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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 22:53:32 -0800
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Debby Padilla-Hudson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Thank you, thank you thank you so much for your email.
 It's nice to hear from someone who is actually
fighting the battle!  I definitely agree it's going to
be a battle and a hard one at that!  Has your daughter
been eating Paleo since birth?

When I do get to the point where I send my son to
school with a bagged lunch, I was thinking to stick to
the easier foods.  Like finger fruits like grapes or
berries or maybe a banana.

Then maybe a zip lock baggie with baby carrots.  Then
for meat maybe plain grilled chicken chopped into bite
size pieces. A zip lock baggie of almonds is good too.

Things like this won't be too smelly and shouldn't
attract too much attention.  Then for dinner I can
load him up with red meat, onions and garlic and fruit
for dessert.  Breakfast can be eggs with pork side.
He already takes after mommy and loves his beef.

--- mark wilson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> > Debby > Do you have any kids?  Do/would you teach
> > your kids to eat flour
> > and sugar believing they are poison?

> teachers, peer pressure, etc.  My daughter has come
> home from school several times upset because the
> macaroni and cheese, Dorito chip, and Pepsi crowd
> told
> her that her food was gross, or smelled bad.
> To really make this work I think you have to make
> compromises.  I send my daughter a sandwich made
> with
> bread that is gluten and dairy free (rice & almond
> flour).  Not perfect, but a decent compromise. I

Perhaps you can make a bread with true Paleo

I agree a compromise is a good thing to do.  I will
have to start learning to make imitation technology
foods from Paleo foods.

> it up with turkey and avocado and she loves it, and
> gets to eat a sandwich like a lot of the other kids.
> Along with the sandwich I send nuts, fruit, a paleo
> treat, and a bottle of water.  Since I've made the
> adjustments, and stopped sending meat by itself,
> which
> is what causes the teasing,

It's good to know that is what caused the teasing.
Darn kids can be so mean!

> for almost 9 months, and has been on antibiotics
> almost that entire period.  I told her mom to take
> her
> off dairy and wheat, but she just looked at me like
> I
> was some sort of a nut.

We are nuts, in a good way. :)

> With the information I know now, I could never feed
> my
> daughter typical western foods.  It may be hard, but
> as a parent,  I strongly feel that it's the right
> thing to do.

Me too.  This is a challenge I feel I have to take
on.. a battle that is important enough to fight.  I'd
rather my son be teased at school than eat unhealthy
foods.  Besides, adversity often builds character.  I
really appreciate your email.  Perhaps I can write you
off line sometime?

San Jose, CA

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04: