tip of our 
>lungs for Ousainou to lead to make life easier for all, but that was 
>not the case. Ousainou flatly refused to embrace the MOU and that is a 
>non-starter for Gambians that want change for the better, and not a 
>continuation from where Jammeh left off.  Foget about NADD for the 
>moment, I'm talking about Gambians, you and I.  Let me ask both of you, 
>why would Ousainou not agree for a transition period and the agreements 
>attached, there in?  Why would Ousainou have a problem with a level 
>playing field, after the transition period?  Why would Ousainou not 
>agree with a term limit?  These are good things that all gambians yearn 
>for.  Are you in agreement with Ousainou against the above, if so, why?
>The question asked by Morro would be valid only if Halifa was selected 
>the Flagbearer before Ousainou left and formed his Alliance with Hamat. 
>However, that is not the case.  I'm sure you know the sequence of 
>events and
>you also know and heard OJ withdrawing his candidacy and Waa throwing 
>his hat in the ring, which took weeks before they all agreed.  Did 
>Halifa not withdrew his name initially and it was OJ and Ousainou that 
>were the nominees?  Thanks for your question and I hope you will give 
>consideration to mine in return.
>Chi Jaama
> >From: Lang Tunkara <[log in to unmask]>
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list 
> ><[log in to unmask]>
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 17:58:34 +0000
> >
> >Morro:
> >Absolutely right you are.  But none of the folks who find fault in 
> >Ousainou will step up and answer these questions we've all being 
> >asking about the nomination process of Mr. Sallah.  Why? Because they 
> >don't have any explanation.  The funny thing about this whole process 
> >and sad of course
> >how the the nomination started with Omar Jallow but end up with 
> >Halifa.
> >asked how come?
> >They will always blame Ousainou, and never in their small minds 
> >accept
> >responsibility of creating this whole chaos. It is only time that 
> >will vindicate Ousainou/Bah and others.  If they, the critics of 
> >NRP/UDP, do
> >reach out soon to clear this mess up, their failure is more than a
> >but an absolute certainty.
> >Lang
> >
> >>From: "MORRO K. CEESAY" <[log in to unmask]>
> >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list 
> >><[log in to unmask]>
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>MAN ALONE!!!
> >>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:13:47 -0800
> >>
> >>This is rubbish.  I asked before and I ask again, how did Sallah get 
> >>to be the leader of NADD in the first place?  It would seem 
> >>reasonable anywhere else that the leader of the largest opposition 
> >>party in a country should emerge as the leader of a coalition of the 
> >>opposition. Why was this not the case with NADD? Perhaps we should 
> >>insist on answers to these questions. Shouldn't NADD provide a full 
> >>explanation? We shouldn't side step these questions.
> >>
> >>Morro
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list 
> >>[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of panderry mbai
> >>Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 5:09 PM
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>ALONE!!!
> >>
> >>
> >>                                   TEETH BITE:HOLD YOUR HORSE DARBOE 
> >>   UDP militants and self styled supporters, including their party 
> >>leader should consider the generous political invitation extended to 
> >>Ousainou Numukunda Darboe to lead NADD by Lamin Waa Juwara alias 
> >>Mbarodi. Waa’s message was harsh, but in reality this was the best 
> >>way to tame this Dubo son. He should be given the benefit of the 
> >>doubt to lead the disintegrated coalition. Darboe, should not listen 
> >>to some misguided Gambians, whose patriotism is questionable. They 
> >>are flip flopping day in day out with the sole aim of misleading the 
> >>widely respectable legal luminary.
> >>
> >>   Waa means well for Darboe, even though they are strange bed 
> >>fellows. His
> >>invitation to Darboe should not be blown out of proportion. Lack of
> >>political adviser often lead to major political blunder. Darboe/Bah’s
> >>resignation from NADD is indeed helping incumbent President Jammeh to
> >>further misrule The Gambia. It would be fool hardy for Darboe 
> >>NADD or Gamez supporters to think that they can win Jammeh under 
> >>such a divided opposition.
> >>   The likes of Darboe and Bah have committed suicide by betraying 
> >>their colleagues in the struggle. The breakaway reminds us about the 
> >>UDP election boycott, some years back, which Darboe later regretted. 
> >>He is again
> >>another political blunder by giving chance to Jammeh to rule our
> >>as
> >>rightly pointed out by Waa.
> >>   Darboe, should think twice and judge his actions. Honestly 
> >>speaking, the actions of Bah and Darboe should warrant the IEC to 
> >>declare no elections in
> >>The Gambia. There is no way that these divided opposition will win 
> >>Going for elections is a waste of time and resources. Our hope for
> >>change through the democratic mean have been shattered by Bah and
> >>These people have betrayed Gambians.
> >>   Raising funds to help the opposition is a good initiative, but 
> >>the question that comes to mind is: Who will risk pumping his 
> >>savings on parties that are not ready to come together? Some of us 
> >>criticizing Darboe are
> >>his enemy. We wan him to play by the democratic game and stop this
> >>standards politics.
> >>   Waa Juwara was very clear, when he said none of the NADD 
> >>executive members were interested to lead NADD. Ousainou should 
> >>capitalize on this Waa invitation. No political gimmicks here. Waa 
> >>said Ousainou is needed
> >>Halifa will no doubt hand over the rein of power once the Dubo Mansa 
> >>in the making resurfaces at NADD.
> >>   As far as we are concerned the PPP, is the by product of the UDP. How
> >>can
> >>a son claim fathering his parent? Does this make sense to any sober 
> >>person? Come on dude……The PPP created the UDP, there is no question
> >>that. This news on the so called defection would sound funny to
> >>We
> >>remember when the PPP disgraced officials teamed up to form what is
> >>today the UDP.
> >>   At the time they were banned from participating into politics. 
> >>All
> >>could have done was to run the show through behind the scene moves. 
> >>Most of the UDP executive members worked with the PPP government and 
> >>benefited from
> >>Sir Dawda’s school of political thought. From the Taals, the Mannehs, 
> >>list goes on and on were part of the PPP. The PPP will never betray 
> >>the UDP, a party they created. OJ is part of NADD, but his mind is 
> >>on the UDP.
> >>is the reality folks. How can a father hate his son? Does this make
> >>   Waa knew very well that in the absence of Ousainou, nothing will
> >>Ousainou was created by the PPP mafia and is no doubt enjoying some
> >>of support across the country. This does necessarily means that he 
> >>can
> >>an election under the current political set up. He stood better 
> >>chances
> >>winning if allowed by NADD to lead as suggested by his arch 
> >>political rival. While the accusations and counter accusations are 
> >>on the historians are documenting the political scene. Le our 
> >>actions be guided for the common good.
> >>    No person can stand on its own. The UDP should always remember that
> >>the
> >>PPP created their party and should avoid being over carried by political
> >>novice, whose knowledge on our political trend is limited to some 
> >>Darboe is a good person and we have no doubt in our mind that he 
> >>want to lead that impoverished country with humility.
> >>   In doing so, he should put national interest ahead of personal 
> >>interest. NADD says, he is needed back, let him go before it is too 
> >>late. Ousainou “LAIMANSANA YAA SEETALAI” meaning the time has come 
> >>for Ousainou to be a leader. He has NRP/UDP/PPP, and now NADD also 
> >>are on the verge of
> >>over the mantle of power to him. Chey!!! Darboe Mansaring. 
> >>   We suggest that if Darboe refuses to accept Waa’s invitation, let
> >>leader Halifa Sallah, set the ball rolling by formally handing the 
> >>leadership to him. This is no jokes. The opposition should give him 
> >>the benefit of the doubt. Let sleeping dogs lie. Lawyer Darboe “yai 
> >>Bankota” This is the reality. He is a leader in the making and NADD 
> >>should help
> >>to realize his leadership dream.
> >>
> >>Posted on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 (Archive on Wednesday, April 26,
> >>2006) Posted by PANDERRYMBAI  Contributed by PANDERRYMBAI
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