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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:48:22 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
Ray Audette stated in NeanderThin, "The overwhelming majority (95 percent) 
of people in developed countries will die of immune system-related 
diseases." As Audette points out, these immune system-related diseases 
are "diseases of civilization." If he is correct on that figure, then one 
can see that the potential demand for Paleo foods is quite large.

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:06:51 -0600, Robert Kesters on 
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>A lot can change in 1000 years.  At the rate we're going, mankind will
>probably have killed himself off by then anyway.  If we can make the
>collective changes necessary to prevent our own extinction, maybe in the
>process we'll reduce our numbers and learn to feed ourselves.  Maybe not.
>Either way, the problem will be solved.
>I guess I'm just a lot more optimistic than you are.

Predicting the probable extinction of humankind is an unusual form 
of "optimism." :)

This brings us neatly full circle back to my points in the original post 
in this thread, which it looks like we may agree on--that the special 
facts of evolutionary nutrition (and ecology) and the circumstance of a 
limited Paleo-type food supply lead to the conclusion that the highest 
*long-term* priority for humankind is global population control, so that 
some day in the far future the human race can once again live on the diet 
it was designed for and in harmony with nature, thereby restoring human 
health and preventing (or at least postponing) the extinction of the human 

Other important elements in preventing our own extinction are covered more 
in depth in Daniel Quinn's books. They include such things as preserving 
Stone Age societies so we can keep the knowledge and practice alive of how 
the human race is designed to live, and preventing the extinction of 
animal and plant species (which Quinn says are currently being eliminated 
at the rate of 200 per day).