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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Jun 2005 10:49:58 EDT
text/plain (22 lines)
Hello all:

A quick plea to watch how much stuff you quote in your emails, for the sake
of those of us who receive our list in digest form - which means one long email
with all the posts in it together. Quoting is a great way to keep the
discussion flowing and readable, and I know that for the regular email recipients
it's necessary to keep the thread, but most of the time a few lines will do it.

The kicker was the email from Dr. Anil Maheshwari, with the subject "please
remove me from your list"; it contained not a single line of body copy - but
did quote somewhere around 75 lines of text from several completely unrelated
posts. And then, two items later, one Becky Haraldson also sent a "please remove
me from your list" email - and quoted Dr. Maheshwari's *ENTIRE* email, all
75+ lines, again! All totally content-free.

Please remember that the digest readers are scrolling through all these
copied posts again, and again, and again, to read all the current posts - which
mostly takes up time, which no one has enough of. Also, I think it's a storage
issue for the list managers. So if possible, please quote just the significant
On behalf of the endlessly-scrolling digest readers, thanks -