> I think there is at least one person on this list (Katherine?) who has
> mentioned dealing with (and surviving!) breast cancer, and would dearly
> love to
> communicate with anyone familiar with this, especially if any
> alternative-complementary therapies are being employed.
Oh, Maddy, so sorry to hear yr. news. Not a good time for you. Yes, I had
bc 7.5 yrs. ago and it was a particularly difficult form of bc, yet I have
no evidence of disease ( I continue to get regular tests) and am doing just
I belong to an bc list on the internet that is mostly alternative, although
most of us who are long time survivors have used some conventional medicine
to knock out the orig. cancer (not full dose chemo or radiation) - then we
use a lot of herbs, spices, foods, exercise, etc. to keep the beast at bay.
The beauty of the list is that we get the input of info from doctors in many
countries...not just our own. And..... paleo eating principles are mostly
also anti-cancer so you may not need to change yr. diet very much at
all.....just add a lot of cancer fighting herbs/spices, etc.
Maddy, I have received a fabulous news service that gives me all the latest
bc news releases from researchers all over the world since my diagnosis. It
is essential to wellness, costs about $25 per yr. and lets me base my indiv.
protocol on science. I'll give you the info. It is very possible to live a
long life after most bc diagnosis IF you also keep abreast (sorry....) of
the latest research. There are many forms of bc & many diff. protocols; it
is essential to have your indiv. bc diagnosis/lab reports, etc. in order to
form your specific protocol.
I'm also available for you at any time via phone; I'll help you any way I
can on your traumatic, but interesting, journey. Psychologically, for most
women (and men w/ bc) the most difficult time for them is probably where you
are now. It gets better after you have charted your course & are doing
things to kill your specific cancer.... I've seen it done successfully many
times. Pls. contact me off list & I'll give you my phone #.
Best wishes to you, sister,