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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Usa E-church Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Apr 2006 15:38:54 +0100
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David & Rachel. <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (1 lines)
Welcome back to E-Church USA Carol, it's great to have another friend from the UK on board.

Thanks too for everyone in the USA and all your warm welcomes to myself and Rachel.

We are sure that CJ also can confirm with us the warm welcome.

Have a great day everyone and keep smiling.

With big blessings,

David & Rachel.


Now reaching into 40 countries,

with a confident communication of Jesus Christ.

-----Original Message-----

From: David Stahl - Email Address: [log in to unmask]

Sent On: 07/04/2006 07:30

Sent To: [log in to unmask] - Email Address: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: Guess Who Is Back?

Hi Carol from the UK.  I'm David from the U.S.A., Columbus,

Ohio, to be exact.  I've only been on the list for a few months,

so I'm kind of quiet and shy.  Something you said caught my

attention, however, about churches being hesitant to accept

help from those of us who are blind.  My son and I have noticed

that for many years.  A pastor will publicly request assistance;

then when Sam or I would offer to help, his response would be,

"Oh, that's already been taken care of."  That has been so

frustrating to us!  I feel like saying, "Well, why did you ask, then?"

Welcome back to the list, Carol.  I should also confess that I've

been procrastinating about welcoming CJ, David, and Rachel.

Please forgive me.  I've been quite busy making wedding plans,

and arrangements for my fiancee to move.  Even now, my

precious, beloved April is ill, so I need to make the 3.14159

minute walk to her apartment to help her.  I'll see you all later.


----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Carol Pearson" <[log in to unmask]>

To: <[log in to unmask]>

Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:52 AM

Subject: Re: Guess Who Is Back?

Hi there to everyone!  <Smiles>

Nobody was more surprised than I was when I took the plunge to 

return to ECHURCH-USA.  I started to feel a real longing in my 

heart to share fellowship with you all again (friends old and 

new) and then, a couple of months back,  dear Charles sent me a 

day's worth of reading from the list!  (That caught me up a 

little with some things and made me feel even more "homesick" and 

want to return and I've finally got round to it.)

The thing is, I've been ill now for months, have very little 

energy, have considerable restrictions even on reading too much 

email and even more on writing, currently only using a 

BrailleNote and having much pain and little arm movement, so God 

has to be in this one!

First, for those who don't yet know me, I'm Carol from the UK.  I 

spent several years on the USA list and have been back once or 

twice since then.  We also now have a UK list running, but I dare 

to say that most of my deeper sharing and encouragement comes 

from across the Atlantic!

I'm married to the most wonderful husband there is called Mike.  

He works full time, then comes home and does many of the things 

that I cannot!  Our story of when we first met and then later as 

he became a Christian is worth the reading, if only I could get 

round to writing it!

I have a retired guide dog called Fabian who is now almost 12 and 

getting pretty arthritic.  He's also deaf, usually by choice and 

has learned, in his retirement, what all good dogs learn and that 

is how to say "I want and if you don't mind I'll have it now!"

Because of my physical limitations, Mike and I have been allowed 

to share working his guide, Roxy.  She's a real character and we 

love her, despite the fact she is very active and always wants 

the last word!  She's doing very well for us both and I just take 

her once or twice a week for the very short routes, but she loves 

it and knows without being told when I'm going to be taking her!

Our church life is much better than many blind people have.  At 

least we do have some very good teaching, a fairly minimum amount 

of help and we have good friends.  However, like so many 

churches, many are afraid of disability, some feel they don't 

want to make the necessary effort to include us and some refuse 

to change their ways, so I still feel like tearing my hair out 

from time to time as I'm refused yet another offer of a service I 

may be able to give!  Well, I know this, God wants our 

willingness and whether or not we do the job does not count 

against that initial "Yes, I'm willing", but so often I long to 

share in the more active tasks as "workers together with HIM"!

I've been a Christian now for over 40 years and feel I've been 

much like those Israelites wandering around in the desert, 

falling away, losing sight of Him etc, but He has just always 

been wonderfully faithful and has seen me through some really 

tough times!  (You'll find just one or two insights into what He 

has done for me on Phil's SAFEPLACE web site.)  There are many 

more unwritten at this stage and I long to have the energy to 

write a book!

To those of you who I know so well, "Hello" and big hugs and 

lovings are extended!  Please, any of you, catch me up with your 

news personally if more appropriate.

Vicki, naughty girl for being so sneaky.  You knew I was around!  


Pat, I was sorry to learn of your mum and you know I'll pray on.  

Have you the latest news on Charles?  I am going to try to call 


Kathy, I still pray regularly for Chris and would like more up to 

date news if you can write me.

Sharon I thought your Easter egg idea was great but don't have 

time or energy to do it myself.  If you haven't got enough 

Scriptures or want to share with me what you have so far and need 

more, contact me off list.

Peggy, it's been good to see you around on the BN list, along 

with others here that I don't yet know so well.

Rhonda I've always appreciated your messages, even when I haven't 

been able to respond.

Dave and Rachchel, it's good to have you here also.  (You'll find 

yourselves speaking American nonsensical English before long if 

you listen to that Philip too much!)  <More smiles>

I'm in danger of leaving some out, though I haven't yet looked at 

a full list to see who's there, so speak up, please, as I have 

and let's party together!

Love in Jesus Christ our Lord:


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