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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 May 2006 09:07:23 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Hanging Up On the Devil

By Phil Scovell

     This is something every Christian needs to read because of
the growing confusion, and misconception, of demonic influence in
the life of a Believer.  What you are about to read has been
approved by the two women who are mentioned using fictitious names
and I appreciate their willingness to let others know the truth.

     I was praying with a lady one day, whom I will refer to as
Gloria, when she reported having difficulty hearing from the
Lord.  It was obvious to me she was experiencing this problem at
that moment during the prayer session because every time I prayed
for the Lord to speak to her, something unusual would happen.  For
example,  she would report that she was suddenly ice cold.  When I
would pray for the lying spirit, a demon in other words, to stop
what he was doing in the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ, her
physical feelings would return to normal.  Again, I would pray and
ask for the Lord to speak His truth to her.  She now reported that
she had a splitting headache.  I then prayed for this demon to
stop what he was doing in the same manner as the first.  The
headache vanished.  The third time I prayed and asked for the Lord
to speak to this woman, she reported that it felt as if someone
were putting their hands over her ears.  I prayed the third time
just as I had the first two.  The sensation went away.

     By this time, I prayed to get the demon to announce his
presence but he wouldn't talk.  This, too, in my experience as an
intercessor, was not uncommon.  In fact, nothing this woman was
experiencing was uncommon and I had seen much of it before when
praying with others.  To tell the truth, I had seen much worse.
Besides, I figured he wasn't going to verbally talk anyway.
Demons often don't like to speak because they know, if they do,
the intercessor is going to discover they have no right to be
there, or if they think they do, the reason for their tormenting
presence will be quickly exposed by the True Lord Jesus Christ.
So, as in the case with Gloria, the demon remained silent but
perpetrated physical responses just to let me know he was there.

     I might point out, at this point, that these physical
symptoms do not mean that every time you feel cold, or have a
headache, or feel you aren't hearing very well, it is caused by a
demon.  It may simply mean you need to cover up, turn up the heat,
take some aspirin, relax and take a nap, wash the wax out of your
ears, or remember to remove the ear plugs you forgot to take out
two weeks ago when you went swimming.

     By this stage of the prayer session, it was pretty obvious
that the demon was going to continue his little game.  In a manner
of speaking, it is pretty common for demons first to appear with
frightening farcical demonstrations of what appears spiritual
superiority. this is for your benefit, for the most part, but
admittedly, it does have, or can have, a very unsettling effect
upon the person with whom you are praying.  Especially, I might
add, if that person is alone with no one to pray in agreement with
them.  If, on the other hand, the prayer partner knows his place
and authority in Christ, the tables are easily turned.  Once the
purpose for the presence is established, they begin acting like
children and often, what I call, demonic games are then played.
This is designed to keep the intercessor from assisting the person
to get to the point of the woundedness, and eventually the lie,
and finally to where they can hear the voice of the True Lord
Jesus Christ.

     For example, I was praying with a blind woman one day.  I
will call her Patience.  We reached a blockage which, in this
case, turned out to be demonic.  Not all blockages to the truth
are directly related to the demonics.  In this case, however, it
was exactly that.  The demon, in this lady's situation, happened
to speak through the woman's voice.  this seems to be an
indication of how much influence a demon feels he has and can
employ to manipulate a person.  Normally they only inject their
words, or thoughts, or feelings upon the person, but based upon
their level of perpetrated manipulation, they occasionally will
attempt to heighten the fear factor by speaking through the
person's own voice.  Big deal and who cares!  Generally the vocal
tone is slightly altered, as if they are really inside the
person, but this tactic, in my opinion, is mostly to produce a
level of heighten fear.  By the way, they are not inside the
Christian with whom you are praying.  If you believe they are, the
demons will pick up on your level of fear and capitalize upon it.
As I said, in this case, the demonics spoke and used the woman's
own voice.  By the way, I have had demons speak through me, using
my own voice, in a prayer session with someone who was ministering
to me, and I know I am not demon possessed but back to my story.

     When, by the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ, I gave them
no option but to answer according to His will, the demonic
presence said, "We are playing the game."  I asked what game they
were playing.  The answer was, "You know.  The game; the game."  I
told them I wanted to know the nature of the game and commanded
they answer.  All this, of course, is done in the name of the True
Lord Jesus Christ and with full knowledge of one's identity in
Christ and His authority.  They said, "The game; the game.  She
knows; ask her."  So I did.  For the first time in this woman's
life, she suddenly realized what was happening to her.

     As I mentioned, this lady was blind.  From her early
childhood, due to horrible trauma she had experienced over and
over again, demons had taken advantage of her blindness.  Many
sighted people, she explained, think it is interesting to walk up
to a blind person and say, "Who am I?"  sighted people, God bless
them, have heard that all blind people have perfect pitch,
extraordinary touch so they can feel the lettering on a paper bill
and tell you the denomination, super human hearing, and the
wonderful ability of recalling every voice and name they have ever
heard.  I have personally been blind for over 40 years and I have
none of these qualities but, of course, I digress.

     In this woman's case, the demons had heard people doing this
to the traumatized little blind girl and they picked up the game
in order to further torment her.  This hideous evil demonic game
had been conducted over and over again until the little girl was
nearly out of her mind.  The demons, of course, never once let
the little girl know what they were doing to her.  They thought
what they were doing, in fact, was funny.  Jesus didn't agree so
He kicked some butt that day.  In case you haven't figured it out
as of yet, demons never ever play fair because they are evil just
as their father is evil.

     Once this particular demonic evil game was exposed for what
it was by the True Lord Jesus Christ, they were sent packing;
never to return.  They know who Jesus is.  Do you?

     Now, back to Gloria's situation.  After discovering the hide
and seek methods of the demon making Gloria cold, then suffer from
a splitting headache, and then covering her ears, they made a
mistake by saying, almost through the woman's voice, "We are going
to hang the phone up on you."

     Being led of the Holy Spirit what to do next, I said, "Oh,
good.  I want to see this.  come on!  Get all your buddies
together.  I command, in the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ,
for you and all your buddies to come together and to work on this
together.  Come on!  Hang up on me.  Let me see you do it.  Right
now.  Do it.  Hang up on me.  I command you to hang the phone up
on me by the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ.  Come on.  I am
going to sit right here and listen.  I want to see you hang up on
me.  Come on.  Do it.  Right now.  Hang up the phone."

     Moments later, Gloria began laughing.  I asked her what was
so funny.  she said, "They are climbing all over the phone and
using their little fingers to try and press the buttons but they
keep slipping off or missing the buttons."  I had seen this
happen before, in other ways, so wasn't surprised.  Regardless, I
only preceded with that type of technique because the Holy Spirit
had given me direction to do so.  It also provided me with an
additional advantage.  It caused all those demons, associated with
what was going on at that moment in this woman's life, to come
together.  Now they would be commanded to stop, disarmed by
dismissing them from their evil assignments against this woman,
and sent on their way.  No, silly!  Not by me!  By the name of the
True Lord Jesus Christ!  You don't think I do this sort of thing
by myself, do you?

     The purpose of this testimony is basic, or foundational, in
nature.  Demonic influence is real.  Yes, even in the lives of
Christians and especially in the lives of Christians.  How do I
know?  Talk to me for five minutes about what you believe and how
you live and what you feel about your relationship with Christ,
and I'll tell you how seriously you are being deceived
demonically.  Yes, I am talking about baptized Believers.  Yes,
these are Born Again Christians washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Yes, these are King James Bible toting, hallelujah shouting, God
fearing, pulpit pounding, amen yelling, and true Christians; the
sons and daughters of God whose names are written in The Lamb's
book of Life.  No, dad gum it, we aren't talking about demon
possession so forget that.  We are talking about you and your
relationship with God.  We are talking about the lies you believe
about yourself.  We are talking about the woundedness and pain you
suffer.  Noah's ark is built.  The door is closing.  Either get on
board or swim for it.  If you need help, call me.

     Learn how to hang up on the devil in your daily life by
simply thinking the thoughts of authoritative prayer.  Yes, it is
that simple.  Yes, many of us make it theologically complicated
and doctrinally impossible to believe but hang up on those people
and get on the phone with Jesus.  Do it now!

Safe Place Fellowship
Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado USA
Mountain Time Zone

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