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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
A Gilliland <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:17:43 -0800
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Part 2 Responses:
  Wow, I can relate to your struggles!  As I understand it, autoimmune disorders tend to come in clusters...so if you have one, it's likely you have (or will develop) others.  That has been the case for me.  I have been GF for years and only recently was officially dx'd with Hashimoto's.  The anti-thyroid antibody test which officially gets you this diagnosis had been negative for many years, even though I just knew I was hypothyroid.  I knew it, but the doctors needed that test result.  That was only half the battle, though.  Once I got the synthroid (T4), my TSH numbers were normal, even though I felt lousy.  I did a lot of my own research and discovered that, contrary to most doctor's training, many people need T3 supplements and that the T4 in synthroid isn't enough to feel better.  I had to be VERY patient and then assertive with my doctor in order to finally get T3 and T4 together.  While I'm not yet feeling great, I noticed an improvement within a couple of hours of my first
 T3 dose.  After nearly two decades of being told that my symptoms were not "specific" and couldn't be related to throid problems, because of my TSH being in normal range, I'm finally improving.  Yes, there is a strong relationship between CD and Hashimoto's.  Good luck!
  I'm glad you are feeling better.  Yes, you can test for Hashimoto's while on thyroid meds- it is a simple blood test looking for anti-thyroid antibodies, which shows that your disease is autoimmune in nature.  You haven't said how long you've been on the meds.  Generally, the antibodies will come down the longer you've been treated.  You probably do have Hashimoto's- most celiacs get this type of thyroid disease if they have thyroid issues.  The antibody test is useful because it gives you a baseline for the antibodies- mine was over 1,000 (it should be zero in a normal person)  I noticed that as my number came down, the thyroid meds seemed to work better and I generally felt more "myself."  It was very hard to get the meds right, and very frustrating for me because I couldn't get my weight down to normal again.  We added Cytomel (T3) and this made a big difference for me.  My last number for antibodies was down to around 200- something, and this has been after 4 years!  

As fas as TSH, more up to date doctors will try and get you around 1.0 to feel your best. although the scale for normal goes higher than this. The treatmant is the same as far as I know for Hashimoto's and all hypothyroidism, but it's good to know about Hashimoto's anyway.  I feel the more info, the better for me!  My doctor feels that a baby aspirin a day can help the antibodies come down, although there is no research to back it up.  Make sure you love your endocrinologist- it really matters- 
I went through a few before I found a good one.  Ask around- ask other 
doctors, they know who's good.  Some were so callous, they made me cry 
at times!  You want one who'll listen and explain things to you.
The best pages I have found are www.paleodiet.com and www.westonaprice.org.
You will find out that you don't need medicine- (in fact this will do more harm than good) - just the right foods.
  I have Hashimoto's and am being treated with a combination of Levathroid (another form of Synthoid) and Armore. I also do not feel well, but I know that I can't tolerate any carbohydrates, another product of damage done by celiac disease. I have a hard time finding anything to eat so I cheat on the no carb diet occasionally and pay the price when I do. I'm GF, CF, Carb Free, and just about everything free. I also have to follow an acid reflux diet. I have just started the combination of the two meds, so don't 
know if the combination will help or not. Anyway, as far as I know the treatment is the same, Hashimot's or acquired hypothyroidism.
    I read your post with great interest as my sister has Hashimoto's and my mom and I are Celiac.  Mom is biopsy diagnosed and has been GF for 19 years and I was diagnosed by response to the GF diet by my gastroenterologist.
  My sister had bloodwork and two needle biopsies that were inconclusive for thyroid cancer.  They told her she could have her thyroid taken out or just keep taking the synthroid and keep an eye on it. She decided to keep the thryoid for now.  She's having a little trouble with heart palpitations so they have been adjusting her dose of medicine.
    Both Hashimoto and Grave's disease can be associated with Celiac.  Usually with Hashimoto you will gain weight.  Grave you will loose weight. The University of Chicago Dr. believes anyone with CD should be tested for both.  It is a one time test. I don't know how being on meds would effect the tests-your Dr. should have the answer to that. If you go to www.gluten.net there is a pamphlet on the site with Associated Autoimmune diseases you can print off.  Plus many other ones of interest.
  Hashimoto's is treated the same as other types of hypothyroidism.  And with 
all hypothyroidism, it may take a while to feel better.  Generally, they titrate your medicine slowly.  When I was first diagnosed, they changed the dosage of my medication very frequently (every 8 to 10 weeks or so) for about a year until my thyroid function tests became stable.  As for antibody testing, they can test for antibodies fairly easily and you can be on meds. I was tested for the antibodies years after being on meds and I still have those pesky antibodies!  The medication just replaces the hormone that you lack, it doesn't make the antibodies go away.  I would press on being tested for the antibodies, I think it's important for you to know whether or 
not your hypothyroidism is autoimmune.
  You need to eliminate casein as well. please go to naturalfoodworks.net
and read my article (search for gluten/casein free diet) on this suject, remembering that Hasimoto's is auto-immune.
  I don't actually understand your interest in Hashimoto's disease because if you had it, you would definitely know that something is wrong.  My primary care provider easily diagnosed it because I became similar to a hypomanic (up) with symptoms resembling bipolar disorder, then Some weeks later my thyroid was basically burnt out and I then needed supplement.  If you had it, people would have asked if you were 
menopausal or manic or pregnant.  the symptoms of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and Bipolar Disorder are very similar.  Lots of people benefit from Synthroid or Armour because the thyroid is no longer functioning at 100%.  I got confirmation with radiation scan and ultimately an endocrinologist in San Francisco who I consulted with 
regarding infertility.  My Celiac was diagnose some 15 years later.

    Since you specifically have mentioned food intolerances and fatigue, I will suggest you look into dysbiosis issues and pancreatic enzymes.  I had numerous problems after being dxed with celiac disease and going gf.  I had hypothyroid, celiac, numerous hormonal problems, pre-diabetic hypoglycemia, and on and on.  Having hypothyroid and celiac does not rule out the possibility of other health problems.  (By the way, once I got a handle on the food intolerances, dysbiosis, and enzyme issues, I found that my hypothyroid issue resolved completely and I no longer require medication.  For me, the underlying problem all along was soy intolerance, which affected my thyroid tsh scores.)
    I have Hashimotos and celiac.  My endocronologist told me that most people who are hypothyroid have Hashimoto's disease (in other words, it's very common).  Apparantly there is a "window" where diagnosing Hashimotos is possible (e.g. when the antibodies are at very high levels), but at some point the antibody levels drop back down and a diagnosis is no longer possible (or necessary).  My understanding is that the main reason to test for Hasimoto's is when someone has symtpoms of hypothyroidism, but their standard thyroid tests are borderline; an antibody test can confirm that an autoimmune thyroid disease is present and that thyroid meds are either needed now (or will be in the future).  For example, my TSH value was about 8, but my antibody levels were about 300 or 400 - - clearly I was on my way downhill.  I'm fairly sure that the treatment is exactly the same whether you have Hashimotos are not. I'm sorry you are struggling.  I was diagnosed with celiac 5 years ago, and didn't
 feel great until 3 1/2 years after my diagnosis - - and I still am not 100%.  Have you ever tried an elimination diet to test for other food sensitivities?  
  I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis as well as biopsy-dxed Celiac.  I had been exhausted for years--had been on Synthroid.  At long last a good doctor referred me to Ohio State University Endocrinology Dept. where I was dxed with Hashimoto's.  During those awful years my TSH levels ranged from 12 to 32!  I was too sick to recognize the need to see an endocrinologist.  My wonderful endocrinologist put me on Cytomel as well as a high dose of Levoxyl to "jump-start" my thyroid.  It took a year for the levels to come down, and now I feel normal.  I see him 2 x year for minor tune-ups.  It has been such a blessing for me to have this illness controlled.  I hope you can keep after it until you find a doctor who will 
help you.  Sorry, but I don't know the specific tests for Hashimoto's.
  If you are on thyroid replacement then you probably have underactive thyroid or Hachimoto's disease.  I do, and there is research that says an undiagnosed celiac will attack the thyroid gland and cause such underactivity.  I have both celiac and underactive thyroid myself. 
  I, too, have Hashimoto's and celiac.  In order to test for Hashimoto's they do an antibody test.  I get ultrasounds done periodically to check the enlargement of my thyroid, and size of nodules.  I would be interested to hear the responses you get, so please summarize.
    I would be interested in the responses you get on this, as I also am Celiac and hyporthyroid. I am also having problems and have a DR appointment on Monday, which I dread, because I feel as though they are looking at a hypochondriac.
  Our daughter was 2 years gf and still only 50% of herself. The thing that turned her around was the specific carbohydrate diet, www.breakingtheviciouscycle.org

I know a lot of people are very aggressive in promoting it, but this kid was almost dead and she is now nearly 100% normal except for the growth spurts which she missed & will never regain.  She is still growing some though even though she is 17&1/2.
  As always, these responses are not intended for medical advice for anyone. Please speak with your physician before altering your diet or medication in any way. 

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