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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Dec 2005 21:41:56 -0800
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone who responded!  This shed some light on symptoms and where sulfites are most commonly a problem.  Best wishes to you all!

-Many people have reactions to sulphites, not just people with CD.  it is in lemon juice and think it naturally occurs in many products including lemons.

-Most wine in the U.S. has sulfites. If anyone names any that are not, I would like to know.

-wine--and salad bars that use preservatives--just as sick as gluten and also hives!

-Check 'sulfite allergy' at www.ask.com
Non-celiac reacts to sulfites, sulfa based antibiotics and also sodium laurel sulfate in lotions, etc. and dishwashing liquid. 

- I have the most problem with sulfites in wines (maybe the combination with alcohol makes it worse?).

-Sulfite reaction is common for celiacs and non-celiacs alike.  So, your reaction is not likely to be related to your celiac reaction.  Here is a link to an FDA page on the subject.  http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/096_sulf.html

-I'm very sensitive to sulfites, but my reaction is different from gluten reactions.  I get itchy skin with sulfites and with daily sulfite exposure I can get hives.  Sulfites are added to a lot of things (wine, coconut, gelatin, some vinegars, FD&C dyes, anything derived from wet milled corn which is a ton of stuff, water softener salt, ...).  There are a lot of people on the sulfitesnomore group that have both gluten intolerance and sulfite sensitivity.  Some are more sensitive than others.  My sulfite sensitivity has improved some on a strict gluten-free diet.  Some good sites are foods with sulfites:

-I totally have a celiac like reaction to sulphites.  Any amount sets off my reaction.

-I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago.  I had trouble with sulfites in such things as wine and sodas (I think)  for about the first 6 months after my diagnosis.  Since then, I can tolerate sulfites just as well as any "normal" person.  So, it may be a temporary problem.  

- I can tell the difference between my sulfite allergy and celiac symptoms.  I just figured everyone could, but maybe I am wrong.  I get severe head pain above one of my eyes and sometimes eye problems,  and dizziness when I have sulfites.  I often get a migraine headache with sulfites.  With gluten, I get burning sensations, asthma, indigestion, different kind of headache, etc, etc.....

Just enter a search online with the words "sulfite allergy" and it will bring up loads of info, including the foods to avoid.  (A long list, but I don't have to avoid all personally.  Just the ones like wine and grapes, that are particularly high in sulfites.)  Oh, and another thing, remember that eating several sulfites in a meal adds up too, so you will want to avoid that.  Some people can take supplements B6, molybdenum, and I forget the other one, which will make them better able to handle sulfites.  I thought it helped me (however, I just take the B6 and molyb).

-Wine that contains sulfites makes me wheeze a whole bunch. The solution is that if I want wine it has to be organic. That's not typically the reaction that gluten give me. So, in answer to your question: no, wine with sulfites does not produce the same reaction in me as does gluten. 

-I got the impression that sulfites are something that can bother anyone and it didn't have to do with Celiac.   Red wine contains sulfites. 

- We found out the hard way. Our kitten ate some bacon and got seizures. It was horrifying.There are nitrates in certain BBQ chickens at some food stores and a lot of luncheon meats and sausages. Labels would indicate.

-I am allergic to sulfites.  I have known I was allergic since as a young child, probably the first time they tried to give me an antibiotic, like Bactrim, that contains sulfa.  I get airway swelling, lips puff up, probably could lead to real difficulty breathing or worse.  Wine has sulfites in it naturally - Frey vineyards make a red wine with no detectible sulfites.  The white brands do contain sulfites naturally but frey does not add any sulfites.  Wines made into wine coolers and sweetened and processed almost always have added sulfites, much to my disappointment.
Sulfites are in many things, you will be shocked when you start looking, but I am sure I am getting small amounts in some things and don't seem to have a major reaction that I am aware of, but I know I cannot take meds that have sulfa in them.  I try and keep to a pretty unprocessed food diet so I keep away from most preservatives and dyes.

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