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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
VERA R CROWELL <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:32:21 -0600
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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
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The answer to your question is in the Covenant that God made with
Israel. As long as they kept the Covenant, He was able to deliver them
from the hands of their enemies. When they did not keep the Covenant, He
handed them over. To God, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. This is
still true today. When people enter into covenant with God and actively
keep their covenant, then He can keep them; things and events that
should cause trouble and destruction and death in their lives and the
lives of their family members are stopped, prevented and turned around,
specifically because of the keeping of the covenant.

----- Original Message -----
From: Devine Akabutu <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:46 pm
Subject: Are We Christians (or Moslems) By Accident Of History?

> Hi Fellas,
> Tomorrow, Good Friday, and my people in Keta will parade a huge
> doll, the personification of Judas Iscariot, through the principal
> streets of the town, beating "him" with sticks and throwing stones
> at him. "He" will eventually be dumped into the Sea or the Lagoon.
> Then my people will repair home with the good feeling that they
> have "beaten" Judas ("miefo Yudah"). Come Sunday, and the churches
> will be overflowing with worshippers, with the pastors and
> evangelists at their scheming best.
> But let's pause for a minute and ask "Are we Christians by accident
> of history?" Would we be calling ourselves Christians (or Moslems)
> if China, instead of Britain, had colonised us? Or for that matter
> if Japan, India or Russia had colonised us? The British simply
> brought their religious practices to surplant our own religious
> belief systems, which were branded as pagan. And we all swallowed
> it hook, line and sinker. It failed to penetrate the northern
> portions so Islam ruled in those areas. Ivory Coast is split -
> Muslims in the North and Christians in the South. So is Nigeria.
> More questions. Throughout the Bible God kept refering to the
> Israelites as "My People." Does that mean the Palestines,
> Philistines (Goliath's people), Assyrians etc were not God's
> people? And the mentality that if Isreal won a war then it was the
> work of God. If they lost a war then Gos was punishing them for
> some aberation.
> Think abouit these as you celebrate the death of Christ. But if you
> have the answers to these questions please respond.
> A Blessed Easter To You ALL.
> Devine
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