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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 May 2006 13:51:19 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Sahou, thanks for your thoughts.  I have no need to be coaxing any Gambian 
to do the right thing for it is a futile exercise.  Folks are going to do 
what they want to do regardless of the impact to the collective, and you 
folks have continuously demonstrated that over the past seven years.  What I 
can assure you is I bow to no human and no group is bigger than Gambia and I 
shall tell it like it is because I expect no favor and fear none.  By now 
you must have realized that I care less if you or anyone listen as long as I 
am not here peddling lies and treachery.  Folks see through your kind Sahou 
and they come and go.

Chi Jaama


>From: saihou Mballow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 17:59:46 -0700
>Kebba Foon, you and Joe Sambou should be the last
>persons to call on the UDP/NRP parties for anything.
>This is so because you manifested your anti Darboe
>here in this very forum.
>I doubt if any serious person will listen to you.
>--- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> > [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering
> > by <[log in to unmask]> ]
> >
> >
> > Joe,
> >
> > Thanks, you speak for me. UDP should come back to
> > NADD for the interest and wishes of Gambians.  I
> > also urge NADD to continue to leave the door open.
> > Ousianou Daboe Gambia is bigger than you, you will
> > be responsible come October, Jammeh return to
> > statehouse.
> >
> > Kebba Foon
> >
> > >
> > > From: "Joe Sambou" <[log in to unmask]>
> > > Date: 2006/05/17 Wed PM 02:54:35 EDT
> > > To: [log in to unmask],
> > [log in to unmask]
> > > Subject: Re: [>-<] BREAKING NEWS:APRC'S JUNG
> > >
> > > [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering
> > by "Joe Sambou" <[log in to unmask]> ]
> > >
> > >
> > > Well, now that the dust has settled, I hope
> > Gambians can decide whether they
> > > want a united opposition, or to be blinded by
> > greed.  This election was not
> > > won by the APRC, but rather, it was Greed that
> > handed it to the APRC in a
> > > silver platter, which none here can say they did
> > not see coming.  Up to,
> > > Saturday, we have seen the UDP supporters swear to
> > the heavens that this is
> > > a take home for them, and were even cajoling of
> > making preparations for a
> > > victory round.  Reminiscent of the 2001 elections
> > when they calculated
> > > wrong, and it is deja vous all over again.  They
> > indeed calculated wrong
> > > again.  Why is it that this group can never see or
> > participate in anything
> > > that involves the collective?  NADD (collective)
> > was and is still the hope
> > > of Gambians to liberate themselves.  None here can
> > contest that the strength
> > > in NADD as a collective was equaled to any two or
> > three parties and NADD has
> > > won more elections in their young life over the
> > APRC, and would have won
> > > this election too.  By NADD, we are not talking
> > about a personality but a
> > > collective.  It was the collective that was going
> > to win not the UDP, NDAM,
> > > PPP, NRP, or PDOIS, just like when Kemeseng,
> > Halifa, and Sidia won, not once
> > > but twice.  But, since this group is convinced
> > that they are the center of
> > > the universe for Gambia, they can never see a
> > group victory but an
> > > individual victory.
> > >
> > > If the UDP is so strong in every part of the
> > country, why did they not win?
> > > Let's look at the breakdown, shall we.
> > >
> > > APRC 3365 votes; UDP 2814 of the votes, and NADD
> > 1109 votes (these numbers
> > > may have been revised since, but it still remains
> > that the APRC candidate
> > > won).  What happened with this picture?  For sure,
> > the people voted their
> > > wishes, no matter how we slice it.  That is the
> > painful nature of democracy
> > > and we cannot criticize them for voting the way
> > they did, for that would
> > > equal to a revocation of their constitutional
> > right.  Yes, I would have
> > > loved for them to not vote for the APRC, but I
> > have to accept their wishes,
> > > and they will live with their choice, good or bad.
> >  We also know that this
> > > was an APRC stronghold and the reason why they
> > scored high.
> > >
> > > Fact, the combined votes for UDP and NADD would
> > have defeated the APRC
> > > candidate, if UDP was still part of NADD, please
> > read me well.
> > >
> > > For those that say NADD was a spoiler, the
> > reasoning is very flawed for the
> > > UDP created a need for a three way race (by
> > separating from NADD), thus, you
> > > cannot after your loss say if only we had the NADD
> > votes.  By extension, you
> > > could also say if only we took a fraction or all
> > of the votes from the APRC
> > > if their candidate was weaker, etc.  If NADD was
> > not in this contest, you
> > > cannot also surmise that, therefore, the 1109 NADD
> > votes would by default
> > > have all gone to the the UDP?  It would be a wild
> > leap indeed.
> > >
> > > If the UDP candidate ran and won under a NADD
> > banner, the UDP would also be
> > > a winner.  Then, why is it that the UDP has a need
> > for their name to be
> > > prominent in Gambian politics, even if it means
> > that they loose in the
> > > process?  If the plight of Gambians comes first,
> > why do they have an ulcer
> > > to run under any other name, like NDAM, PPP, or
> > PRDOIS?  Gambians asked all
> > > the opposition to COME TOGETHER, not come and help
> > UDP, for UDP is not
> > > synonymous to Gambian Opposition?  If UDP could
> > win on their own, why would
> > > Gambians ask them to come together with others to
> > win?
> > >
> > > This bi-election was not a referendum on NADD,
> > which the UDP supporters seem
> > > to jubilate about with their second seeding.  You
> > get nothing for coming
> > > second.  For, if this were in the heart of Banjul,
> > Sere Kunda, or other NADD
> > > strongholds, then what, does that mean a
> > referendum on the UDP?  Just like
> > > any election in a country, parties, including the
> > ruling party, have
> > > strengths and weaknesses in their support,
> > depending on geography.  The UDP
> > > some how have convinced themselves that they are
> > strong every where, but
> > > they can never have the votes to support that
> > contention.  Every time they
> > > managed to pull the opportunists to join them and
> > that is all they need, in
> > > their mind.  In this whole uproar, one would even
> > forget that the NRP joined
> > > the UDP.  That is how it is arranged to work just
> > like they did with the PPP
> > > in 2001.  You cannot be a partner, but a helper,
> > for you are working for
> > > them and they will give you what ever trinket that
> > they promised you.
> > > Today's Gambian doe not and will never need that.
> > As a matter of fact, that
> > > is the exact problem we are trying to get rid off.
> > >
> > > Now, the UDP is instead of taking a pause and
> > reading the tea leaves right,
> > > are beating their war drum of a solo flight with
> > surrogates to give them
> > > wind.  They did that in 2001 and it did not work
> > for Gambians, and are hell
> > > bent of doing the same, in 2006.  I am not here to
> > convince any of the
> > > reality that Gambians wanted and still want a
> > Unitedd opposition, but it
> > > behooves the UDP to remember that they are part of
> > a collective and the
> > > collective is what is going to liberate Gambia.
> > Just like in 2001, they'd
> > > rather put Gambians through another 5 years of
> > Yaya, than come together and
> > > honor the aspirations of Gambians.  In 2001, they
> > also gave the APRC their
> > > current overwhelming majority in the Assembly,
> > why, because APRC was going
> > > to steal the elections.  What has changed since
> > then that they now contest
> > > NA elections?  They congratulated Yaya for winning
> > in 2001, only to turn and
> > > claim that the elections were stolen.  Gambians
> > would later hear what was
> > > the real reason for not participating in the 2001
> > NA elections, and it had
> > > nothing to do with election manipulation.
> > >
> > > One can howl and puff all they want, but Gambians
> > want a new Gambia and call
> > > for a continuation of what they started - a united
> > opposition they came to
> > > know as NADD.  It is in deed laughable for some to
> > call the reminder in
> > > NADD, to go join the UDP, because the UDP has a
> > fetish for winner take all
> > > mentality, even while they continue to loose.
> > All, because they do not want
> > > to be part of the collective, but to be the
> > collective.  They are too
> > > special for Gambians.  It is also very clear that
> > what the UDP supporters
> > > supported was not NADD (collective), but the UDP
> > (a
>=== message truncated ===
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