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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
PETER W VAKUNTA <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Oct 2005 16:55:49 -0500
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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
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** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **

Devine, I read your piece with great attention.Religious abuse is a
fact of life. islamic leaders, christian leaders, hindu leaders,
buddhist leaders, animaist leaders have at one point or another preyed
on the gullibility of neophtes to serve their pecuniary and egotistic
ends. Having said that,I want to underscore the point that we should
steer clear of dumping bonfide religious worship and charlantism in the
same mold.That would be a terrible mistake to make.You seem to be
mixing up Charismatic  christians(BORN AGAINS)and catholics.I am a
practicing, reborn by virtue of baptism and genuine acceptance of
Christ as my savior. That does not make me a charismatic christian. We
should take time to draw the fine line. This is what you said"

"The Orthodox Churches-Catholic,Methodist etc.Have also started doing
it, because they have been losing their congregation in droves to these
Healing Churches. They call it Charismatic.And its all for money."

As regards your rhetorical question,as to whether you should go to
church at all.That, brother,is your cup of tea. How you drink it is
your business. If you believe in redemption. If you believe that there
is life after death and that each one of us will be called upon to give
an account of the life you lived here on earth, then you should not

I am not an evangelist. This is an intellectual forum and not a church

This is what you said"

"Indeed that has made me to rethink whether it is even necessary to go
to the church at all. I'd rather I stay in my house and pray to my God.

God bless.

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"The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of the wise man is
in his heart."

----- Original Message -----
From: Devine Akabutu <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2005 10:52 am
Subject: Re: WHAT A SURPRISE!!! !!!!

> Vera,
> I'm just wondering what part of the world you come from. At least
> in Ghana we've had International and Local Pastors carrying out so-
> called Healing Crusades and collecting moneys from the vulnerable
> in society, all in the Holy name of Christ.
> One Healing Crusade was held at the Accra Sports Stadium in Ghana.
> It was widely advertised on the National TV, and out of curiosity
> I went. Several bowls were passed round and we were asked to empty
> our pockets into them, with a call that whatever we put in would
> be multiplied by the good Lord several fold.
> The house I used to live in in Accra had 2 Healing Churches very
> close by. Can you imagine the noise these two churches make? Loud
> Speakers blaring at full stream. For what? For Healing. They claim
> they have been removing crabs and lizards from the wombs of women.
> When we the residents complain they say the Devil (Satan) is
> working through us. Want to hear more? Every sickness is blamed on
> some witch. And I bet you there are people who will not go to
> Hospital when they are sick. They'd rather go to the Pastors
> house. I can tell you that for sure, because I had been woken up
> in the middle of the night to rush a sick person to a pastor's
> house. The funny aspect was that we even had to pass by a Hospital
> to get to the pastor's house.
> And you know what? The Orthodox Churches - Catholic, Methodist
> etc. have also started doing it, because they have been losing
> their congregation in droves to these Healing Churches. They call
> it Charismatic. And its all for money. They don't heal anything.
> Whenever I go to my Church and it's time for Healing Service I
> just sneak out. Indeed that has made me to rethink whether it is
> even necessary to go to the church at all. I'd rather I stay in my
> house and pray to my God.
> Let me tell you this story. A prominent Evangelist once came from
> the US to Ghana for a Healing Crusade. (Benni Hinn or so, I'm not
> sure.) He was coming to heal the blind, the cripple, the deaf etc.
> His Ghanaian counterparts arranged for him to meet then President,
> JJ Rawlings. When he called on Rawlings, Rawlings had only one
> question for him - "Are there not blind people in America? And
> have you finished healing them by restoring their sights?" No
> convincing answer. Ray Charles died blind. Stevie Wonder still
> can't see.
> Pastoral duty used to be a calling. Now it is a vocation. It is
> work. The easiest job one can think of. I don't have to get
> personal, but several Evangelists, Apostles, Reverends etc. in
> Ghana ride in the latest Benz and BMW cars. They fly first class
> and have built for themselves 12+ Bedroom houses/mansions. They
> own several 3-piece suits. Look good. Do pedicures and manicures.
> Need I say more? If Jesus comes back today He would drive them all
> out like he did to those gamblers who turned His Father's House
> into a gambling house.
> There is so much more to say but let me hold fire here.
> Devine
> VERA R CROWELL <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> ** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **
> " He does not say ALL PASTORS. So that still leaves the door open
> for the commercialization of Christianity. "
> Please explain how healing miracles commercialize Christianity.
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