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Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 23:39:33 -0500
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God Be Glorified
Marybeth Whalen, Author, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team Member

Key Verse:

Exodus 15:26, "I am the Lord who heals you." (NIV)


My cousin Missie came over the other day to visit and brought her little
girl, one-year-old Meghan. Missie and her husband, John, had originally
not to have children, but unexpectedly decided to have just one after
several years of being married. Our whole family was surprised and delighted
them, and eagerly anticipated the birth of their daughter. After a normal
pregnancy and birth, the happy couple began to settle into normal life --
it quickly became clear that all was not normal for Meghan. Month after
month she did not grow and would not eat. She started to miss her normal
milestones. The doctors referred her to specialists, yet none could
determine just what was wrong with her. No matter how many developments
medical science
makes, there are still many things doctors don't understand about how God
designed the human body.

Meghan now has a feeding tube and is in lots of therapy to help her make
advancements. Her skull is already fused and they cannot say what that will
about her brain growth in the future. She has been tested for several rare
syndromes and Missie is consulting with a team from Duke University Hospital
on her care. No one but God can say what lies in Meghan's future, and it
breaks the hearts of those who know her and care for her and her parents.
that is just the back-story of my visit with my cousin the other day.

During our visit, Missie and I talked a lot about Meghan's care and her
future. As the mother of a child who was also born with a rare syndrome that
special care, Missie often talks to me about the different concerns she has.
But this conversation was different. Instead of me inspiring and comforting
Missie, she was the one who comforted me with her resolve and dependence on
God's will for her little girl. She told me that she very rarely allows
to ask "Why?" But one day, she gave herself permission to have a pity party
and ask God, "Why?" "And do you know what I feel like He told me," she
"I felt like He was saying to me that I am not supposed to understand what
is going on with Meghan. I am just supposed to know that Meghan's life is
God's glory. And when I realized that was His answer, it was enough. If
someone else comes to know God because of Meghan then that will make all of

Her words to me reminded me of the Scripture where Jesus' disciples ask Him
about the blind man. John 9:1-3 says, "As he went along, he saw a man blind
from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his
parents, that he was born blind?' 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,'
Jesus, 'but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his

Jesus was quick to assure the disciples that the only answer to that, "Why?"
question is, "For God's glory." Missie has accepted that whether Meghan is
healed or not, God will be glorified. As people are led to pray when they
receive the email updates Missie sends, God is glorified. As doctors glimpse
the faith and courage of this young mother, God is glorified. As Meghan
makes little improvements as a testimony to His healing power, God is
As her medical bills and needs are miraculously covered so that Missie and
John don't have to worry, God is glorified. As Missie's heart is drawn
to her home and her special little girl, God is glorified. As you read this
devotional and are challenged in your faith because of Meghan's story, God
is glorified.

All day I reflected on the lesson that Missie and her daughter taught me.
They are living out a challenge and I was blessed by their example. I
of the trials I face in my own life. Do I shake my fist towards the heavens
and ask, "Why?," or do I look for the ways that the work of God can be
in my life, in and through my trials? Do I live out my faith by accepting
what God allows to come into my life -- trusting that He has allowed it
to His perfect plan and His glory? I am ashamed to admit that too many
times, I have spun my wheels wanting to know "why?" instead of anticipating
God is going to do as a result. The next time I am tempted to do that, I
plan to think of Missie and Meghan and spend time in prayer -- thanking God
allowing me a glimpse of His glory, even when I don't understand.

My Prayer for Today:

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask for Your healing of Meghan and that You would
comfort Missie and John at this time. I thank You for the example they have
me, and ask that You help me to apply this example in my own life. I thank
You that You work all things according to Your glory, as Your Word says.
comfort me during trials and help me to glimpse Your work being displayed
through my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Application Steps:

If you are going through a trial right now, spend today focusing on specific
ways that the work of God is being displayed through what you are going

Consider keeping a journal to record specific examples so that later you
will have those to reflect on and share with others.

Spend time today praying for those you know who are going through trials.
Call them or email them to encourage them.